
Multiverse: The True JUSTICE

What would happen if a battle between cosmic entities opened a rift in the sea of ​​souls, and what would happen if he is traveling while fragments of essences join him while he arrives in a world very different from his it is obvious, he will bring true justice and peace to those who deserve it. if you want what happens see the next chapter of Dragon ball Z is a joke but I don't speak English and although I've studied it I don't know so much and I use a lot on the translators and that’s is all, have a good day (please don't judge before reading chapter 11) The image is not my Warning: this story have bad words, and a typical stuff how can happend In a place like Gotham, I am not really sure about written this but I trie to write a good story, yea better I no written more because I fell crazy but the sanity is overrated Yeah is a omniverse story I already have several worlds planned but if you want to make a suggestion do not hesitate to do so First world[my hero academy AU] Second world [my hero academy but the original] Third World[Jujutsu Kaisen] fourth world[??????] fifth world[??????] sixth world[??????] seventh world[??????]

Sans_722 · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs

Chapter five: the fuckings birds (edited)

Author notes: I tell a friend about my story and I see the name of his user is realtilina or in spanish tilinareal….. ok this is strange


~~~Lady Nagant POV~~~

*sigh* 'It's been so long since I could sleep and eat like this, so Lady Nagant now you're going to work with a teenage fucking mad scientist, yes a much better change to being with the hero commission' and with those thoughts lady Nagant going to see the robot outside his door

"Then spider, would you guide me to where my new equipment is?"

"Of course" Alice answers causing Lady Nagant to realize that she forgot that Alice was obviously going to be connected to all the robots.

So, following the spider robot walking, Lasy Nagant decides to ask "and your creator if he is powerful enough to fight against all might because he wants my help, because I don't believe the babysitting thing"

"Whether you want to believe it or not, you are my creator's best option to help that girl because due to her quirk everyone in the government will want to use her and any hero who allies with my creator will end up betraying him because my creator plans to kill everyone, so you are one of the few people who can help Eri, protect her and not betray my creator for killing the yakuza" and with this said they arrive at a room that is 10 meters high with a purple suit and boots futuristic look with a rocket pack that looks more advanced than I-Island's technology

"Wow Midoriya has no qualms about equipment," Lady Nagant says as she inspects the equipment.

"And what do these things Alice"

"The suit in general has the ability to protect from bullets and cutting attacks, however the boots have the ability to allow you to walk on walls and the backpack allows you to fly using the same type of energy that was used to seal all might, too It has smoke bombs, medical equipment and lastly, it keeps a pair of glasses that will help you see further, have thermal vision and analyze the battlefield in a more optimal way, as well as warn you about enemies that are approaching you and I can give you advice in battle as long as you let me"

"Well then, what will my share of this ransom be?" says Lady Nagant as she tries on the glasses.

"You will wait on the plane and when the signal is given you will take Eri to the plane and take care of her while Izuku destroys the yakuza"

"Yes, your creator is crazy, but if he can take on all might I wouldn't be surprised if he took down the yakuza all by himself" says Lady Nagant as she puts on her suit

"Well it's time to try these things"

~~~With Nighteye~~~

'Shit, shit, shit, in the end "the hunter" beat all might which was not in my prediction and the only other person who has done this is Midoriya Izuku the genius who healed all might'

"Now that I think about it, Midoriya could be "the hunter" since he has the resources to create a suit like that and the intelligence to do it but their personalities do not fit unless he has multiple personalities or some kind of disorder which seeing his story It is probable"




"Go ahead" while Nighteye says this the director of U.A Nezu enters with all might and power loader

"I am sorry for the circumstances we find ourselves in but we need to catch "the hunter" as soon as possible"

"We understand Nighteye" Nezu says as he sits down and pulls out a cup of tea seemingly out of nowhere.

"However, do you already have a suspect or is there something you've seen about with your Quirk" Nezu says with a twinkle in his eye.

"I already have an estimated profile, thanks to the fact that in the original future all might beat him, however from what we know he didn't even try his best to defeat all might and the only one who has done this before is "Midoriya Izuku" who also It matches the information I saw with my quirk that said it was quirkless, he wasn't more than 16 years old and besides he's probably the only person who can create a mecha of that level"

"Mmmhhh so from what you say, Midoriya Izuku is the great watchman who has been all over the news, only we have no evidence" Nezu says, causing everyone to be in an awkward silence.

Power loader decides to interrupt the silence and says "well, I can say that Midoriya equipment is better than anything I've seen on I-Island and in my life, although those solid rays that come out of your wrists seem like an improved version of a capture net that I saw in the safety of I-Island, and their rays that captured all might according to the scanners work on the basis of gravity"

"Well putting aside their crazy equipment according to what we have seen it is very likely that the yakuza will attack, however we are not sure where the main base of the yakuza is located so if you allow me all might I will check your future once you see more" Nighteye says as he stands up and touches all might on the shoulder

"Surely now heroes come, they attack me but when these sadists tortured a girl they never appeared they are incompetent and only trust their quirks when science and technology can overwhelm them, pathetic"

Suddenly as Nighteye was standing there he collapses to his knees on the ground.

