
Marvel: Transmigrated with Travelling Frog?!

[ Marvel: Transmigrated with Travelling Frog?! ] Andrew Wilson travels to the Marvel world and becomes a transfer student at Empire State University. He also raised a traveling frog that can bring back special products for him from other worlds. "Your Frog cub brought you back the travel specialty [Emperor Armor's Belt]" "Your Frog cub brought you back the travel specialty [Perfect version of T-Virus]" "Your Frog cub brought you a souvenir [Artificial Intelligence · Red Queen]" ...... Then Andrew felt that something was wrong. Gwen Stacy, the classmate who had a good relationship with him on weekdays, was actually Spider-Woman? This Marvel world seems to be somewhat new to what I know... -------------------------------------------------------------- Upload Schedule: Weekly Upload - 6 Chapters -------------------------------------------------------------- Bonus Chapters: 250 Power Stones = +1 Bonus Chapter [Completed] 500 Power Stones = +2 Bonus Chapters [Completed] 1000 Power Stones = +3 Bonus Chapters [Completed] 2000 Power Stones = +5 Bonus Chapters -------------------------------------------------------------- Advance Chapters ⇒ p@treon.com/RedX43 -------------------------------------------------------------- Disclaimer : This is not my fanfic; it's actually a translated version of a Chinese novel. I'm sharing it here so that more people can enjoy it. All credit for the original story goes to the author.

RedX43 · Movies
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182 Chs

89: Awakening of the Second Personality

Oscorp Industries 

On a dormitory balcony, Jack kept glancing toward Norman's lab, impatient. 

Behind him, his gang grumbled, "Boss, how long we gotta stay in this dump?"

"I ain't been to the red light district in ages."

"Yeah, and there's some fine researcher ladies here too," another added. 

Jack whirled angrily. "Shut it!" The group obediently quieted. 

"It's dangerous out there for us since Kingpin. Wanna end up dead?" Jack admonished. 

"But boss, we're sick of being ordered around by Norman," one protested. 

"They look down on us here too," another complained. 

Jack just smiled placatingly. "Bear with it a bit more." 

"Things go well, I could be the next Kingpin"

The gang perked up at that. For small fry like them, success like Kingpin was the dream. His violent end didn't deter them. They all aspired to be top dog.

Grinning, Jack resumed his vigil on the lab. "Don't fail me, Norman."

Inside, Norman sat observing his unconscious test subject while reviewing Howard's old research notes. In their line of work, patience was critical, especially for genius. Tedious experimentation and data collection were par for the course. Impatience would preclude true brilliance.

Two hours after injection, the tramp had attained incredible muscularity. The flimsy hospital gown barely contained the bulging physique. Just like scrawny Steve Rogers transformed by the super soldier serum into a prime physical specimen. So far, the subject's changes aligned perfectly with the documented effects. 

A sudden groan snapped Norman from his reading. He swiftly approached the enclosure as the man stirred awake, clutching his head. Norman rapped the glass to draw his attention.

Seeing Norman, the homeless man recoiled in fright. "W-Who are you? What is this place?" 

Memories of the agonizing injection flooded back. He'd lost consciousness from the sheer pain. 

"Don't worry, I'm helping you," Norman soothed. "We found you were ill and brought you here for treatment. How are you feeling now?"

The man hurriedly inspected his unfamiliar hands, breaking into a cold sweat. "What did you do to me?" he thought panicking. "They're trying to kill me!"

Unexpectedly, another voice sounded from deep within. "Yeah, they want you dead."

The homeless man shuddered, even more terrified by the disembodied voice. "Who are you? Who's talking?" He pointed accusingly at Norman. "Is it you?"

Seeing him address thin air, Norman's eyes narrowed intently. But he remained silent. The tramp was clearly hearing things.

Could it truly be...a second personality? Norman decided to test it. "I didn't say anything. Perhaps you misheard?" 

"No, I definitely heard someone," the tramp insisted. "He told me to..." But he abruptly fell silent as the voice cautioned, "Quiet! Don't say it or they'll kill you. Leave this to me."

Seeing him stop mid-sentence, Norman prodded urgently, "What did he tell you? You can tell me, I'm helping you get better."

But the tramp just hunkered silently in the corner. 

An eerie quiet descended upon the lab that unsettled even Norman. He slowly approached the enclosure, trying to scrutinize the man's expression more closely. "Are you alright?"

Suddenly the homeless man jerked his head up, eyes bloodshot. Before Norman could react, a dark blur rushed the glass with a loud bang, making him yelp and fall back. 

Seeing Norman's frightened reaction, the tramp cackled nastily. "Look at the idiot, scared witless!" 

His entire demeanor had shifted. Norman picked himself up and observed the man closely. "You're not the same person as before."

