
multiverse: gamer system

yuto takahashi died, struggling to the very end. Bad luck had always seemed to follow him since he was young till adulthood, but no matter what happened, he always pulled through with the little luck he had. However, this day, that little luck he had vanished. left to the cold rain, not knowing the second chance he had that awaits him ----WORLDS---- 1.NARUTO 2.FATE 3.RWBY 4. Highschool DxD 5.Aot 6.Black Clover 7. ??? ———————————————————————————— ( A/N: Pretty new to writing, so expect some mistakes here and there. If you have any ideas, comments, or something for the story, then please share them. I don't think my last brainchild could come up with anything. Thank you.) ——————————————————————————–— ANY WORK HERE BELONGS TO THEIR ORIGINAL ARTIST/CREATOR, ANY NAMES HERE ARE PURE COINCIDENCE

ShadowPanda_538 · Anime & Comics
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195 Chs

Ch. 164 The curse of Love

( Yuto Pov )

" Hercules!!" I shouted from across the battlefield as I held my spear.

The followers of Hercules were dead behind me.

I ignored their dead bodies as I moved.

" For Hercul- Ack!!" Before the follower could react, his body was split into two as I gracefully walked through the battlefield.

A blur, that was all I could see and remember as I saw Fer fall in battle.

' Iris. Gamers mind.'

Iris didn't respond, but Gamers mind activated.

I want in the mood for any talks.

' I'm sorry, Aristos, I could not protect her.'

I passed Caenis body that was peirced by many heroes that joined the battle.

' I'm sorry.' Was all I could say as my mind forced down all emotion.

Hercules recovered from my attack.

" Raaahhhh!!!" His shouted reverberated through the battlefield as he rushed toward me with his sword.

I struck my spear into the mud.

'Chidori.' White lighting danced around my right arm as Hercules closed in.

I know this won't peirce him, but it will paralyzed him for a while.

* Swoosh *

I rushed forward and ducked under his swing as I stabbed the chidori I to his stomach, and as I expected, it didn't peirce, but Hercules froze.

I gave Hercules an upper cut and jumped over his body as a steel wire arwpped around his neck.

Before I could add mana, Hercules ripped the wire.

Kicking his knees in as Hercules kneeled onto the ground, I back hand the back of his head before jumping away from his arm swing.

" Phew." I breathed out as solely focused on Hercules.

' The man whose strength surpasses his father, Zeus. Let's see what you have.' I thought as I sidestepped as Hercules rushed past me.

Hercules turned around and threw a punch.

I parried his fist as I used this chance to imbue mana and add God's Bane for Hercules demigod side into the hidden blade.

* Shing! * * Shluck! *

The blade peirced his lungs. Hercules frozed for a second before roaring again.

Unsheathimg the hidden blade as I blocked Hercules' punch, which pushed me back.

Sliding up to my spear.

" Iris, activate Berserkers rage." I ordered Iris as I saw Hercules getting stronger.

' Looks like his survival instincts kicked in. ' I thought as I pulled Enkidu out and wrapped it around my left arm into a gauntlet. And pulled my spear out of the ground.

" Yuuuuuttoooooo!!" Hercules shouted.

" It has been a while, old friend!" I responded as Hercules rushed towards me.

Unknowingly, I smiled at his advancement.

I hear his footsteps coming close as I got ready.

"Spear art: Second Form: Spatial slashes," I said my attack out loud for Hercules.

Hercules has never seen me wield a spear before.

I ducked under his sword as I attacked him from beneath, and as soon as I passed him slashes covered his body, but for him, it wasn't close enough to stop him.

" Raaahhhh!" Hercules shouted once more before I wrapped Enkidu around his arm and pulled it toward me, messing up his balance.

" Space Strike!"

The attack tore through Hercules' leg.

"Spear Art: Fourth Form: Time conversion "

Time froze for a second before multiple slashes covered Hercules.

" Gurack!!! Hercules screamed.

I pulled Enkidu as the distance between us closed as I pushed the spear forward.

"Hearts End." A golden light peirced though Hercules Heart.

" Pheeeww." I breathed out as blood dripped on the floor.

Wrapping Enkidu around Hercules neck and pulled him down, and stabbed the spear through Hercules' mouth.

" Grack!!"

" Didn't I say I'll kill you myself." I coldly looked down at Hercules as his eyes widened before he fell weakly onto the ground.

* Thud * * Shlick *

I pulled the spear out before swiping it to remove the blood.

I deactivated Berserkers rage.

" Sigh." I sighed as I walked towards Caenis.

Caenis was unresponsive as I sat next to her on the floor.

" Yu..to."

" Caenis!" I shouted as I hurriedly brought out a potion.

" Here! drink it." I held the potion up towards her mouth as she drank it.

I didn't know how long I sat there taking care of Caenis.

" Sigh, holy shit! I thought you died." I spoke as I leaned back.

Caenis gave a weak chuckle.

" Did...we win?" She asked.

" Yeah." I said as I looked at Hercules' dead body.

I stood up and dug a grave for Hercules with magic.

As soon as I finished, I stood in front of his grave.

' Rest well, Hercules.'

It was then I remembered Atalanta and Aphrodite.

" Come on, We are going to Thessaly." I said as I carried Caenis and sped up her healing with life force.

" Ugh! Watch it!! It fucking hurts!" Caenis yelled.

" Stop being a baby." I replied.

" I'm not a baby!!" Caenis shouted back.

" Sigh, I should have left you on the floor."

* A few hours later. *

It is morning in Thessaly as I watched the crowd of suitors line up in the foot race.

I stood among the crowd watching with my hood on.

I saw Atalanta beating another suitor who hanged his head in shame.

* Cheers!! *

" Wow! The princess is so fast!" A little girl exclaimed next to me.

