
Multiverse: The True JUSTICE

What would happen if a battle between cosmic entities opened a rift in the sea of ​​souls, and what would happen if he is traveling while fragments of essences join him while he arrives in a world very different from his it is obvious, he will bring true justice and peace to those who deserve it. if you want what happens see the next chapter of Dragon ball Z is a joke but I don't speak English and although I've studied it I don't know so much and I use a lot on the translators and that’s is all, have a good day (please don't judge before reading chapter 11) The image is not my Warning: this story have bad words, and a typical stuff how can happend In a place like Gotham, I am not really sure about written this but I trie to write a good story, yea better I no written more because I fell crazy but the sanity is overrated Yeah is a omniverse story I already have several worlds planned but if you want to make a suggestion do not hesitate to do so First world[my hero academy AU] Second world [my hero academy but the original] Third World[Jujutsu Kaisen] fourth world[??????] fifth world[??????] sixth world[??????] seventh world[??????]

Sans_722 · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs

Chapter seven: slice of life?(edited)

Author notes: I think the world of the smurfs is really underrated because the magic of smurfs it's like a reality control when gargamel use, he use to transform a person in a animal, creat a mini tornado and even created life, etc. With only the beard of the smurfs dad

And thanks for the comments, i appreciate constructive criticism


"Well then what do we do" Tsutsumi says to Izuku while feeding Eri a piece of chocolate cake

"Mmmhhhh" Eri says as she savors the chocolate with stars in her eyes

"Well I could enable the subway or make them fake identities while I make you a fake face and a wig so you can live with Eri outside while I'm with my dad" says Izuku

"Yes, definitely the second option" says Tsutsumi while he tastes the chocolate cake

"Mmmmhhhh, this is pretty good" says Tsustumi

"He, of course it cost more than 1,000 dollars since it was made with a special quirk"

Tsustumi upon hearing this almost spits out the paste and rolls her eyes "sometimes I wonder if I should have made better use of money and not just train or work"

"Well, it's never too late to enjoy life" Izuku says while eating a piece of cake

"Yes..." Tsutsumi says thoughtfully.

"Then why can't I see your dad Izuku-ni" Eri says with some sadness.

"Well, he... he's going to be sad if he meets you and then he has to leave after all, you're sweet" Izuku says while smiling and for a moment he sees Tim, which he ignores as best he can.

"Sir, do you want me to prepare the house for Tsustumi and Eri?" Alice says

"Sure, and what color do you want your new hair Tsustumi" says Izuku

"Make it black so I won't be noticed" says Tsutsumi as he finishes his meal

"Alice prepares the house for Tsustumi and Eri with her new face and wig for tomorrow at 5:00 AM"

"Understood sir"

Tsutsumi turns her head towards Eri and says "well Eri we have to go to sleep because tomorrow we have to leave early"

"But Izuku-ni isn't going to come with us?"

"Calm down Eri, it won't be more than a few days" says Izuku trying to reassure her

"Okay but Alice-chan will be with us?"

"Obviously" Izuku says while holding back a laugh and Tsustumi looks at him in a slightly more affectionate way.

~~~the next day at 8:00 A.M at in the mojo dojo casa house~~~

"Well dad you look good" Izuku says as he looks at his dad with bags under her eyes

"Hahaha you're funny my son, now tell me what is your relation with "the hunter of sins" and I'm not stupid Izuku " says Hizashi looking at Izuku with serious eyes

"Hey dad, calm down"

"The time you came out is the same time he appeared" says Hizashi.


"And he occupies technology that I have amazingly seen you build"


"So tell me Izuku... you provide your equipment to "the hunter of sins" says Hizashi while looking into his eyes

"Well, it was obvious that you were going to find out, but it is true, although it is also true that I have investigated and the information that I send you is very likely to be true"

"And what, do you expect me to let you investigate all this while I know that knowing you will try to conquer other worlds to bring them to what would be your perfection *sigh* Izuku I know I'm not a genius like you but I'm not stupid and I know what you plan to do It can be disastrous. Imagine if there is some kind of deity who sees you and decides to kill you because you are not from their world."

"I know, that's why I'll send "the hunter of sins" while I investigate, imagine the infinite possibilities and the infinite disasters, it could save lives and see worlds at peace, like…. It should be a world that has heroes, not like it is now that seems more racist than people in the 19th century." Hizashi looks at him tiredly and says

"You're a kid, Izuku, you should play video games with your friends or worry about your grades, not try to solve problems of the world, much less in something like the multiverse, that's absurd and it's only going to end very bad Izuku" Hizashi says while Izuku looks at him with a defiant way

"Izuku playing the hero in a place with infinite possibilities will never end well, please just forget about it and for once in your life give up one of your goals" Hisashi tells him as he sits down.

"I'm sorry dad but if I don't continue I won't be able to live with myself" Izuku says as he leaves

"Hey, you're too stubborn Izuku and I know that's why when you need me you'll know where to find me" Hizashi says as he leaves to his room and he thinks 'if only I could just tell him not to do it like a father when he forbids his son something but I know that won't even be a hindrance to Izuku'

