

The given text is a story about a group of metamorphs who lived for over two thousand years and had the ability to transform into different humans. They were heroes who protected the world, but humans were ungrateful, which made the metamorphs dislike them and not get involved with them for a century. However, they were forced to transform into humans to stop a high school student named Ophelia who wanted to rule the world using her powers. The metamorphs transformed into an unknown house and had to beg humans to take them in as they couldn't use their powers in human form. They eventually convinced a man named Carlo to act as their relative and help them get admitted into Hatton's High school where Ophelia was attending. They tried to make friends with her friends but failed, so they decided to trick Ophelia by telling her that they were metamorphs and had a way for her to rule the world. Ophelia was skeptical at first but believed them after Starlette used her powers on a boy. She asked for their help in gaining powers to rule the world, but they made her forget about ruling the world using their powers. However, rumors about them being monsters spread, and they had no choice but to leave the school and return to the shape shifters kingdom. The story ends with people still expecting the metamorphs even after centuries have passed. The story is fictional as metamorphs never existed.

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Passed two months, they couldn't find any girl named Ophelia. They wanted to use their powers to find her but they would be punished if they used it. Things were going well with the man and he never suspected that they could be metamorphs. Oh! The man's name was Carlo, in his early thirties.


"Mr Carlo, do you by any chance get to know any girl named Ophelia?" Lara asked.

"Surname?" He asked.

"Surname? What do you mean by surname?" Cillian asked.

"I mean. I know a lot of Ophelias and I don't know the one you're talking about. Tell me her surname if I get to know her. " He replied.

"Oh! Family name? I didn't know that's what you're saying. We have no idea. We were only given her name." Cillian said.

"Really? That's gonna be hard. The name sells like hot cakes (very popular). It's going to be quite impossi... Do you have her picture?" He asked.

"Not at all". Amelia and Luna said.

"Then, how're you suppose to find her? You guys are really clueless. " He smirked as he left for work.

"I noticed something, that guy knows the Ophelia we're talking about." Kahlani said.

"Do you use your powers?" Amelia and Luna asked.

"I couldn't help it." She replied.

"Wait. No one should say anything. Everyone keep quiet." Eloise shouted.

"You're the one shouting right now, Eloise. No one is talking."

"Fine, guys. I have a nice idea. What about we try to visit the school she attends?"

"How will we know the school when we don't know the person?" Cillian asked.

"Brilliant question. Since Ophelia has powers, she must have bragged to her school mates that she is going to rule the world. Then, we can just look for the school that has that kind of student. Then, we can find her. What do you think?" She asked.

"Brilliant. You're really a genius! You must be suffering from a sea change." Cillian smirked as she packed her long hair up.

" You really took the bull by the horns. Well done." They said altogether.


"Help us this once. Pretend to be our relative and help us to talk to the school's management to get us admitted." They begged Carlo.

"I don't understand you. I mean, why do you have to go to school really badly? Not even an ordinary school, Hatton's High school? Do you know her expensive their fees are? Not ordinary kids like you can get admitted into it." He replied as he dropped his backpack on the desk beside him.

" Don't worry about the money. We got to realise that even if we got money, we won't get admission if no relative went with us." Lara said.

"I can't believe you guys. Don't you have relatives? Then go there and say you're relatives of one another. And again, where will you get the money to get admitted? Are you some rich dad's kids? I'm sure you aren't. Cos, if you're, you won't be living off me. How on earth will you find the money?" He asked looking at them from head to toe—his hands akimbo.

"That's for us to know and for you to find out." Cillian said in an annoying way— kind of rude-like manner.

"Are you talking to me like that Cillian? You're really rude?" He said.

"You're the one being rude. Enough is enough! We've lived than you. We've known a lot than you.

So, who the heck are you to speak like that?" She asked.

"Cillian, what's wrong with you? Are you drunk?" Eloise asked trying to keep her shut.

"Yeah. She's drunk. Oh! Just how much will you have to drink to speak so rudely." Kahlani said as she grabbed Cillian's hand and left with her.

"Oh my! What's wrong with her? She's really something when she's drunk." Carlo said unbelievably.


"What's wrong with you? Why were you suddenly blabbing out in the living room?" Kahlani asked.

"I'm so sad." Cillian said.


"The fact that I'm not allowed to use my powers saddens me. It's probably the sad effect. Then, that idiot not useful nitwit speaks so rudely to us older than his ancestors. I just couldn't hold it. "

"But still, remember we're not in metamorph form presently. We're humans now. So, what we have to do is to catch Ophelia. And we have to do that before three months end. You know that right? That we'll transform back to metamorph automatically after three months. By that time, we won't be able to change form any longer as we'll to in the shape shifter kingdom. So, bear it for some times."

"That's true. We only have a month left. What are we going to do?" Cillian asked.

" Let's first get admitted to the school. Then, we'll know what to do."


The team persuaded Carlo and he decided to step in as their relative. Then, the question is where were they going to see money?

Amelia and Luna used their powers to make money. "We've violated one law right?" Kahlani asked as they all laughed.

Amelia and Luna used their powers to make money. "We've violated one law right?" Kahlani asked as they all laughed.

They got admitted into Hatton's High school.

" Hey, are you newbies?" A male student asked them.

"Newbies? Yeah." Cillian answered.

"Good, what grade are you? " He asked.

"Well... Grade..two...I mean... eight." Eloise stammered.

"Wow! We're in the same grade. Let's go to the classroom together."

"Yeah sure. But wait.." Cillian shouted as she grabbed his hands to move closer to her. "Do you know anyone named Ophelia here?" She asked.

"Oh! Ophelia. That charismatic girl. Yes I know her. But why?" He furiously asked.

"What grade is she?" Eloise asked.

"Eight. We're in the same class. " He replied.

"Oh! Really. That's nice. I heard she's really something. Is it true that she brags a lot that she had the power to rule the world?" Lara asked.

"Yeah. That's why I said she's charismatic. Let's go." He said as he took his books from his locker.

"Oh sure. Let's go!" Amelia and Luna replied.