
Marvel: Transmigrated with Travelling Frog?!

[ Marvel: Transmigrated with Travelling Frog?! ] Andrew Wilson travels to the Marvel world and becomes a transfer student at Empire State University. He also raised a traveling frog that can bring back special products for him from other worlds. "Your Frog cub brought you back the travel specialty [Emperor Armor's Belt]" "Your Frog cub brought you back the travel specialty [Perfect version of T-Virus]" "Your Frog cub brought you a souvenir [Artificial Intelligence · Red Queen]" ...... Then Andrew felt that something was wrong. Gwen Stacy, the classmate who had a good relationship with him on weekdays, was actually Spider-Woman? This Marvel world seems to be somewhat new to what I know... -------------------------------------------------------------- Upload Schedule: Weekly Upload - 6 Chapters -------------------------------------------------------------- Bonus Chapters: 250 Power Stones = +1 Bonus Chapter [Completed] 500 Power Stones = +2 Bonus Chapters [Completed] 1000 Power Stones = +3 Bonus Chapters [Completed] 2000 Power Stones = +5 Bonus Chapters -------------------------------------------------------------- Advance Chapters ⇒ p@treon.com/RedX43 -------------------------------------------------------------- Disclaimer : This is not my fanfic; it's actually a translated version of a Chinese novel. I'm sharing it here so that more people can enjoy it. All credit for the original story goes to the author.

RedX43 · Movies
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182 Chs

88: Mutant Brotherhood? Magneto's strength is just Average

"Andrew, won't these colors be too bright?" Gwen asked, looking over the new battlesuit design on screen. 

Andrew glanced it over. "If you don't like it, we can switch back to the original colors."

"It's not that I don't like them, just want the overall look to be lighter," Gwen clarified.

Andrew considered briefly. "Lighter tones would suit you better." 

Hearing that, Red Queen immediately generated a new scheme. 

Seeing the revised colors, Gwen clapped happily. "Perfect, that's it!"

"Got it, I'll review what to upgrade over the next couple days, then we'll be all set for Red Queen to start production," said Andrew.

"Pika...pika..." Pikachu protested from the side.

Andrew quickly patted his head reassuringly. "Of course, yours will be made together with Gwen's." 

"Pika...chu..." Pikachu jumped up excitedly. 

"You're so impatient, Pikachu," Gwen teased, rubbing his head.

Pikachu stood proudly with his paws on his hips. "Pika...chu..." 

"He says he wants to look good too," Andrew interpreted.

"Handsome!" Gwen cooed. 

"Master, Director Nick Fury has arrived," Red Queen suddenly notified.

Andrew narrowed his eyes. "What's he doing here?"

The screen shifted to show Fury and Hill exiting a car below. 

Gwen leaned in curiously. "Nick Fury...who's that?"

"A nosy fellow," Andrew described wryly. 

He then asked Pikachu, "Want to stay out here or retreat to the bedroom?"

"Pika...chu~" Pikachu responded.

"Okay, get in Gwen's arms and play stuffed animal for now."

Pikachu nodded and hopped into Gwen's embrace. 

Right on cue, a knock sounded at the door. Andrew answered it to find Fury and Hill.

"Hello, who are you looking for?" he inquired knowingly.

"I'm Nick Fury, this is Maria Hill. We're federal investigators," Fury announced, flashing a badge.

"I see. And you would be investigating me why?" Andrew asked pleasantly.

His easy admission surprised Fury and Hill, who expected denials. But their realization came quickly.

"With how much you've been on TV, who wouldn't recognize you?" Fury said testily, annoyed at being toyed with.

Hill frowned, equally vexed at being strung along by this boy.

"Well then, what did you want to discuss?" Andrew prompted. 

Fury stared straight at Andrew. "Are you aware Kingpin harbored ill intentions toward you previously?"

Andrew feigned apprehension. "Detectives, please, I'm just an ordinary college student. Why would a big boss target me for no reason?" 

Hill couldn't stand the pretense. "Ordinary? A billionaire who owns most of Stark Industries, and you call yourself ordinary?"

Only then did Hill grasp her blunder. Seeing her overplay her hand, Andrew simply opened the door wider. "Oh, I see, just a routine check-in then? Please, come in and have a seat. Standing around is tiring."

Fury silenced Hill with a glare before entering. He noted a girl on the sofa cradling a stuffed animal. 