~~~half an hour later~~~

"I thought you were going to be more insistent that he stop with this one, didn't you Alice?" Says Izuku sitting in the center of his laboratory.

"Well sir, if it were up to him I would forbid you to continue with that investigation, but he knows that you are going to continue anyway and even if the whole world tries to stop you, you will take them down anyway, even in the best of cases they will only delay you a few weeks, and his father knows this very well"

"Yes, sometimes I forget that my dad is smarter than several geniuses"

"Sir, I inform you that I have located all for one but to make sure it is his true location it will take me half an hour"

Izuku gazes at the ceiling while saying "prepare the super mecha and the mind control device" (A/N: this mecha is more like the canon all might but with a more iron man style design but is strong enough to fight against all for one and tomura from the canon at the same time, and the mind control one is like the one Otto occupies to change bodies with Peter but modified)

"Well, well, well, I hope that curing all might will help so that when I take one for all it will be more powerful"

"And if my theory is correct and all for one grows or evolves with one for all and forced all for one to awaken it could manipulate not only quirk but also all kinds of meta abilities or energies"

"Hehe, all for one is undoubtedly a skill that possesses infinite potential just like one for all, and the two together would be a weapon that could eventually defeat even beings like superman, although it would take several centuries and that's in the case of superman not gets more stronger"


"A part of me is excited to be so close to obtaining so many powers and another part of me is outraged what a dilemma, well the meta liberation army will be perfect to practice with all for one"

"Sir, your suit is ready."

"Alice, do everything possible so that my dad doesn't find out that I came out even if you don't exaggerate" Izuku says as he stops and admires his wick that came out of the ground through a circular gate

"Yes sir"

"What a beauty, although it's a pity that I can't use it often" says Izuku as he approaches the mecha that looks like a fusion between the all might mecha and the MCU hulkbuster

The mecha then opens allowing Izuku to enter the suit while the suit closes and covers Izuku with his "work" suit under the mecha.

"Alice the parameters are in order?"

"Yes sir, everything is in order, however I have to warn you that all for one is with his doctor, a chimera and a man who, according to what I have investigated, has a disintegration quirk"

"Give me the data on the disintegration type and the chimera" Izuku says as he goes to the roof of his building "and also activate the suit's camouflage mode for the next 5 minutes"

"Of course, sir, the chimera has a danger level of 7 because theoretically it can cut someone with its portals, Tenko Shimura is the subject with the disintegration quirk, however, he is very immature and impulsive, so he only has a danger level of 6, although he can grow to level 9, however, he is more immature than many children and his behavior in video games shows it, so as long as he does not touch it with the 5 fingers of one hand, it will not be very difficult to beat"

