
Multiverse: The True JUSTICE

What would happen if a battle between cosmic entities opened a rift in the sea of ​​souls, and what would happen if he is traveling while fragments of essences join him while he arrives in a world very different from his it is obvious, he will bring true justice and peace to those who deserve it. if you want what happens see the next chapter of Dragon ball Z is a joke but I don't speak English and although I've studied it I don't know so much and I use a lot on the translators and that’s is all, have a good day (please don't judge before reading chapter 11) The image is not my Warning: this story have bad words, and a typical stuff how can happend In a place like Gotham, I am not really sure about written this but I trie to write a good story, yea better I no written more because I fell crazy but the sanity is overrated Yeah is a omniverse story I already have several worlds planned but if you want to make a suggestion do not hesitate to do so First world[my hero academy AU] Second world [my hero academy but the original] Third World[Jujutsu Kaisen] fourth world[??????] fifth world[??????] sixth world[??????] seventh world[??????]

Sans_722 · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs

Chapter six: The mind(edited)

Author notes: thanks to the people who read this bad story at this part and please comment what do you think about the history

And I call in the story the building or the main house of Izuku "mojo dojo casa house"


~~~mojo dojo casa house of Izuku 23:46~~

Well, 'shit' Izuku thinks as he watches Tsustumi glare at him.

"Uh, well Eri seems to be doing better than I predicted" Izuku says as he sees Eri sleeping in Tsutsumi's arms

"She literally believes that she is cursed and knowing that her captor is dead thanks to YOU ​​is not going to do more than make her believe things like killing is the solution"

She says looking at Izuku

"You think that's going to make her feel good, in the short term it can help her but in the long term it can be somewhat problematic, the fact that a robot says something like that to her so suddenly"

"Sooner or later he was going to find out, and that way he's going to have fewer nightmares" argues Izuku

Tsutsumi looks at him and says "yes, however, it's better to tell her when she's more mature, she may not even understand what death is properly now"

"Well, well, it can be, however, that's what you're here for"

"If I'm here to control a psycho obsessed with killing villains, I understand the fact that you kill some but the fact that you kill more than 4,000 people just because you see them as bad is not good for anyone" says tsutsumi while adopting a protective stance towards Eri

"I understand if you want to be alone with Eri but I can't stop" says Izuku with determination but for the first time showing some pain on his face as if he had a burden that no one else can have.

"How many more you will kill to bring your justice, how many more you will kill until your madness ends, how many more eh" say Kaina with some concern

"I don't know FUCK, I DON'T KNOW" Izuku says through tears while Tsutsumi looks at him surprised and Eri wakes up and she sees him a little nervous while she clings to Tsutsumi

But Izuku continues talking "but in the moment i stop those demons they will attack other people the moment, in the moment i stop everything I've worked for will be in vain and even though I try not to kill I can't help it, YOU wouldn't understand" Izuku says while pointing to Tsutsumi "what it's like to see the fucking psychotic clown that kills you every time I go out to fight, I see what will happen, I see that, I can create a perfect world like I once did" Izuku says without being able to stop his tears

"I can do it, I just need time and training," Izuku says, then Izuku collapses in a chair while clearly seeing how he is deeply tired and mentally exhausted, however, despite this he still maintains an intimidating appearance and aura that any normal person would want to escape immediately after seeing Izuku(after all a wounded animal is always the more dangerous) but before he can continue speaking Eri runs to him.

"Eri wait" says Tsutsumi

"Calm down, you're fine now" Eri says as she hugs Izuku

Izuku bends down and hugs her back as she says "sorry, I just need to meditate and sleep to be fine" then you can see a tear about to come out in Izuku's eye, however, before anyone notices, Izuku simply stops it from coming out.

"I think now we are two murderers" Tsutsumi says and he resigns himself to patting Izuku on the back

~~~POV Tsutsumi~~~

Yeah I never expected Izuku to be so screwed in the head, but in his defense a guy who creates that kind of technology needs some sanity, right?

