
Marvel: Transmigrated with Travelling Frog?!

[ Marvel: Transmigrated with Travelling Frog?! ] Andrew Wilson travels to the Marvel world and becomes a transfer student at Empire State University. He also raised a traveling frog that can bring back special products for him from other worlds. "Your Frog cub brought you back the travel specialty [Emperor Armor's Belt]" "Your Frog cub brought you back the travel specialty [Perfect version of T-Virus]" "Your Frog cub brought you a souvenir [Artificial Intelligence · Red Queen]" ...... Then Andrew felt that something was wrong. Gwen Stacy, the classmate who had a good relationship with him on weekdays, was actually Spider-Woman? This Marvel world seems to be somewhat new to what I know... -------------------------------------------------------------- Upload Schedule: Weekly Upload - 6 Chapters -------------------------------------------------------------- Bonus Chapters: 250 Power Stones = +1 Bonus Chapter [Completed] 500 Power Stones = +2 Bonus Chapters [Completed] 1000 Power Stones = +3 Bonus Chapters [Completed] 2000 Power Stones = +5 Bonus Chapters -------------------------------------------------------------- Advance Chapters ⇒ p@treon.com/RedX43 -------------------------------------------------------------- Disclaimer : This is not my fanfic; it's actually a translated version of a Chinese novel. I'm sharing it here so that more people can enjoy it. All credit for the original story goes to the author.

RedX43 · Movies
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182 Chs

87: Feeling Not Right

Oscorp Industries

Peter hesitated in the doorway before finally stepping inside. As Harry's good friend, he was cared for by Norman too. Peter decided to reason with him. Norman couldn't make such mistakes again. 

Peter entered and greeted staff who recognized him. After all, he was known as Norman's partner and assistant. 

He headed straight for Norman's lab and found him extracting new genetic samples. 

"You've returned," Norman noted without looking up.

Hearing the familiar voice, Norman glanced up. He assumed it was Jack and the others, not expecting Peter.

"Peter, welcome back. You figured it out after all," Norman said, clearly pleased. 

Though Peter's help was no longer needed this late in the research, an able partner was still welcome. Despite Peter's absence, Norman never sought a replacement, happy to have him back now.

But Peter shook his head firmly. "No Doctor, I'm here to dissuade you."

Hearing Peter still push back, Norman's expression soured. "What's the point in dissuading me now?"

Sensing Norman's mood shift, Peter explained, "Dr. Connors' incident has deeply affected me. I was often harsh to him while experimenting. So I..."

Norman cut him off. "If you were that persuasive, Connors wouldn't be like he is. You're too soft with students." 

Jack walked in then with some others, but now a few wore lab coats, unlike their previous attire. 

"We're ready, Norman," Jack reported.

"One moment, I'm saying farewell to Peter," said Norman. 

Jack cast a sharp glance at Peter before nodding and withdrawing with the men.

"Who are they?" Peter asked about the unfamiliar faces.

"New assistants to help move equipment," Norman dismissed. 

"Harry's home if you want to see him. I can have my housekeeper escort you out." Not waiting for Peter's response, Norman called his housekeeper and relayed the instructions.

Though doubts lingered, Peter didn't want to appear difficult and said his goodbyes before leaving the lab.

With Peter gone, Norman's countenance darkened again. "If you were truly so persuasive, Connors wouldn't be like he is now. You're too soft with students."

Jack remarked surprised, "Quite considerate to your pupil. From what I'd heard, you were more businessman than scientist." 

Men like him got on well with Norman for that same ruthless pragmatism. 

But Norman gave no explanation. "Are you ready?" 

"Yes, the anesthetic should have worn off by now," Jack reported. 

Norman nodded. "The new formula is also refined. Let's go." He drew the freshly prepared blue liquid into a syringe, pocketing two additional vials, and headed to the cage room with the others.

Instead of a monkey, a bound middle-aged man in a hospital gown now occupied the cage. Seeing them enter, he made muffled whimpering sounds through the gag.

"Want me to ungag him?" Jack asked, strangely excited by the homeless man's fruitless struggle. 

"No point, just more noise," said Norman. "When I inject him, restrain his limbs."

"You worry too much. He's trapped in steel. Think he can break free?" Jack scoffed.

Norman just smiled mysteriously, knowing Jack wouldn't be so cocky had he witnessed Captain America's might.

