
Marvel-Comics: Overgeared

reborn in a world that is crazy on crack, a soul must find a way to survive with everything in his arsenal, which just happened to be a system, that allows him to grant items options, with this system, follow the journey of the Oliver as he goes from a homeless kid, barely surviving in hells kitchen, to one of the most powerful being in the universe, who even a single atom of his has several EX ranked options. ------------ WARNING THIS IS BASED ON MARVEL COMICS. THIS IS HARDCORE GRINDING FANFIC WHERE HE WOULD HAVE TO WORK EVERY DAY. THIS IS GOING TO BE A MIX OF ACTION-PACKED STORY AND A CRAFTING STORY, HE HAS A SYSTEM, THAT PUTS EMPHASIS, ON THE ITEM'S PURPOSE, HISTORY, CREATION PROCESS, AND FUNCTIONALITY, IT IS NOT GOING TO BE MAINLY A CRAFTING STORY. GOOD NEWS, I HAVE FINALLY DECIDED ON A FM LEAD AND ITS OUR FAVORITE WITCH, THE STRONGEST SORCERERS, AND THE MOST BEAUTIFUL(IN MY OPINION) THE SCARLET WITCH as for plot, i will try to have a cohesive story structure, key word TRY

Bulale_Abali · Anime & Comics
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120 Chs

Ghost rider vs Oliver (chapter 34)

Stood before Ghost Rider, encircled by flaming chains that should have overwhelmed any symbiote, there were no exchanged words between the two adversaries. Instead, they engaged in a fierce exchange of fists, each blow sending them hurtling through the air. However, Oliver found himself propelled even farther as the chains binding him exerted additional force. Annoyed at the relentless chains, Oliver instinctively retreated into his shell, catching the Ghost Rider off guard.

Emerging from the shell with a brilliant blue blade, Oliver sliced through the flaming chains, reducing them to liquid. Reacting swiftly, he deflected a punch from the Spirit of Vengeance, who was clearly angered by the destruction of his chains.

Despite the punishing blows, Oliver staggered but regained his balance, deftly evading a punch and countering with a powerful uppercut. Time was running out, and Oliver knew he couldn't afford to give the spirit an opportunity to strike back. He unleashed a flurry of punches, causing cracks to form beneath the ethereal figure.

The Ghost Rider retaliated by ensnaring Oliver with a chain, digging into his shoulders and tearing through flesh. Groaning in pain, Oliver refused to relent, intensifying his barrage of punches. Unfazed by the usual weakness of hellfire against symbiotes, Oliver pressed on, punching through a dragon-shaped formation created by Ghost Rider's chains.

In response, the Spirit of Vengeance roared, flames bursting forth, attempting to burn the symbiote back into Oliver. However, Oliver's immunity to the usual weaknesses only fueled his determination. Ghost Rider conjured a flaming punch, aiming directly at Oliver's head. Sighing in anticipation, Oliver deftly deflected the blow with his hand, countering with a quick jab to disorient the rider.

Seizing the opportunity, Oliver delivered rapid successive punches, causing the Ghost Rider to tumble backward. Just as he halted inches from the wall, Ghost Rider lunged forward, launching a straight flaming punch. Oliver deflected the blow and retaliated with a series of jabs to disorient the fiery foe. Ghost Rider summoned unending chains, using them to slam Oliver against the wall. Despite the impact, Oliver quickly recovered.

Summoning the anti-metal sword, Oliver plunged it into the ground, generating a thin, semi-transparent membrane that enveloped him. The chains bounced off harmlessly. Determined, Oliver leaped toward Ghost Rider, who attempted futile punches. Oliver, realizing that Ghost Rider's punches were ineffective against the membrane, relentlessly struck back, sending the supernatural foe flying repeatedly. Although the Ghost Rider was unstable, Oliver remained resolute, consistently putting him down every time he rose.

[Johny blaze pov ]

"Whenever the Ghost Rider emerged, I would remember, I would either wake up in an alleyway or in the middle of the woods, with clothes burnt and smoke traces in my mouth," Johnny Blaze, the host of the Ghost Rider, the Spirit of Vengeance, thought, "solely because I wasn't trusted. After all, to the rider, I was the reason he was imprisoned. But what the hell is this?" He couldn't really comprehend what he was seeing – this man, with a symbiote, punching, picking up, and slamming the Ghost Rider, while being impervious to everything that the Spirit of Vengeance had thrown at him.