'Interesting, I should definitely kill the doctor first, I'll have to knock out the shimura with the chimera, but I'll leave them with a tracker in case they escape' Izuku thinks when he reaches the roof and flies to where all for one is.

~~~in the house of people have more madness than the public who thinks it's normal to fight in spandex when bulletproof suits exist~~~

"Well tomura you should be careful going out and meeting this new vigilante after all he was even able to raid tartar"

"Yes sensei, but if he gets in my way he will only end up disintegrating."


"I hope I don't interrupt a father and son meeting" says Izuku as he shoots to kill the doctor with his arms while knocking out Tomura and the chimera, however all for one creates a barrier and quickly counterattacks with air cannon trying to get the battle out of this a place that fortunately was around a forest if it had not killed tens if not hundreds of people

'Machia wake up and come protect me' orders all for one telepathically as he rises to see his enemy only to receive missiles in the back for which he quickly launches lightning from his hands but is surprised to see that the mysterious mecha absorbs it like if nothing

"Wow, I guess the hunter wants to hunt me now" says all for one, almost sure who his opponent is.

"I don't need to hear the words of someone with the potential of a god who loses to a bodybuilder in spandex."

All for one is visibly upset despite not having a face and says "it seems I will have to teach you why everyone is afraid of me"

"I just understood that you are a failure of a demon king" says Izuku as the mecha fires 7 missiles towards all for one but he controls them and returns them to Izuku creating a large amount of smoke

But when all for one was going to attack a detection quirk warns him that an attack is coming so he quickly moves to the left if. However, he did not completely dodge a beam of pure energy that came towards him thus disintegrating his left arm and without having time to breathe a drone from behind shoots some kind of beam that seals him and trying to free himself all for one crushes him with a pulse of psychic energy but as he does so he receives a blow as strong as all might's to the stomach sending him crashing to the ground but before Izuku can relax Gigantomachia arrives to protect his master and yells at Izuku "PAY-"

So while Gigantomachia would have open his mouth, Izuku took the opportunity to fire a missile that made him explode from within.


and with that Gigantomachia becomes a bloody disaster

Then all for one in a last attempt to survive, all for one tries to escape with his teleportation quirk but then an invisible robot appeared on his head while it discharges enough electricity to kill 200 people but only knocks out all for one

Then Izuku comes out of the mecha with his normal suit to fight and takes off his glove on his right hand while he says "Alice controls all for one so that he gives me all the quirks that he has"

"Yes sir" then all for one stands like a zombie that is only still alive due to all the regeneration quirks he has and shakes hands with Izuku while he gives all of his quirks including all for one

Then Izuku kills all for one with some rectangular tubes that destroy the entire body of all for one similar to moonfish but only from his fingers

"Wow so this is having quirks" Izuku says as he plays with them a bit ignoring the carnage around him

"Alice controls the mecha so that it is close to me" and with those words Izuku flies with his quirks to where Tomura and the chimera are


"Shit I was able to control the entire flight well but the landing was a bit complicated" Izuku thinks aloud

"Well now to try to occupy all for one" Izuku says as he goes to the chimera and puts his hand on its head

"Wow this is like seeing some kind of energy inside him but I can't change it but only move mmmhhh, however he has two types of energies that were united, that's why it must be a chimera, he has two artificially joined quirks" Izuku rambles while finally steal the chimera's quirks

Izuku then tries to occupy the newly stolen quirks and succeeds.

"I see because I experimented with energy myself I can understand and manipulate it faster instead with the all for one quirks I have to learn to use them since I never experimented with them, and Alice kill him" Izuku says while the mecha disintegrates the chimera with a energy blaster

'Now let's go with the other guy' Izuku thinks as this time he quickly takes Tomura's quirk and shoots him in the head later

"Let's see" Izuku says as he touches a wall and disintegrates

"I should be able to disable it or it's going to be very inconvenient" Izuku says as he concentrates on trying to push the quirk away from the ones he has active and touches another wall again but this time he doesn't disintegrate.

'Hehe this is easier than I thought or maybe since I never had a quirk it's easier for me to manipulate them since those with unconscious quirks don't feel a difference but since this is new to me I could immediately notice the difference in me'

"Well Alice prepares the mecha to go to my mojo dojo casa house "and prepares the underground to test my new skills"

"And I almost forgot Alice destroy all of the bases of all for one"

~~~End of the chapter~~~

Author notes: I honestly don't know why most don't try to kill the giants from within but please tell me about my writing mistakes and have a good day and enjoy the chapter