Well it turned out that she was wrong "Alice can you tell me something so how I can help Izuku"

"I'm sorry but by orders of my creator I can only tell you the public knowledge about him"

"Then I'm going to ask him so you tell me where he is now"

"Well, it's in his meditation room, which is on the 3rd floor at the end of the corridor to the right, as for whether he decides to let you in, it's up to him" Alice warns.

"Heh sometimes I wonder if staying in Tartar would have been better" Tsutsumi mutters(I would actually rather kill than go back there but I would never admit it.)

~~~in Izuku's meditation room~~~

'Just a little more and my lives will come together and we will be more dispersed, come on I'm not Jason, I'm not Otto, I'm not exactly Oliver or Izuku either, you're the best of them all' he says to himself

'You know that you must seek revenge and your ego' his mind whispers to Izuku

'No none of these will give me the result I want, not the world I want I need to know who I am but I am not even a human being anymore who was born naturally, my birth caused the death of my mother and several other people'

'I want to be human, but is that really what I have to be?'

'You are being too affected by the protagonist syndrome' his mind whispers again and this time with good reason

'Certainly I am not special or some kind of child of chaos I am a man with a dream and ambition that is almost impossible to achieve'

'I am Izuku Midoriya, the genius who will save lives, I am not the Izuku Midoriya who idolized heroes in spandex, no more, I am not going to cling to my memories of my past lives, I am no longer going to cling to being what they could not be because I'm not them' while he thinks that Izuku manages for the first time to bring his all blades but he doesn't even call them they come by themselves and they seem different now they are more solid and radiate energy that he recognizes as the one that brought him into this world

"Wow, I almost don't recognize them anymore" Izuku says with a little smile and he tries them a bit but before he can contain he hears someone knock on the door

*knock* *knock*

"Alice open the door" he says as the doors open on their own and he sees Tsustumi

"I guess you're feeling better than yesterday" she says as he approaches and Izuku sits on the ground.

"You know nothing about you makes sense, the jokes that you died, the clear hatred towards clowns, the crazy science things what do you do" *sigh* "and I would appreciate it if you open up a bit, you know talking to someone always helps" says Tsustumi while sits next to Izuku

"Even if I told you something, you wo uldn't understand it, although you could take me for crazy" says Izuku with a calmer voice and full of peace

Tsutsumi thinks 'does it look more complete? No it's not that it's like he accepted himself, it seems like he didn't need my help that much '

"Well try me" Tsutsumi says as he lies down on the synthetic grass what's the floor

"Well actually when the incident that killed my mother happened I remembered parts of my past lives" says Izuku half lying

Tsutsumi sits up and looks at him with a shocked face and says "it makes surprisingly more sense than any theory I've ever had, your combat skills, your weird technology and the fact that you don't act like your age" Tsutsumi says while looking at him still not completely believing him but even if he didn't believe him he wouldn't tell him this as it would only further damage his mental state

"Wow that's the first thing you say and I thought you were going to take Eri and escape from here" says Izuku half joking

"But well it's time, I would appreciate it if you went to take care of Eri because it's time to finish my experiments as an evil scientist"

"Sure genius" Tsutsumi says as he laughs a little and walks away

"Well Alice brings the serums that will grant me regeneration and adaptation" (A / N: the adaptation that I think is not so broken is more than anything so that she does not die by her own powers)

"Understood, sir," Alice says as two robots arrive, each with a needle.

'Well, it's time to prepare to take the demon lord's throne and put an end to the modern Nazis,' Izuku thinks with a determination without hatred and only a pure desire to bring a better future.

~~~a day later~~~

"What is Midoriya-san doing Tsutsumi-chan?" Eri asks.

"Well some mad scientist, Alice could you tell us what is Izuku doing now "

"he is gaining superhuman abilities through serums he created years ago."


"What does Alice-san mean by that serum, Tsutsumi-chan?" Eri asks.