I glanced at her as she stared at Atalanta with stars in her eyes.

For some reason, I felt my mood lit up seeing an innocent child admiring Atalanta.

I looked back at the race as everyone made bets only for them to stop when ey realized Atalanta was too fast to compete.

' Now, where are you? Aphrodite.' I thought using the eyes of fate to see the goddess strings.

It was then I saw a golden ribbon attached to a wrapped cloth.

' That Clothe.' I narrowed my eyes at the person holding the cloth using the transparent view. I looked through the cloth.

[ Gamers mind activated ]

' Observe.'

[ Golden apple of immortality] [ Mythical ]

[ Grant's immortality for a limited time]

I walked forward as I grabbed the man's shoulder.

* Shick!* Before he could react, I struck the hidden blade from behind.

The man's eyes widened as he looked at me.

" Aphrodites' dog." I whispered before taking the wrapped cloth and attaching a card with runes on him.

The man tried to grab it only to weakly fall onto the ground.

* Thud! *

The surrounding people managed to see the man fall as they realized he died.

As some of them panicked, I watched from the rooftop as they scattered.

I looked at the golden apple before throwing into my inventory.

I watched Atalanta look at the scene as she approached the body.

And just as she got close, she recognized the card. I jumped down the building and activated the card.

The card teleported to a nearby mountain.

" Yuto." Atalanta turned around as she said my name.

" I thought I recognized that card."

" Atalanta, I -"

" You came." She suddenly hugged me, and I returned with one as well.

Atalanta gripped my robes tightly as she didn't want to let go.

I put down my hood and took off my mask as I looked down at Atalanta.

We locked eyes as Atalanta held my face as she looked at me with warm eyes.

" I forget how beautiful your eyes were." Atalanta spoke, but soon turned her head away as she slowly let go.

I grabbed her hand and kept to my cheek.

" I will be going home." I spoke as Atalanta looked at me.

" Then go. I -"

" Shut up, and just come with me." I responded.

" I can not. I'm sorry. Your home is without me." She gave a sad smile.

" Phineus, he said I would not be able to come with you, but he did say we will meet again."

" Don't listen to him, please, let me take you from all of this."

Atalanta chuckled.

" You said the same to Phineus about Medea, and look what happened." Atalantas eyes looked down as she remembered Medea.

" Sigh, Atalan -" Before I could finish, Atalanta kissed me.

I closed my eyes as I enjoyed the feeling it gave.

Opening my eyes, I saw Atalanta growing a set of lion ears as she fell weakly in my arms.

We continued kissing as we both shed a tear as we embraced each other.

And before I knew it, I held Atalantas head on my lap as she started getting weaker.

" Yuto. "

" Yes?"

" Can you Hum that tune I loved so much."

" Of course."

" Hmm~ Hm~ Hm~ Hmmm~ "

Atalanta looked more lovely as I caressed her hair.

She closed her eyes as she enjoyed the sweet melody.

Remembering the memories that we shared together. And our first meeting.

Atalanta gave a beautiful smile as she laid her last breath.

I gave one last kiss.

I kept humming as I watched the sun set in the horizon.

" Hm~ Hmm~ Hm~ Hm~ Hmmm~"

" A beautiful melody indeed." A voice spoke from behind.

I stopped humming, but I didn't turn to look at them.

" What do you want? Artemis."

Seeing that I wasn't hostile, she spoke.

" Not killing me in revenge? Or are you tired from all the bloodshed?" She spoke.

I heard footsteps approach from behind as I saw her legs covered in a blue robe from my peripheral vision.

She sat down on a nearby rock.

" The golden apple of immortality." She spoke but didn't demand.

" You saved my child from a fate worse than death as she would forcibly be married by that women's scheme."

I didn't speak as I looked at the sunset.

" Sigh, I have watched both of your journeys, and to see it lead here. " She gave a sad sigh as she looked at Atalanta.

" Your love story. It saddens me to see it end here, but I guess every story must come to an end." She looked at the sunset.

" Get to the point." I said.

" I want the golden apple in exchange for Atalanta -"

* Thwack! *

Artemis caught the golden apple.

She stood up before offering two rings.

" With my blessing, I wish the two of you the best in your next life." Then she disappeared.

[ Rings of Artemis ]

[ Blessing of Nature ]

[ Ring of Artemis ]

[ Blessing of Hunt ]

I didn't bother reading the description as I pocketed the rings.

I carried Atalanta towards the forest we first met.

I carried her through a tall grass plain.

" You seem weary traveler."

A large snake poked its head out of the grass.

" Hm? If it isn't the young lad." The snake revealed his large head.

" It's you." I replied.

The snake chuckled but stopped.once he noticed Atalanta.

" You must have quite the journey."

" Yeah, yeah, I did." I spoke before walking again.

" A sad fate." The snake whispered before disappearing into the grass.

As I walked through the forest, I remembered the first time we met

" Do you remember? This is where we first met." I knew she couldn't hear, but I kept talking until I laid Atalanta on a flower bed.

I grabbed her hand as I inserted her ring finger into the ring.

[ Ring of Artemis ]

[ Blessing of Hunt]

( Description - A ring that connects to one another that signals when the other bearer is near. Can be worn in the next life.)

[ Soul bound activated ]

The ring lit up before setting down.

I made a runic barrier from anyone, and anything as I covered the surroundings area in dirt, making it into a hill.

As I covered the area, I left towards the city where Caenis was resting.

* Knock Knock * * Creak *

I opened the door to see no one inside.

* Step step *

I walked in to see that Caenis equipment was still here.

I took out Aristos' mask and left it on the bed for Caenis.

' Hopefully, this will help you in your travels.' I wrote on the note along with the mask before taking one last look at the mask before closing the door.

* Creak * Thud *