*heavy breaths* "I don't know how this happened but I could only see it for a few moments I couldn't even fully occupy my quirk" says Nighteye between gasps

"Oh this is much more interesting well let's prepare according to what he saw" say Nezu with a smile

~~~Izuku POV~~~

"Sir, I recommend you rest if you continue like this, you won't be in optimal condition for tomorrow" Alice tells me while I try to summon my all blades

"I know, however, the only reason I haven't injected myself with the serums I've created to permanently improve myself is because my soul-body hasn't stabilized yet, but when I unlock the all blades again it will be the sign that I've finally stabilized. and I'll be able to reach my full potential, and just a few more weeks and I'll reach heights that I never could as Jason or otto"

~~~A day later at 21:47~~~

"Lady Nagant already reviewed the report that Alice left you" says Izuku while he has his mecha armor already equipped, only without covering his face while he looks at the yakuza base from the rear entrance of the plane ready to jump

"I've already read it three times but if we're going to work like this, better call me Tsutsumi, hearing that stupid name of a hero all the time makes me sick" says Lady Nagant with the new equipment they provided her while sitting in the center of the plane

"Then it's time to hunt birds" Izuku says as he puts on his helmet and prepares to jump in and take down the yakuza until Tsutsumi tells him

"You know, I know you're a mad scientist and all, but if you're going to be so dramatic or make jokes like that, you better not say them," Lady Nagant says as she rolls her eyes at him.

"But if I don't make these comments I'm going to look like an emo or even worse I'll look like Batman and I never want to look like that guy, that he is an even more idealistic hero than all might"

"Fair point, but you could do them you know when you're in action, not now since you seem crazy saying that to yourself, imagine saying something like that when it was just you and your A.I That would be even weirder."


"Wait did you do that?" Says Tsutsumi as she looks at him a little concerned for her partner's sanity.

Izuku turns his head without looking at her and throws himself towards the base, Izuku feel the wind rushing through her body as her descend thousands of meters per second as her admire all the beauty of the city and prepare to make it truly a city in peace as he fires a plasma beam at the ceiling as he yells "FREEDOM MOTHERFUCKERS"

And when he lands shaking everything he sees two birds in shock (Overhaul and Chronostasis) while they see their strongest members turned to ashes

Overhaul quickly ducks to touch the ground so he can use his quirk while Chronostasis tries to get his quirk to hit Izuku but as that happens a gravity beam comes out of his left hand to seal Overhaul and with his right he shoots Chronostasis in the face killing him instantly

"You're too deranged trash to die so easily overhaul" Izuku says as he cuts off his arms and saves some of the Overhaul's blood


"Pathetic" and with those words Izuku puts a device on Overhaul's forehead

That transmits electricity throughout your body


*shh* "Don't worry, Overhaul, you're going to suffer this for only ten minutes and then you'll die so be a good yakuza and see how your beloved organization ceases to exist" and with those words Izuku leaves the room as he sees several yakuza running while he look with surprise

Then one of them tries to attack him from behind only to be killed by a bolt of lightning that came out of his back.

"Calm down guys in hell you won't feel cold" Izuku says with a voice distorted by his helmet that froze their hearts with a fear that few people can even imagine


Screams and explosions is the only thing Eri can hear, she is scared after all she only knows that there are loud noises she still doesn't even know it's an explosion since growing up in isolation and not even being 5 years old obviously causes the poor girl to not have an idea of ​​the name of many things

Then there is only silence for a few minutes until….



Eri yells as she sees a terrifying man in a large metal suit? Honestly Eri doesn't understand but it looks scary and she also sees a woman looking at her with an expression on her face that she doesn't recognize even though her lips are curved up, Eri wonders how to make that expression

"Calm down girl everything will be fine" says the woman as she approaches slowly and with the kindest eyes that Eri has ever seen in her life

"B-but what about Overhaul" Eri says as she fears the fate of this kind-eyed woman

The robot man looks at her and says "he can't do anything to you anymore, he died"

So Eri doesn't understand the bad man that she always made everyone look helpless is no more, she can't understand it and her small body collapses while she cries without understanding anything but she keeps crying until the woman hugs her

"Calm down, cry all you want shh"

"Calm down Eri now I will protect you"

~~~3 minutes ago(mostly Tsutsumi's point of view) ~~~

"Tsutsumi you can come now, I kill everyone" says Izuku with a neutral voice

"On my way "boss"" Tsutsumi says with a bit of mockery in his voice as he grabs his backpack to fly down until he lands through the hole Izuku made.

"Follow the path that is in your glasses, there is Eri, I'll open it and you'll talk to her" Izuku says, sounding for the first time since he saw him tired, something that even when he fought with all might he didn't see because of what must be fatigue mental Tsutsumi thought as she run to the door

"Well it seems it's tim,e let's go" says Izuku as he breaks the door as soon as Tsutsumi arrives

Then Tsutsumi sees a girl who is emaciated and too fragile to be a girl, she should be with her parents playing and running, Tsutsumi thinks, so Tsutsumi tries to make her face kinder and says "Calm down girl everything will be fine" he says as he approaches slowly and sees the girl look at her with uncertainty and a hint of curiosity

"B-but what about Overhaul" says the girl while looking at her fearing for her fate 'it seems that she has a big trauma I'm going to have to calm her down little by little' then when she is going to speak Izuku interrupts her

"He can't do anything to you anymore, he died" And when she hears that, Tsutsumi promises herself to hit Midoriya when Eri isn't looking, it's because she doesn't know how to deal with victims, oh right, she's kind of crazy, she almost forgot

And he sees Eri break down crying so he rushes over to hug her as she says:

"Calm down, cry all you want shh" while stroking she head "Calm down Eri now I will protect you"

~~~End of the chapter~~~

Author notes:

I think this fan fic is go to receives less readers but is a good notice.

The reason why Izuku recent is using his mecha and don't use before is because he doesn't wanna depend of his and recover his skills

And the reason why Izuku says Eri Overhaul Is died is because he compared she situation with he situation with the joker and he wants to hear the joker is died in that time and for that he thinks the better for Eri is know the dies of Overhaul