After placing the extra vials on a table, Norman approached the terrified vagrant. Seeing the needle provoked intensified resistance, but to no avail. 

As Norman neared, the man struggled violently in vain. This subject would provide perfect data!

"Hold him down, don't let him keep resisting," Norman ordered. Only on Jack's signal did the others finally grab the man's limbs. 

"Don't fret, you'll thank me later," Norman assured as he inserted the needle into the man's arm, slowly depressing the plunger.

The homeless man felt as if boiling water coursed through his veins, spreading agonizingly through his body. His efforts escalated from struggle to convulsion before he lost consciousness. 

Observing the reactions, Jack regarded Norman strangely. "You sure about this?" 

But Norman seemed unsurprised as if fully expecting it. "Get him into the containment first. We may not stop him if he goes berserk later."

Though Norman seemed to be boasting again, Jack wasn't about to cross his golden goose. He directed his men to move the body.

They struggled to even budge the bed now. "He's getting real heavy, boss!" one exclaimed.

"Wait..." Norman grabbed scissors and tore open the vagrant's sleeves, eliciting gasps from all but himself. The formerly emaciated muscles were actively bulging into powerful lines.

Jack prodded the arm in fascination. "It's real!" From his violent background, he could distinguish real muscle from show. This was the physique of hardcore training. 

"Looks like your experiment succeeded, Norman," said an impressed Jack.

"Nearly, we'll see if other side effects manifest," replied Norman. "Get him inside quickly before he goes mad."

This time Jack dared not doubt Norman's words. Together they hauled the transformations man into the glass enclosure. 

After securing the restraints, Norman said, "It'll take two to three hours for the reagents to fully react. Just observing would be boring, no?"

Jack and his impatient crew agreed. "We'll return later if you need us then," said Jack.

Departing, Jack eyed the two remaining vials covetously. One dose had turned a cripple into that. Imagine the possibilities if he used it on himself! Perhaps he could seize New York's criminal underworld. 

Glancing back at Norman's turned back, Jack grinned and left with his men.

In the car, Peter's unease lingered. He couldn't pinpoint the source. After lengthy contemplation yielded nothing, he gave up.

The Osborn butler escorted him inside the manor. "Young master is within. Please follow me." 

"Thank you," said Peter, trailing the old man to a grand hall. 

Seeing Peter, Harry stood delightedly. "First time here since we were kids right?"

Peter nodded. Though Harry was born privileged, Norman had trained him as a scientist, not aristocrat. So Harry attended normal prestigious schools where they met.

Harry warmly ushered Peter to sit and instructed the maid to prepare refreshments. "What brings you here today?"

"Actually your father asked me to come," answered Peter. 

"My father?" Harry looked surprised. "Rare of him to invite others personally. I've never even hosted guests here before."

Peter smiled, figuring Norman wanted him to bid Harry farewell. After all, Norman knew Harry treasured their rare friendship. 

The two reminisced happily about their school days while the butler observed from afar moved to see Harry's unbridled joy. Having helped raise him, Harry was like a grandson. The old man understood Harry's loneliness in this big empty manner. He could keenly feel Harry's delight at having such a good friend over.

Before long, however, the atmosphere grew heavy. "Harry, I actually came to say goodbye. I'm moving from New York," said Peter.

"Goodbye? What do you mean?" Harry asked, stunned.

Peter went on, "Uncle Ben found me a teaching job out in the country. I've been thinking over the Connors incident...it affected me greatly. I was often harsh on him while experimenting. So I've decided to go."

Harry immediately pinned the blame on Norman. "I knew Dad's temperament wasn't suited for assistants. You're his only one, must not have withstood him." 

"Don't worry, I'll set things right!" Harry declared.

"Wait...what did you just say?" Peter seemed to grasp something critical.

Puzzled, Harry repeated, "I'll get you justice?" 

"No, before that." 

Harry thought back. "You were his only assistant..."

Abruptly Peter shot up from the sofa, finally realizing what had felt off at Oscorp! 

"Harry, I think I'll stay in New York after all," he said excitedly.

"You're staying?" Harry also perked up happily.

Peter nodded. "There's still research I must see through. I have to go back to your father's."

"Want me to come too?"

"No need, I'll go alone. I must get to the bottom of this."

To be continued...