"Who the hell is he?" For the first time in a while, Blaze was losing confidence in the Ghost Rider. "Why the hell did the Spirit of Vengeance pick a fight with him? And why isn't it taking this fight seriously?" He couldn't tell, maybe because the Spirit of Vengeance thought that, because of the symbiote, the host must have committed some sin, but Blaze seemed unsure. "This can't go on." With a determined thought, "It is unsure if he is a sinner? Then why the hell fight?" His mind was in constant turmoil before he decided.

He could tell the Spirit of Vengeance was confused as well, unsure whether the human before him had committed any sin. "Enough!" Blaze yelled to the Spirit of Vengeance, pushing back to take control, and boy was he glad he did, since the moment he made the Spirit of Vengeance retract.

Leaving Johnny Blaze back in his human form, a fist of symbiote suit stopped just inches away from him, while the other hand was grabbing him by the collar. "STOP!" That's when the woman who the Ghost Rider was chasing, her hands lit on fire, looked at the man before Oliver sighed. The nullifications membrane, which was about to break due to the ghost riders constant attack, finally dissipated as he then let go of the man before turning around. He picked up several liquefied Ghost Rider chains before entering his shell home, leaving Talia and Johnny to sigh in relief.

"Who the hell was that?" Blaze asked as Talia helped him. "I don't know. He was just standing in that alleyway before the Ghost Rider attacked him." She looked at the alleyway while helping Blaze get on his feet. "What he is, he is dangerous," he said in a serious demeanor while getting to his feet only to fall into one of the many craters in the alleyway they fought, which Talia looked around. "You don't have to tell me," as they surveyed the several small crates, destroyed dumpsters, and dented walls. It was a miracle why the cops were not called. "Let's get out of here; we have some evil to catch," while hurriedly leaving the place.


Inside the shell home, a naked Oliver could be seen, tending to his wounds, which were plenty – whether it was the ripped flesh on his shoulder or the charred skin. He was healing using the means available to him, which were abundant. They came in the form of healing fruits and the ancient golden goblet, which now had a more intense white hue around it. Of course, it was unstable as well, since a white-rank item could only handle F and E, the same for the rest of the items, which could only handle options that were two ranks higher than them.

Still in his home, Oliver was currently looking at several test tubes filled with red dragon blood. Well, there were only six test tubes. "After this, I will only have five test tubes of that red Asgardian dragon's blood, which I am saving so that I can give it better options when I level up," he sighed. After all, he wanted to completely transform his entire bloodline or gain the blood of the Asgardian dragon. So, of course, he was saving the blood so that he could give them better options, like he had done now to one of the test tubes, which received a new set of options.

[ Name: Draconic Essence Elixir ]

[ Grade: Purple ]

[ Description: A test tube containing the blood shed by the mighty Asgardian Red Dragon, Sadurang, a sorcerer of unparalleled prowess who once studied under the tutelage of Dormammu. Infused with the essence of dragon magic. ]

[ Option 1 (Improved): Passive Transformation - Monthly production of 1% Dragon Blood from the user's heart. As the percentage increases, subtle draconic changes manifest in the consumer's physiology, bestowing enhanced resilience, affinity for fire, and a latent shapeshifting ability before the user's entire bloodline changes to that of a red dragon upon receiving 100% of the dragon's blood. (Rank: E) ]

[ Option 2: Dragons Roulette (Rank: E) (Passive) - you get a 50% chance to inherit one of the red Asgardian dragon's abilities upon consumption ]

[ Durability: 100% ]


A/N yap, oliver vs ghost rider ended in a draw, mostly because the ghost rider could tell if oliver was a sinner or not despite claiming oliver to be a sinner at the beginning, if that wasn't the case, oliver would have lost.

PS: the nullification membrane isn't invulnerable, as long as one possesses sufficient attack power, the membrane would break, it just requires hulk level strength.