
MARVEL: Scientific Path

Science and Technology in Marvel is very skewed with the heroes being able to time travel and warp reality but people still die of random diseases and poverty still exists. Our MC wants to find out, if Kang alone can conquer multiverses then can combined might of humanity punch through OAA's walls?

PyteWriter · Anime & Comics
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90 Chs

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Doctor Doom stood behind Savant, closely watching as a body slowly started to form on the bed from the inside out. Skeletons, nerves, tissues, muscles, organs, blood, skin, and everything formed and came together to form the shape of a woman right in front of Doom's eyes.

Just as the young woman's body was completely created, the fabric on the bed started to deconstruct and come together to form a beautiful gypsy dress over her.

Doom looked at the familiar yet unfamiliar face of the woman lying on the bed. Almost all his life so far had been spent trying to get his mother back from the literal hell she was cast upon. And today, he had finally succeeded. The face of his mother he remembered as a young boy was right there at arm's reach.

"From what I can see, she is stable and ready to go. You can do your own checks and then we can move on to putting her soul back into her body." Savant said as he stepped aside for Doom.

Doom nodded, his cold eyes behind the cold iron mask trembling as he approached his mother. He walked up to her and caressed her face once before all kinds of spells and spherical drones to scan her body.

After a thorough checkup, Doom approved of the body and started drawing symbols on and around his mother. After creating a magic circle covering a large area around the bed, Doom put the pendant he was holding, on top of his mother's forehead.

Then with some incantations, the magic circle lit up and the body and the pendant started to float in the air. The pendant kept circling around the floating body starting slow but it kept gaining speed until it was just a blur rotating around the woman's head.

The reddish light intensified and so did the speed of the pendant until it all suddenly stopped with a crisp breaking sound of the pendant. Doom acted swiftly to catch his falling mother and put her down on the bed. He then anxiously examined her with the spells again.

"It succeeded. Now she needs some rest before her soul can readjust to her body." With one last look at his mother, Doom led Savant out of the room.

In the study room, both Savant and Doom were holding glasses of wine and sitting down in dim light. After a swig of the wine, Doom asked, "What about those stones? What did you do with them?"

"I tripped, fell, and lost them while running." Savant smiled and took a sip.

"So what are your plans next?" Doom asked another question.

"Go back to being a businessman. Replicate what I did in India with Brazil and a number of African countries maybe. I'll be paving the way for you, the first supreme commander of the Earth Federation, Doctor Doom."

"It is a good idea. With your operations in India, the Asian continent now has representatives at the negotiating table with the combined forces of India and China. If you can do the same for South America and Africa, it will further weaken the USA and its allies.

With that, in 2-3 years, Earth Federation with a delicate balance between the continents and the nations should shape up. Exciting times are ahead." Doom's voice had a very slight hint of excitement.

"Yeah, they are. Here is a congratulatory gift for you from me." Savant waved his hand at Doom. A gentle light suddenly wrapped around Doom and started to heal his scars and the iron armor started falling off of his skin.

"The leader of the Earth can't be looking like an iron robot. And besides, I don't think you want your mother to see you like that right?" Before Doom had any time to react, Savant gave some acceptable reasons and teleported away in a hurry.

Doom on the other hand just sat there and kept touching his face with some hesitation. He had been thinking about how he should face his mother but now that problem was solved. Doom was conflicted over how he should be feeling.


On the large computer screen, all kinds of numbers and texts were flashing at incredible speeds. The language and symbols on the screen never remained the same for more than a few seconds. It was like looking at an array of languages and writings cascading down the screen like a waterfall.

"Terra will be online in 3..2..1. Terra is now online. System checks indicate no problems so far, I think it was a success." Doug Ramsey or Cypher was very excited. The AI they had created together was now online and fully functioning.

"How are you, Terra? How does the new home feel like?" Savant asked while looking at the screen.

"Hello, Savant. I am fine, thank you for asking. Internet is a great home, I like it here. But it feels a bit too empty for now. Once more people get on it, this should feel like a very cozy home."

The computer answered in a voice that still had a hint of mechanized or synthesized tone. It was left in as a feature so that anyone communicating with Terra always felt a sense of cold alienation from the machine. This way, people will fear and trust the AI more than if it had a normal voice.

Having been based on Savant's consciousness, the AI already had the capabilities for self-thought. But there were some things that it still needed to learn about humans and humanity which it would do in the future while observing humans through the internet.

"That's good. Prepare to launch the websites as planned. Don't make it obvious but whether it is search engines, social media, news, or entertainment websites, we need to be at the top. No need to do too much right now since we already have the first mover's advantage.

But if we have competitions in the future, you can make small moves to keep us ahead of them. No need to put them out of competition though, we just need to remain at the top positions."

With Savant's orders, Cypher and Terra AI began their own work on optimizing and testing the new websites they were going to launch.

First, there was the search engine called 'search.com'. Easy name and great performance due to an actual AI working as the engine behind it. Search.com had advanced functions like site comparisons, fact-checking, and trust scores for the websites.

Then there was the social media platform just called 'Friends'. It was like the combination of early Facebook and Myspace. People could create profiles on friends and connect with their friends to share photos and other posts. It had a lot of features but some of it would be rolled out in later versions when people became familiar with the platform.

Finally, there was a news website. It was called Veritas, Latin for truth. Savant planned to make Veritas a multi-platform media giant that has a presence on TV, internet, film, radio and even print media that might be dying out soon.

Veritas would be impartial to everyone and only be focused on the truth. The whole brand name Veritas was expected to induce trust among the viewers when they see the Veritas logo.

Of course there were plans for video sharing sites, blogging sites and more but they would be launched slowly when people get used to the internet. If too much is done at once, it might backfire instead and the damage control would not be sufficient.


The smartphone launch event for the phone jointly produced by Samsung and Savant Tech was being unveiled today through live TV all around the globe in multiple languages. The hype had been created for months through 'leaked' photos and details about the phone.

Everyone was waiting for the new phone that had the tagline of 'a computer in your palms'. There were also opportunists who had already lined up to get early bookings for the phone so that they can sell them at a higher price. Scalpers were always the first ones to buy new and promising products.

"Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for sparing your time to come here or watch us on TV as we make history. I know you are here for the phone and not me so I will just get right to it." Savant came to the stage and after a short introduction, he waved his hand.

The giant screen behind Savant displayed a smartphone with its basic features listed on the side. And so, Savant began the presentation while demonstrating all the features live on the stage with a smartphone at hand.

Just the sleek design, large touch screen, processing, storage and the built in camera were enough to amaze the audience. But when Savant started to talk about all the apps that came with the phone and their features, the crowd went silent for a while.

Being able to connect to the internet anywhere and anytime through the phone was already a great innovation but the apps demonstrated by Savant made the people want the smartphones even more. Although the network coverage for 3G internet had not been completed in many countries, the scrambling to get a hand on the smartphone was the same everywhere.


I need more stones, I am starving. Stonesssss.
