
Marvel-Comics: Overgeared

reborn in a world that is crazy on crack, a soul must find a way to survive with everything in his arsenal, which just happened to be a system, that allows him to grant items options, with this system, follow the journey of the Oliver as he goes from a homeless kid, barely surviving in hells kitchen, to one of the most powerful being in the universe, who even a single atom of his has several EX ranked options. ------------ WARNING THIS IS BASED ON MARVEL COMICS. THIS IS HARDCORE GRINDING FANFIC WHERE HE WOULD HAVE TO WORK EVERY DAY. THIS IS GOING TO BE A MIX OF ACTION-PACKED STORY AND A CRAFTING STORY, HE HAS A SYSTEM, THAT PUTS EMPHASIS, ON THE ITEM'S PURPOSE, HISTORY, CREATION PROCESS, AND FUNCTIONALITY, IT IS NOT GOING TO BE MAINLY A CRAFTING STORY. GOOD NEWS, I HAVE FINALLY DECIDED ON A FM LEAD AND ITS OUR FAVORITE WITCH, THE STRONGEST SORCERERS, AND THE MOST BEAUTIFUL(IN MY OPINION) THE SCARLET WITCH as for plot, i will try to have a cohesive story structure, key word TRY

Bulale_Abali · Anime & Comics
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120 Chs

Hunting demon (chapter 35)

"Come on, give me a single ability," he silently prayed as he was still healing. The Ghost Rider really did a number on him, which is why he was using one of the dragon test tubes. He gulped it down, and immediately, his body heated up. He endured the sensation of his blood boiling and the feeling of hot lava running through his veins. After a while, nothing happened. "Huh, did I not get any ability?" he asked himself as he checked his body, which was slightly more robust. He felt stronger, faster, more durable. His hair was also longer, and he could hear, smell, and see better. But that was about it.

Feeling nothing else, he sighed in disappointment. "Well, that is a bummer," before tying his even longer hair in a bun. "There is no point in dwelling on it any longer. I have better things I need," which came in the form of armor. Yes, armor. Opening his sketch, Oliver swiped past several different hologram pages, ranging from a gauntlet that was gold in color to a flying fishing boat, silver blades with the same giant white snake design, to a short sword that seemed to be glowing red, to a sword that was green in color, as well as many different sketches. He finally stopped on two sets of holograms. These holograms were of armor, dark and red metallic armor, which seemed like a bunch of metal plates put together.

This was the Dragon Armor, a set of specialized armor that he wanted to design to take on magical or supernatural beings. At least, that was what he hoped to accomplish by adding a drop of the dragon blood during the smelting process. "Well, I better get this ready," he smiled as he started rummaging through his stock, finding an iron ore he found in a deep cave. He had been to a lot of caves. While it was being smelted, he sat as he started to work on what seemed to be a drone. The drone was half-finished, and the framework was at least done. This was among many other projects he was doing. Yes, he was doing multiple projects at the same time, but he was starting small and slowly making his way up.

[2 days later]

In an underground subway station, a figure could be seen. This figure wore black jeans, a black leather long coat, a black T-shirt, and carried two swords on his waist – a normal metal blade with the initial "Pilgrim" on it and another bony sword with a metal hilt. The figure also carried a lotus-shaped crystal on his hand and wore a black oni mask with a green hue on it. This figure was, of course, Oliver, who was currently on a hunt for demons to get their horns and blood. After all, that is what he does best.

[ Name: Veil of Malevolent Insight ]

[ Grade: Green ]

[ Description: This store-bought uni mask, once ordinary, has been bathed in the blood of low-ranking demons. It now carries an eerie aura, hinting at the dark forces it has come into contact with. ]

[ Option 1: Malevolent Gaze (Rank: E) (Passive) - Reveals the true nature of demons and unveils their hidden appearance when gazed upon. ]

[ Option 2: Demonic Phobia (Rank: E) (Passive) - Projects the deepest fears of weak-willed demons when they lock eyes with the wearer, inducing psychological distress. ]

[ Durability: 92% ]

And this was his latest tool in helping hunt these demons, which proved to be a lot more helpful than he had originally intended. Acting as a mask, it turned out to be effective after a big demon named Blackheart took issue with Oliver's activities, prompting him to send demons after him. The demons didn't fare well, leading Oliver to the idea of concealing his face. Currently in what seemed to be an abandoned railway in Chicago, he followed one of the demons he intentionally let escape, intending to lead him to their nest.

Here he was, carrying four weapons—two he intended to turn into weapons and the Pilgrim sword and mask. Among them were a bone sword made from the bone of the Marrow God and a crystal lotus. Oliver hoped to witness the slaughter of demons so that the crystal lotus could gain an option that might prove helpful to him.

*AGHHH* *HEELLPPP* After walking for a while, he finally heard something—the sounds of people begging for help and perhaps in pain. "Looks like this is the stop," he smiled, drawing both of his swords.

Climbing to the station, he found a scene resembling a butcher shop. Cages made from bones held living and screaming humans, while a large metal table served as a place where a fat demon was butchering and processing them. Numerous smaller demons, ranging from green ones with no horns to bigger, more muscular ones with horns and wings, were present. "HUMAN" "Human...you have come to your doom" "doom" "doom" "doom" "doom" Oliver's appearance caused a commotion, as expected.

However, as soon as the demons looked into his mask, some immediately started to quiver, while others fled. "There is nowhere to run, nowhere to hide," Oliver declared loudly. The metal blade in his hand was already heating up, slicing through the nearest demons cleanly, leaving a trail of smoke. Most demons wanted to run, but the fat one yelled, "FOR BLACKHEART," rallying them to charge.

When one of the first demons got close, Oliver swung his hot blade, slicing its abdomen. Using his bone sword, he forcibly cut the claws of a small imp demon, as the sword couldn't be sharpened for some reason. It refused to be sharpened, but Oliver didn't mind; he would give it an option when he felt he had slain enough demons. Dodging a sneak attack from a red demon, he spun with force, his swords outstretched, cutting several demons in the process.

Moving from one demon to another, killing one after another, he intentionally spilled blood on the lotus crystal. Suddenly, he used both swords to parry what seemed to be a blue flaming ball, which dissipated upon hitting the swords. Peering through his sword, Oliver saw the fat demon with glowing purple hands, throwing another fireball. He then swung his bone sword back, impaling a demon before turning his attention to another massive, sludge-like demon with strange large legs, launching himself towards it and sliding down underneath.


A/N the reason why i didn't give him powers now is because he literally gets one when his bloodline reaches 5%, and he just reach 4%, so yeah, and come on, if i start giving him powers left to right, it would make the whole premise of the story(which is crafting weapons and items to power himself) meaningless.