
Marvel-Comics: Overgeared

reborn in a world that is crazy on crack, a soul must find a way to survive with everything in his arsenal, which just happened to be a system, that allows him to grant items options, with this system, follow the journey of the Oliver as he goes from a homeless kid, barely surviving in hells kitchen, to one of the most powerful being in the universe, who even a single atom of his has several EX ranked options. ------------ WARNING THIS IS BASED ON MARVEL COMICS. THIS IS HARDCORE GRINDING FANFIC WHERE HE WOULD HAVE TO WORK EVERY DAY. THIS IS GOING TO BE A MIX OF ACTION-PACKED STORY AND A CRAFTING STORY, HE HAS A SYSTEM, THAT PUTS EMPHASIS, ON THE ITEM'S PURPOSE, HISTORY, CREATION PROCESS, AND FUNCTIONALITY, IT IS NOT GOING TO BE MAINLY A CRAFTING STORY. GOOD NEWS, I HAVE FINALLY DECIDED ON A FM LEAD AND ITS OUR FAVORITE WITCH, THE STRONGEST SORCERERS, AND THE MOST BEAUTIFUL(IN MY OPINION) THE SCARLET WITCH as for plot, i will try to have a cohesive story structure, key word TRY

Bulale_Abali · Anime & Comics
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120 Chs

Hunting, Butchering, Hunting, and some more butchering (chapter 36)

Slicing through the demon's abdomen, Oliver emerged on the other side, turning around to witness the sludge demon collapsing while desperately trying to hold its insides. Dodging, swinging, ducking, and jumping – his movements were a dance of death. His pilgrim blade glowed brighter with each strike, transforming from a normal dark silver to a slight red, then to a radiant orange. The blade grew hotter, allowing him to cut through demons faster, some even catching fire in the process.

Several demons fled, but most met their demise, especially the larger ones with horns and wings – Oliver's primary targets. All this was accomplished without the aid of a symbiote; it was just him relying on his semi-enhanced physique, slaughtering demons with a relentless ferocity. Finally, his efforts bore fruit; his skin started to heat up, an uncomfortable sensation he had grown accustomed to. Consuming a second vial of dragon blood less than a week ago had accelerated his bloodline transformation by 1%.

Previously, it would have taken 10 months for a 1% transformation, but the improved dragon blood now granted him 1% each month, making him ten times faster. "I should be at 4%, and still no draconic features. Maybe they appear at 5% or 10%," he pondered while slicing through another demon. He got rammed into the cage holding the human sacrifices during a moment of distraction. "Aghh, that hurt."

The distraction allowed a bull-like demon to charge at him, but he quickly shook it off, considering it a minor inconvenience. It was nothing compared to the monstrous adversaries he had faced. Using his bone sword, he pierced the neck of the charging demon before finishing it off by slicing its head with his hot sword.

With that demon defeated, only the large, fat demon remained, charging relentlessly. Oliver aimed his heated blade at the oncoming behemoth, each step resonating through the station. Using all his strength, Oliver threw his blade, distorting the air around it. As the blade connected with the charging demon, it went through its head cleanly, like a very hot blade through soft, cold butter. The demon fell with a heavy thud, sliding down and stopping right in front of Oliver.

Recalling the pilgrim sword, Oliver inadvertently decapitated an invisible demon. "Huh, didn't see that one. Well, what a coincidence," he chuckled to himself, surveying the aftermath. The scene was a tableau of carnage – disassembled body parts and an empty bone cage that was left open in the midst of the fight, allowing the humans to escape. Oliver sighed, as usual, before taking out a custom-made flask with a red residue inside.

"Boy, am I glad I made this," Oliver exclaimed as he opened the lid of the flask, creating a large suction force that drew in all the spilled demon blood in a 20-meter radius around him. Despite its modest size, the flask held liquid equivalent to what five similar flasks could contain, a testament to its unique options.

[ Name: Crystal Bloodflask ]

[ Grade: Blue ]

[ Description: Crafted from a special clear crystal, this flask bears the unique mark of smelting and molding. Originally used to collect blood, it now holds magical properties that extend its functionality. ]

[ Option 1: Liquid Aegis (Rank: E) (Passive) - Allows the wielder to collect a single type of liquid within a 20-meter radius as long as the lid is removed. ]

[ Option 2: Spatial Expansion (Rank: E) (Passive) - Increases the internal space of the flask by 5 times its original capacity. ]

[ Durability: 100% ]

After collecting all the blood the flask could hold, Oliver shifted his focus to gathering other body parts like horns, claws, and wings.

**-scene change-**

[Name: Oliver]

[MP: 9.02/9.02 (1 MP lasts for 1 minute, 1 MP can be recovered every minute)]


Option: You can grant one item two options, and depending on either the item's history, production method, use, or significance, it would receive a different option. But it can only receive 2 options, with a 50% chance of failure. Current grade: E, level: 2 (781/2,000) cooldown: 6 hours.]

Option-Remover: You can remove the option out of a single item, level: 1 (781/1,000) cooldown: 6 hours.]

Inside his shell home, a topless Oliver worked at his workbench, wearing scholarly glasses and holding a screw and a welding tool. He was engrossed in wiring works for the drone, attaching cameras and meticulously ensuring each component functioned seamlessly. After about twenty minutes, he carefully covered the drone with casing, checking his status screen to confirm that his cooldown had ended. "Well, this is a perfect time," he smiled, conducting several tests on the drone to assess its flight capabilities and overall functionality.

Post-testing, he began sanding the dragonic helmet that had been completed earlier, adding another drop of blood to the molten metal intended for the chest plate. Simultaneously, he delved into learning, improving the drone's code and hardware. His sketches included different housing options for the drone's armor, reflecting his commitment to enhancing it. Little did he know the significance this drone would hold in his future.

**-scene change-**

Walking alongside the road in the lively New York City night, Oliver wore blue jeans, a black T-shirt, a black leather jacket, and his hair tied into a bun. A drone hovered high above him, emitting a blue energy hue. Despite the ordinary glasses he wore, Oliver split his vision with the drone, occupied with thoughts. He muttered, "This messed up world," expressing his frustration with the supernatural beings that thrived at night.

The drone had received options, and Oliver was on a hunt—more like baiting vampires. The city's nighttime vibrancy was due to its supernatural denizens, most of whom loathed daylight. Oliver's encounter with a vampire trying to make him its meal led him to hunt them for their fangs and blood, materials he found as valuable as those obtained from demons. Obsessed with bloodlines since acquiring the dragon bloodline, Oliver was equally dedicated to his alchemical pursuits. As he scanned the city, he mused, "Found you," spotting a woman being chased by what appeared to be a vampire, just a few buildings away.


A/N well, another chapter, hope you guys enjoy it.

ps: he is seriously going to regret saving that woman above in the next chapter, and for those who kept up with recent blade comics, you will know who she is, lets just say that her blood is going to play a big role in the next seasons goal.