"Just think of it as some kind of substance that is meant to grant something to a certain person" Tsustumi

"And what do you mean by substance, Tsutsumi-chan"

"Well, that is .....

~~~With Izuku~~~

"Muahahahhaaha muhahahahah" *cough**cough*

*Sigh* 'evil laughter is not good for your throat' Izuku thinks

"Well Alice, how fast is my regeneration" Izuku says as he sits in a chair surrounded by computers and cables that connect to unknown places giving a sinister appearance

"Well sir, as long as your brain is not completely destroyed you will be able to live, you can regenerate an arm in 10 seconds and you can even theoretically regenerate parts of your brain"

"Well, well, well it's time, Alice my all blades radiate the same energy as incident zero right?"

"Yes sir"

'So theoretically I could create "fissure" towards other worlds' thinks Izuku

"Alice" said Izuku becoming serious

"Yes sir"

"Track all for one and send the information to my dad that the fissure from which lightning struck is from the multiversal or the omniverse" Izuku thinks with his mind at a thousand per hour thinking of all the possibilities

'I'm going to take a break while Alice tracks down all for one' Izuku thinks

"And Alice prepares my robots and machines to investigate the "fissure"

"With Eri's quirk I could return her to her previous state so we can figure out how to make portals to travel through the omniverse" Izuku says with a hysterical voice while he can barely believe that he has the opportunity to go anywhere so near and far at the same time. time

*sigh* "well I should calm down I shouldn't risk going to that place without first getting all for one and one for all, and finish cleaning this world"

"Yes that would be ideal but tracking all for one is going to take a while after all that guy has enough resources, even though he has weakened" and finishing his last thoughts Izuku decides to go see Eri While a voice in his head tells him 'don't waste time, you could kill the whole army of nazis now and then they're not going to make a move for now'

Think Izuku already accepting his madness while walking to the 2nd floor where Eri and Tsutsumi are

"Well, what could I give Eri?, Alice is already sending herself to make a chocolate cake for dinner" Izuku thinks with a smile as if he had not collapsed on the brink of madness yesterday and was constantly considering bombing the entire place where is the meta liberation army

*sigh* "I hope Eri doesn't fear me"

"Sir, I inform you that Eri cares more about you than the fear she has of you"

"I think that's good haha" Izuku says as I open the door to see Tsutsumi reading a story to Eri

"Hello Tsutsumi and unicorn princess" Izuku says smiling while inside he fears that Eri will push him away (not that he remembers the families he had in her past lives)

"Izuku-san, what are those s-serums that Alice-san said"

"Oh those nothing from the other world are like quirks but they are not quirks since they do not occupy the quirk gene, but both give superpowers" says Izuku

"What is a g-gen Izuku-san" Eri asks as she looks at Izuku with curious eyes.

"A gene is a particle of genetic material that, along with others, is arranged in a fixed order along a chromosome, and that determines the appearance of hereditary characteristics in living beings"

Eri looks at him even more confused and says "I don't understand" while she makes teary eyes.

"I am dumb?" Eri says on the verge of crying

Tsutsumi tells Eri quickly "no, no, don't think that, it's just that you learn these things as you grow up"

Izuku adds as he sits next to Eri with a nervous smile "Yes, it's just that sometimes from thinking so much logically I don't see the simplest things like that you're too young to tell you this as if you were a client to whom I was selling a temporary serum"

"Really?" says eri

"Yes" Tsutsumi and Izuku say at the same time

"Then you can teach me to be smart like you Izuku-ni-chan?"Eri says with eyes filled with an excitement for learning that can only be seen in the naivety of a child.

"Sure" Izuku says as he feels happy to have someone other than his dad

"Sir, I inform you that his father took a flight and is coming to visit you"



"What happened" Eri says innocently.

~~~End of the chapter~~~

Author notes: this is all but is very difficult writing about Eri because she is more younger that the anime version, i don't know what say now so have a good day and tell me about my writing mistakes