
Marvel: Abstract entity

Cover made by: Jhassi discord: https://discord.gg/YTwU6P4sn7 Description: Mc is originally from a possible future 2050 of our world where human beings were not able to commit to stopping climate change, he was chosen by an omnipotent being that MC likes to refer to as ×÷+- because of some reason. ×÷+- granted MC's 3 wishes and in exchange, he had to be transmigrated to a world of ×÷+-'s choice. Mc thought it was Dceu because he got reincarnated there but that was only because of the influence of the wishes he asked for and he had yet to be transmigrated to the real universe that ×÷+- chose for him. PS: As you may already guess from the title of the fiction, this book is a little bit influenced by my feelings towards maths which will be observed in MC's feelings towards ×÷+-. Just for fun at the start. trying my hand at writing something for the first time, I don't own dc-comics and marvel comics. Though I'm writing this fiction before that, I have to confess that im not that knowledgeable about MCU, just a fan of it so don't expect it to be completely accurate. update rate depends on my mood so there's that too and English is not my first language so I thought I should inform you about that too. thnx for reading until now.

Kitshaar · Movies
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81 Chs

Chapter 16: confirmation

****kar-el P.O.V.

I spend a few hours just reading history books and it was worth it because I was able to confirm that this universe shares almost the same events as MCU until now, Steve Rogers became Captain America and brought victory to the allies but sadly he sacrificed himself while stopping an air bomber mid-flight to America and rest is history.

I exited from there after that and entered a store 100 meters away from the library and brought a brand new deck of cards and a map of the city.

I returned to a public square where some Street performers were showing tricks to earn some money, I pick up a cardboard square from the dustbin during my travel.

there were at least 6 to 7 performers on the square and a lot of people enjoying the day.

I walked towards a musician playing guitar beside a cardboard box that read " would play a song of your choice for 3$" and donated a dollar in the donation box.

" Thanks, man," he said while leaning just a little to show sincerity.

" Do you have a marker with you, I need to write something?" I asked as I showed him my cardboard square.

" Yeah, I have it, mate. what would you be performing?" he asked as he passed me the marker from his pocket.

I observed the square once again before I turned toward him and said," the square lacks a magician" to which he nodded.

I used the marker to write [ Challenge the impossible if you don't believe in magic. Prize = 20 $ participation cost = 1$ ]

on the cardboard before returning the marker to him while thanking him.

I searched for a place that would attract attention and the place I could find was beside a wall of art done by some artist.

I leaned against it and set the cardboard beside me and then just waited for a while.

' I need to earn enough money to make a server designed to boot Serena so that I could make her active again.' I thought as I touched the master key hung on my neck like a locket that also housed Serena's whole code of the command.

Putting a prize without explaining the challenge quickly yielded results as in a few minutes a group of college students walked up to me.

the most athletic guy among them was first to ask me," what is the challenge?"

I turned to observe him from top to bottom before asking, " who will be playing with me?"

" does it really matter who is playing?" asked the girl that was leaning against the guy.

" It does matter because it won't be interesting if I would only show you the same magic to all my challengers. I decide on the challenge according to the Challenger. So would be the challenger amongst you all? " I replied without looking at the girl and only turned to look her into the eyes when I asked the question.

" it would be me " the guy from before replied.

I stand up properly before I spoke to him," very well then. you seem to be very athletic, did you play any games? "

the girl replied," he is a state football player " while punching him playfully on his shoulder.

the guy laughed embarrassingly a little.

" The challenge for you would be to force me to move from where I would be standing. Even a single step counts as your victory. Now I'm that you will think I would use some trick so to make you guys believe in me, I would be bare feet and you can choose anywhere in this square where you want to perform the challenge. what do you think?" I told them the details of the challenge as I walk around them.

Sadly, the result was already decided before the challenge began. even though my powers were partially sealed, I'm still as powerful as a super-soldier, and with time I would grow stronger day by day.

" sounds simple enough.", the guy remarked after thinking a bit as he passed me a dollar.

I nodded at that and asked," where do you want to do it? " as I opened my shoes and showed by barefoot to the group so they could check them for any tricks.

" how about ten steps to the right from where you are standing? " he suggested as he bounced a little to prepare himself.

" wait, I want to check your body if you are hiding something. " asked a different girl than before.

I nodded as I spread my arms to indicate that they could check as they like.

Two boys and the girl came to me and checked my body before stepping back after they were done.

the girl whispered to her friend when she returned to the group but because of my hyper senses, I heard it like she whispered that to me," Don't trust that baggy jacket of his, dude has a well-defined body. "

I smirked at that as I stood in the position that the athletic guy suggested before nodding to him to indicate that I was ready.

**** third-person P.O.V.

kar-el hyper senses may not allow him to listen to what is happening on the other side of the city during this partially sealed state imposed by ×÷+- for his security from cosmic threats but he was very much capable of being aware of everything thing that was happening in this particular public square.

he was completely aware that he and the student group were becoming the center of attention of the square as many people were interested in seeing what would be the result of this challenge.

The athletic guy stood in front of him and tried to push him back but he didn't even bulge a little which made him raise an eyebrow. he finally got serious as he put both of his hands on kar-el's chest and pushed but he felt like he was pushing against a wall.

The audience was shocked to observe this and it made them wonder how was this possible?

Even after trying different ways, the guy wasn't able to move kar-el a single step from his position. after a few minutes, he finally admitted defeat as he got exhausted.

" How is this possible?" he asked while taking deep breaths.

kar-el shrugged his shoulders as he commented," what can I say? maybe im just built differently than others."

" I'm impressed, man. how about I raised the stakes a little? I would give you 20$ if you can remain still while I and my guys try to move you. " he asked as he handed kar-el a 20$ note.

" For how long? " kar-el asked in return as he put the note in his pocket.

" how about a minute? what do you think guys?" he remarked as he turned to his friends to which they nodded.

"okay " kar-el easily agreed and a total of 3 guys started to try to move him from his position but sadly even then they weren't able to move him a little.

A minute passed quickly and the boys showed good sportsmanship by admitting their defeat fair and square.

the crowd that was watching the whole show played out clapped sincerely and kar-el bowed his head as a magician would do after he was done with his magic act.

After that, kar-el become popular and he earned more than 100$ by utilizing his powers as an act of magic. Sometimes he would tell the contestant to turn around and type something on a piece of paper and not show it to anybody and hide it by sticking it on their heart. He used his x-ray vision to see what was written on the paper and surprise the audience.

Other times he would tell the contestants to move to the end of the square while he would move to the other end of the square and tell them to whisper something among themselves while he turned his back to them so he won't be able to read their lips. After they were done, kar-el would tell them what they had whispered to each other.

After spending the whole day until evening, kar-el walked to return to the same alley where he first woke up, in the middle of the route he also bought a hamburger to eat from a vendor even though he was not that hungry.

he might not need to for his stomach but it looked tasty when he first saw it so he couldn't control himself from buying one.

A few of the regular residents of this alley obviously noticed the new guy but for now, they ignored him.

He quickly on the roof of the same building from the side alley as he did yesterday before enjoying his dinner and then he ended the day by sleeping under the vast sky.


Author's note: search for my other fiction by the name of [ have some respect for this mob, you sadist system!!] if you like to watch an Mc suffer because his system doesn't find him worthy as a host while he had to take care of a cute but arrogant pet that just likes to freeload most of the time. It is ranked fourth in the WPC #244 currently so your power stones on that fiction would really help if you like that fiction after reading.

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