
multiverse: gamer system

yuto takahashi died, struggling to the very end. Bad luck had always seemed to follow him since he was young till adulthood, but no matter what happened, he always pulled through with the little luck he had. However, this day, that little luck he had vanished. left to the cold rain, not knowing the second chance he had that awaits him ----WORLDS---- 1.NARUTO 2.FATE 3.RWBY 4. Highschool DxD 5.Aot 6.Black Clover 7. ??? ———————————————————————————— ( A/N: Pretty new to writing, so expect some mistakes here and there. If you have any ideas, comments, or something for the story, then please share them. I don't think my last brainchild could come up with anything. Thank you.) ——————————————————————————–— ANY WORK HERE BELONGS TO THEIR ORIGINAL ARTIST/CREATOR, ANY NAMES HERE ARE PURE COINCIDENCE

ShadowPanda_538 · Anime & Comics
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195 Chs

Ch. 163 Chirons Home, and Hephaestus

( Yuto Pov )

* Flashback *

" It's always the gods with you!!" Atalanta shouted before she walked off.

" Atalanta! We can't just leave her here!" I shouted towards Atalanta.

" Don't you see the things she has caused! the things she has done!? " Atalanta turned around.

" But that was not her fault!-"

" Here, you go again! blaming the gods again!" She replied.

" You know I'm right." I responded.

" After everything we have done together, can't you see that!!? The gods were the ones who tried to make us fear them! They even took Phineus's eyes!" I continued.

" And what of Artemis -"

* Slap * Thuck!*

Atalanta slapped my mask off, and we both looked at each other for a while before Atalanta turned around and left.

I calmly picked up my mask and looked at it in my hands.

" Sigh, I'm sorry." I apologized.

" Can't you just come with?" Atalanta spoke but didn't face me.

I was stuck between a rough place.

On one side, it was to help a girl from the control of the gods, and on the other, it was someone I gave my heart to.

Either I pick my morals or choose my heart.

Hero's heart, it was something so stupid to have.

Hearing no answer, Atalanta walked off.

I watched as Atalanta silently walked away. And I watched her back get smaller.

* Flashback End *

* Creeek! *

I opened the door to an old cabin.

I walked around the house, and a sense of familiarity came to me as I walked toward the end of the cabin to a box.

Opening the box, I found my old stuff.

" Here it is." I calmly spoke as I equipped the assassin creeds robes and braces. As well as the anti magic gloves inside.

Taking one last look in the box, I found it.

" Sigh, after so long."

* Shing! *

I equipped the hidden blade once more.

' Hm? a note?'

I picked up the note and started reading it as I paced around the cabin.

| Aristos, I have heard tales of your journey, and it brings me joy knowing someone like you is out there helping and protecting the people. But I am afraid of your future as the godslayer and its responsibility. I hope you don't lose yourself defying the gods. And I am sorry I could not meet you at this time as my other student Hercules has gone on a rampage on my people, the Centaurs. And I traveled there to offer my help as a hero and a teacher.

Chiron. |

" Sigh, Hercules." I dropped the paper and sat on a nearby chair.

I closed my eyes as I remembered that I had spoken to Hercules. I would be the one to put down if he has gone berserk.

" Oi! " I opened my eyes to see a woman walk through the open door and grab the paper from the floor.

" Caenis." I spoke.

" What are you doing here?" I asked.

" Hoh? it seems ya friend went crazy." She didn't answer the question.

" Why are you here?" I asked again.

" Sigh!" Caenis scratched her head.

" You may not be Aristos! But I know damn well you have Aristos inside of you!" She pointed at me.

" Why now?" I asked.

Caenis smiled.

" Sigh, I thought of blaming you for everything, but I realized I can't get you out of my head, and I want to find peace for myself by helping you." She replied.

Caenis stretched her hand toward me.

" Why help me?"

Caenis smiled and pumped my chest with her fist.

" Because that's what heroes are for, right!?"

Ot was at that moment I smiled, " Thank you." I said before grabbing her hand and pullling myself up.

I was reminded of Aristos and how he would help no matter what happened.

' I guess you affected her as well, Aristos.' I thought as I looked towards the wall to see a bow hunged on the wall.

I went ahead and grabbed it.

" Then let's go." I said.

" Right on!" Caenis shouted.

We both set out once more as we traveled through the lands.

* A few days later. *

" All I could offer is this golden fleece." I held the golden fleece towards the giant blacksmith.

I was at the temple of Hephaestus.

" Hmm, fine. Give me the blood." Hephaestus handed out his large hand.

I gave the God of blacksmithing the blood on his enormous hand.

" I see. You really are the God Killer. " Hephaestus voice reverberates through the temple.

" My fucking ears!!" Caenis shouted as she held her ears.

" Poseidon. I didn't expect his blood. Now the golden fleece."

I threw the golden fleece onto his hands.

" Now, refine the blood for me."

" Yes, yes, but I also want a favor as well." Hephaestus spoke.

I frowned.

" As long as you don't cross the line." I said.

" My wife, Aphrodite, has caused you trouble, correct?"

" Yes. A pain in the ass." I responded.

Hephaestus chuckled.

" Then I am sure you'll enjoy this one. Eryx, the child of Aphrodite and Poseidon-"

"He's dead."

" Hm?" Hephaestus turned around.

" Eryx, the arrogant boxer that thinks he could fight against Hercules but dies from one punch." I explained.

Hephaestus scratched his head.

" I think I was gone for a lot more." He said but shrugged.

" Well, that is fine either way." He said as he poured the blood and the golden fleece into the large furnace.

" Your blacksmithing is higher than mine. You don't mind if I could watch." I spoke.

Hephaestus nodded.

" As a blacksmith, you are welcome to learn." He spoke before focusing on the task at hand.

" I'm going to go deeper in the volcano." I said to Caenis.

" What!!??" Caenis shouted as I realized she could not hear anything.

" Sigh."

Once I get the refined blood of Posiedon, Caenis and I would head towards the Caentaurs land.

Then, towards Thessaly, where Atalanta is holding a foot race for her hand in marriage.

* A few days later. *

" Thank you." I thanked Hephaestus.

Hephaestus nodded.

" Be carefully God Slayer. Aphrodite is planning something against the child of Artemis." I turned towards him.

" And you are telling me this now."

" With your title, I couldn't be sure to trust you. Amd I heard of the journey of the Argonauts along with you and your friend." He responded.

I paused.

" Thank you." I nodded to Hephaestus with he returned one as well.

" Come on, Caenis." I looked toward Caenis.

" Fucking finally! Let's get some action!!" She shouted as she followed me, leaving the volcano.

I chuckled as I walked ahead.

We continued traveling toward where I last heard of Hercules and Chiron.

And the sight wasn't great once I found Chiron.

" Teacher." I unconsciously spoke.

" Ari...stos." Chiron said weakly.

From his wounds, I could tell it was from an arrow a poisonous arrow.

" Cough, Hercules....Hercules...I could not stop him." He spoke.

"I'm....sorry... I don't....think I could make it." He said as I sat next to him.

" It's alright, teacher. I'll stay here for a little longer." I said as I looked at the battlefield filled with dead centaurs.

I told Chiron my adventure and some stories.

" Chuckle, it seems....you changed... a lot." Chiron said Weakly.

" Yeah. it was one heck of a journey." I didn't look at him as I stared at the moon.

Chiron smiled.

Chiron became weaker, and before I knew so much time had passed as Chiron finally passed away.

Caenis didn't say anything even after burying Chiron.

" Come on, let's go find Hercules." I said calmly.

Caenis nodded solemnly.