Andrew plopped down casually beside Gwen. "Make yourselves comfortable, just ask if you have any questions. I'm feeling a bit drowsy." He exaggerated a yawn.

Frankly, Andrew preferred when Fury announced himself as S.H.I.E.L.D. director upfront. Beating around the bush like this was so tedious.

His Emperor identity was certainly still secret. Fury's personal visit stemmed purely from Kingpin's initial designs against Andrew, evidenced by the webbing trail. 

And Andrew was useless as a S.H.I.E.L.D. director if he couldn't even handle four thugs. 

Seeing Andrew's relaxed demeanor, Fury knew prying information would be difficult. Time to strong-arm it.

"Let me reintroduce ourselves properly. I'm Nick Fury, Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. She is Agent Maria Hill." 

The unfamiliar term 'S.H.I.E.L.D.' puzzled Gwen, but with Andrew present she obediently stayed quiet, knowing he would explain later.

Fury took a seat. "Perhaps you haven't heard of us...we're a powerful covert agency."

Andrew rolled his eyes. Don't just shamelessly accept my sarcastic speculation!

"Cut to the chase Director, why are you really here?" Andrew asked bluntly.

Exchanging looks, Fury replied, "You're in grave danger currently, I hope you realize."

Andrew smiled amusedly. "Is that how S.H.I.E.L.D. threatens people, Director?" 

Hill handed Fury a folder from her bag. He took it and passed it to Andrew. "I don't make threats. But you must have heard of the Mutant Brotherhood too..."

"'Mutant Brotherhood'?" Andrew repeated with narrowed eyes. 

He was well aware of this group, founded by Magneto and comprising anti-human mutants. Their goal was to eradicate humanity and establish mutant dominance over the planet. 

So the Brotherhood was targeting him?

The documents in hand proved Fury wasn't lying. Though why Magneto's crew had set their sights on him, Andrew could guess the reasons. His wealth and the societal impact it carried were meaningless to the mutants.

"You should understand the gravity of this threat," said Fury, noting Andrew's expression. "My visit today is naturally to offer you protection. But S.H.I.E.L.D.'s assistance requires you to provide value in return." 

The implication was clear. Fury wanted Andrew to demonstrate his capabilities. He knew Kingpin's downfall involved Andrew somehow. Since coercion and temptation failed to extract a confession, an equivalent exchange was the best bet. 

Facing the Brotherhood's designs was no trivial matter. S.H.I.E.L.D. could solve this dilemma but at a price.

Andrew just smiled. "I think there's been a misunderstanding, Director. I have no special skills. I simply got lucky buying Stark stock. And I'm not afraid of Magneto."

As he spoke, Andrew slid the documents back across. He truly had no fear of Magneto. The whole Brotherhood combined would pose no threat either. If Magneto played his cards like Kingpin, Andrew wouldn't hesitate to erase them all completely. 

Fury and Hill were stunned hearing Andrew dismiss Magneto so casually. 

"Mr. Andrew, I don't believe you grasp how dangerous Magneto and his followers are," said Hill, taking a step forward to impress upon Andrew the severity of the situation.

Before she could continue, Fury stood abruptly. "Let's go Hill."

As they headed for the exit, Hill glanced back at Andrew. "I advise caution in this matter." 

Once the elevator sounded, signaling their departure, Gwen and Pikachu immediately dropped their acts.

"Andrew, who's this Magneto guy they mentioned? He's that strong?" Gwen knew of mutants generally but not the key players. 

"Pika...chu..." Sparks flickered from Pikachu's cheeks, upset at the perceived threat to his owner.

"Don't worry you two, he's just an arrogant fellow of middling strength," Andrew assured them calmly. 

Hearing Andrew's casual dismissal, Gwen was convinced. If he said this Magneto was nothing special, then no need to fret. She would protect Andrew from any threats that arose.

In Gwen's eyes, Andrew was someone to be shielded now. But Fury and Hill would likely consider Andrew a madman if they overheard his attitude toward the near-country toppling mutant. 

Before the appearance of awakened Omega mutants, Magneto and Professor X represented the pinnacle of power on Earth, alongside the hidden Sorcerer Supreme. But Fury's group remained ignorant of that last critical detail.

Outside, Fury asked Hill, "Speak your mind."

"Why didn't you just let me explain things to him?" said Hill. 

Fury sneered, "I thought he was an unassuming talent based on Kingpin. Turns out the boy is too arrogant. Arrogance often comes with a cost. Since he won't cooperate, let Magneto deal with him."

