
multiverse: gamer system

yuto takahashi died, struggling to the very end. Bad luck had always seemed to follow him since he was young till adulthood, but no matter what happened, he always pulled through with the little luck he had. However, this day, that little luck he had vanished. left to the cold rain, not knowing the second chance he had that awaits him ----WORLDS---- 1.NARUTO 2.FATE 3.RWBY 4. Highschool DxD 5.Aot 6.Black Clover 7. ??? ———————————————————————————— ( A/N: Pretty new to writing, so expect some mistakes here and there. If you have any ideas, comments, or something for the story, then please share them. I don't think my last brainchild could come up with anything. Thank you.) ——————————————————————————–— ANY WORK HERE BELONGS TO THEIR ORIGINAL ARTIST/CREATOR, ANY NAMES HERE ARE PURE COINCIDENCE

ShadowPanda_538 · Anime & Comics
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195 Chs

Ch. 165 Side Stories

/// Side Story 1. ///

* Giggle *

Aristos and Yuto are seen giggling as Aristos wrote on Caenis face with a paintbrush.

" Ugh! Wha?" Caenis woke up.

Yuto and Aristos froze as they both sweated bullets.

' Ugh, why is my face wet?' Caenis touched her face and realized it was ink.

She immediately spotted Aristos, who held the paintbrush.

" It...it was - "

" You can't reveal me." Yuto interrupted Aristos.

Aritsos' eyes widened as he looked at Yuto before getting punched in the face.

' Traitor.' Aristos thought as he flew in the air.

Yuto saluted as he watched Aristos fly through the air.

' Yeesh.'

/// Bringing you, a Chibi Aristos passed out on the floor. ///

/// Side Story 2. ///

" Hm?" Aristos noticed something on the floor in the dungeon.

Picking it up, Aristos eyes shined as he immediately wore the mask.

Aristos sneaked behind Caenis as she picked up a worn-out spear.

" Rah!"

" Waaaahhhh!!" Caenis screamed.

" Hahahaha!!"

Aristos and Yuto, who saw the scene, laughed.

With tears in her eyes, she glared at Aristos.

" Ha...haha, I'm sorry!" Aristos tried to apologize but couldn't as he held his stomach.

Caenis rushed towards Aristos.

" Oh shit!" Yuto stepped back as he watched the scene with horror.

This will forever traumatized him forever.

" Gah! Help! " Aristos tried reaching out only for Yuto to slowly phase through the wall behind him.

/// Bringing you a shaking Chibi Yuto. ///

/// Side Story 3. ///

" What do you think?" Aritsos looked towards Yuto.

" I say we blow it." Yuto responded.

Aristos nodded as he attached runes to the huge door.

" Watcha doing?" Caenis noticed Aristos writing on the door.

" Writing." Aritsos replied."

I can see that!!" She shouted.

" But why are you writing!?" She continued.

" Words." Aristos responded too focused on the runes.

Caenis was about to blow up.

" Oh shit dodge!" Yuto shouted.

Aristos ducked.

* Boom! *

The dust cleared to reveal Caenis destroying the door.

* Thud! Thud! *

The door broke peice by peice.

" I think we should just stay here." Yuto spoke.

Aristos nodded as he watched Caenis punching the huge door down.

/// Bringing you an angry Chibi Caenis. ///

/// Side Story 4. ///

"I'm not touching it. You touch it." Aristos replied as he stared back at Yuto.

Yuto deadpanned.

" You think I can touch anything?" Yuto gestured to his hands.

Aristos and Yuto looked at the skeleton.

" Come on. It's only a skeleton." Yuto spoke.

" Don't tell me you are scared of a dead skeleton." Yuto made a mocking face.

Aristos had an irritated face.

" Hmph! I just don't want to disrespect the dead."

" Dude, that's the skeleton of a tyrant." Yuto pointed out.

" And as such, we must disrespect the shit out of it." Yuto continued.

Aristos was tempted.

" Ugh! Fine!" Aristos shouted as he used the skeleton to use as a puppet.

" What are you doing?" Caenis appeared.

" Aristos froze as he held the skeleton."

" Uuuh, puppet?"

* Clack! clack! *

Aristos moved the skeletons jaw.

" Sigh." Caenis facepalmed.

/// Bringing you a chibi Aristos manipulating a chibi skeleton. ///

/// Side Story 5. ///

Aristos is seen petting a lions' belly

" Who's a good boy!" Aristos said before he started rubbing his face on the lions mane.

Yuto is seen watching on the sideline with his arms crossed.

' So fluffy, I can't believe I won't be able to pet it.' Yuto thought as he looked at his transparent body before looking at the lion.

' Damn it.' Yuto thought as tears welled up in his eyes.

/// Bringing you a chibi Yuto riding a chibi lion. ///