The tramp punched the glass cabin forcefully. "Damn right I ain't! If I was, you'd all be dead!" 

He smashed the enclosure furiously but it didn't budge. "This blasted cage!"

Having gotten over the shock of this new vicious personality, Norman began scrutinizing him carefully. "Perfect, your physical changes are flawless..." 

The tramp glared back contemptuously. "Changes? This is how I really am, not some fabricated persona."

He punched again, denting the glass. "Once I bust out, I'll slaughter you all!"

Norman frowned at the noise but persevered with his questioning. "What is your name then?"

The man bared his teeth in a savage grin. "Creed, Victor Creed. But the pathetic human me you forced out calls me Sabretooth." He scratched the glass menacingly with his fingernails. "When these claws sink into your flesh, you'll be begging for mercy!"

Watching Sabretooth seethe futilely, Norman felt the first stirrings of unease. He truly seemed an entirely different entity from the meek homeless man prior. 

Could the formula have created this murderous alternate psyche? Norman glanced anxiously toward the lab entrance. If Sabretooth broke free, his own life would be at risk. 

"Mr. Osborn, what's happening here?" 

Norman whirled to see Peter standing at the door looking around warily. Relief flooded through him at the sight of backup.

Sabretooth also noticed the newcomer. "Fresh meat, excellent! Come closer boy, let me taste those juicy brains-" 

"Quiet!" Norman shouted sharply. "Peter, restrain yourself from provoking him." If possible, he needed to keep Sabretooth contained for further study. Killing him now would be a tragic waste.

But Peter paid no heed to Norman's warning, striding right up to the glass enclosure to stare boldly at its occupant. 

A tense silence descended. Then Peter spoke in a chiding tone, like a teacher reproaching an unruly student. "That's enough of that. Behave yourself."

Inexplicably, Sabretooth recoiled from the stern gaze and shrank back meekly. "Y-Yes sir..."

Seeing the violent killer suddenly pacified, Norman gaped in astonishment. Peter's unexpected authority dumbfounded him.

Regaining his composure, Norman seized the chance to question Sabretooth further. "Tell me, what else do you remember?"

Sabretooth shook his head. "Nothing beyond waking up in this cage. But I know my purpose - to slaughter anyone who gets in my way!" He flashed his claws but noticed Peter's disapproving look and timidly retracted them. 

"Interesting. Your original self seems to have no knowledge of this identity," Norman mused aloud. "It's as if the serum created you newly."

He scrutinized Sabretooth closely. "Which means given proper conditioning, you could be molded into an obedient asset." 

Sabretooth bristled at that. "I won't be leashed so easily-"

Peter cut him off with a stern glare. Sabretooth ducked his head submissively. "No, uh, I mean yes sir..."

Seeing Peter somehow command the primal killer's obedience, inspiration struck Norman. "Peter, I have an idea. But we'll need privacy."

He ushered Peter from the room. In the empty hallway, Norman whispered excitedly, "With the proper approach, we can make this Sabretooth character serve us willingly! But we must eliminate his original persona."

Peter looked revolted. "What? No, we can't just erase someone's mind!"

"Not erase, merely bury it deep down," Norman clarified impatiently. "Don't you see - this could control the most dangerous mutants! We'd be doing the world a service."

He gripped Peter's shoulder persuasively. "I need you for this, no one else can subdue him like you. Help me finish my life's work for the greater good!"

Peter firmly pushed Norman's hand away. "This has gone too far. That man needs help, not exploitation!" 

Seeing Peter reject his grand vision outright, Norman's expression darkened. "So be it. I offered you a great destiny, yet you cling to your soft ideals. I should have expected no less."

He regarded Peter coldly. "You can show yourself out. Consider our partnership dissolved." 

Norman turned abruptly and strode back into the lab, leaving a crestfallen Peter behind. But Peter knew there was nothing more to say. With a heavy heart, he departed Oscorp for good. 

Inside the lab once more, Norman frowned to see Sabretooth still docilely awaiting him. This simplified matters. He wouldn't tolerate further defiance from Peter.

Approaching the enclosure, Norman addressed the tramp's original persona. "You there, listen to me. Your consciousness is no longer needed. You will relinquish all control."

The tramp whimpered in protest but Sabretooth growled threateningly, cowing him into silence.

Norman went on, "From now on, Sabretooth is your only identity. You live to serve me." 

Sabretooth showed his fangs in a savage grin. "With pleasure!" At last, his chance for carnage!

Gathering his resolve, Norman opened the cage. He would need absolute ruthlessness henceforth to see his vision realized. Peter's naive ideals had no place in that future. 

"Come, Sabretooth. We have much work ahead."

To be continued...