Hill nodded. She equally disapproved of Andrew's dismissive conduct.

"Will you continue observing Andrew then?" 

Fury started the car. "We'll see if he survives Magneto first."

The pair failed to notice a scruffy beggar across the street watching intently. Once Fury and Hill departed, the beggar touched his ear. "Fury just left. Judging by his expression, the meeting didn't go well."

"Return for now," a deep voice responded. "We must control Andrew to proceed with the next steps."

"Fury...just a government lapdog who fancies himself a savior," the beggar derided. As he retreated into a dark alley, his skin rippled into blue scales. Strange eyes glanced up at a balcony. 

"Andrew...an interesting fellow..." he muttered.

At Harry's residence, Peter walked out alone, planning to catch a cab from the street. Taxis were sparse around such a secluded estate. 

Harry's words had fully reminded him - Norman was an egotistical genius. Peter was only recruited initially because Norman saw potential in his new decay formula. His exceptional promotion followed after. 

But now this same man had hired a batch of assistants simultaneously. Though Norman claimed it was for menial tasks, alarm bells rang in Peter's head. 

Their attire clearly indicated they were to jointly participate in some experiment. Peter suspected Norman had illegally obtained test subjects.

Before long, Peter flagged down a taxi. "Oscorp Industries, hurry please!" 

At the police station, an unexpected guest knocked on Chief George's door. 

"Tony Stark?" George looked up from some case files to the familiar yet unfamiliar face.

It was indeed Tony who had come calling. "Chief George, I need a favor if you can oblige."

Though no fan of Tony's privileged ilk, Tony was nonetheless a public figure who greased NYPD's wheels. George would afford him the expected courtesies. 

"Speak then, Mr. Stark," he said, standing to politely shake Tony's hand.

"I'd like to speak with the man who made a ruckus at my company today. Have some questions for him."

George nodded amenable. "No problem, he's downstairs. I'll take you to him."

Under George's lead, Tony arrived at a holding cell. 

"His speech is obscure so interrogation has stalled. If you can get anything from him, please share."

"Will do," Tony affirmed.

"I'll be right outside. Give a holler if needed." George unlocked the cell and stepped out.

Tony regarded Vanko's bare back silently before entering. All Vanko had on were shorts, clearly having undergone a strip search already.

"Effective but inefficient to run uncoupled superconducting rings through the core," Tony critiqued while looking Vanko over. He confirmed having zero recollection of this man.

"Knockoff replication was admirable though." 

Hearing that, the taciturn Vanko finally looked back at Tony. "You and your family are thieves. You stole the blueprints for the arc reactor from my father Anton Vanko!"

Tony's eyes narrowed. "Blueprints were stolen you say? From where?"

"My father Anton Vanko!" Ivan nearly shouted.

Tony shook his head. "Never heard of him." 

Ivan glared at the faintly glowing device in Tony's chest. "You only live because of my father. And I live because you fail."

Tony shot back, "Is that so? Seems to me if not for your father supposedly, I would have died kidnapped long ago. This tech was designed by the Starks, not any Vankos."

Realizing this feud involved their previous generation, Tony knew further argument was pointless here. He needed to research this Anton Vanko and his history with dad Howard. It explained Ivan's obsessive vengeance against him.

Just as Tony reached the door to leave, Ivan called out, "Palladium poisoning is an agonizing way to die."

Tony froze briefly before exiting silently. 

George intercepted him outside. "Learn anything useful?"

Tony just shook his head. "Gibberish to me." No need to mention dead dad drama to the police. 

Watching Tony's departure, George reminded, "I'll update you if we get anything more from him."

Shortly after Tony left, another man in a suit strode into the police station making straight for the deputy director's office.

The deputy director paused his tasty treats, surprised by the abrupt entry of this stranger. 

"Who are you? What's your business here?" he demanded angrily.

When the man reached into his suit pocket, the director panicked. Was that a gun? An assassination attempt?

But instead of a pistol, the man slapped down a thick stack of bills. 

The director relaxed, his alarm vanishing. "Who sent you? What's this about?" 

"Hammer Industries," the man answered simply.

The name made the director perk up. "The same Hammer with the big DoD contract?"

The suit nodded. The director beamed. This was serious money then. "Well, tell me what you need. I have some pull around here."

"I want access to Ivan Vanko."

The director didn't hesitate. "No problem, this is just a starter. Get the job done and there's ten times more!"

"I'll arrange it immediately!"

To be continued...