
Reviews of Madara in the Avatar World


Madara in the Avatar World


  • Overall Rate
  • Writing Quality
  • Updating Stability
  • Story Development
  • Character Design
  • world background



Already 10 chaps released and I mean it when I say... Good fanfic.. A really good fanfic.. Can't believe its Author's first book, He definitely has the talent and creativity to write a good book.. Warnings though, Madara is nerfed and he is not Madara but he is him..but also Madara... Not too OP but OP MC and powers.. Entertaining story and nicepace so far English not perfect but is fine and won't get in the way of enjoying the story.. Overall a solid 5 stars so far.. Hope Author doesn't stop as many great new Author has done so far..so I will motivate with at least 1 powerstone everyday.. The fanfic i currently one of the 6 books I followed and support regularly onthe site.

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an absolute gem hidden in pile of garbage. [img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend]


with an app like wattpad, where i expect at best a 4/10 experience, i am happy to say that this is one of the best fanfiction i have ever read, i am sad to see that you haven't updated in two months. however, you should feel proud of what you have made here. alltogether, I'd say this is a 9/10 experience in fanfiction (i have over 1500 fanfiction favorited/read between all sights) and 7/10 as far as books go. keep it up, you have what a great skill.


this fanfic is a masterpiece. if there's a novel that gets me fanboying over it's characters every single chapter then it's this one


Flippin fantastic. Its a fanfic that finally makes sense. Instead of a system that's basically the main MC of the novel, the real MC actually works for his own things and makes his own decisions. It doesn't feel like im reading about quantum physics in a 9th grader textbook, but more like advanced algebra in a 10th grader textbook(excuse me for my very abstract analogy). But the point is it sticks to the fictional worlds rules, but still allowing us to know that the MC still is overpowered, not overly, but still in the realm of sensibility. This book is so great, I even advocate for the author to practically rewrite all other system fanfics made by other authors to make em better.


is there gonna be a new chapter anytime soon its been like 3 months since last chapter hope you carry on cause its a really nice novel hope you post soon


Reveal spoiler


Mr. Author, if you write this masterpiece to the end and is still masterpiece, and you write another fanfic and it is another masterpiece, you will become a Legendary author, like 'CORNBRINGER' and 'MISTER_IMMORTAL'


Excellent. The writing is quite high quality for this site. I enjoy the personalriy of the MC. Author actually fleshes out side characters that have personality and feel real. My only concern is that this story will be dropped before we reach the start of canon due to how far back we are starting. Looking forward to reading more.


The Thing that I liked the most about this novel is that there is no feeling of rush for the power in the MC, sometimes authors forget that they are writing human who need rest and some kind of enjoyment in their life. I also like complex characters like author, then it doesn't feel that the novel is all about fight. People who want Madara to crush everyone sometimes forget that the current Madara is barely or nearly 12 year old. Even the Canon Madara didn't have that kind of power at that age. Even Sasuke was exhausted by using Susanoo who at that time was more older than the MC and told that using Susanoo it felt that every cell of your body is hurting so it makes sense that now the MC could not maintain it for so long. At last I would like to thank Author-San and his wife for giving us so many wonderful chapters in such a short time especially when they are not even asking for a patreon. Thank you very much both of you.


Simply magnificent. The humorous style of writing combined with the plot progression makes for a very entertaining read. Not a single chapter was boring and the mc's personality has been well fleshed out.


On chapter 14 one of the best madara transmigration fics




I hate finding stories like this, so good that when you realize it hasn't been completed or updated in a few months you only have so long to enjoy giving it.


Was up . I just want to ask ,whats up with the stop of chapter updates .It was doing awesome with the daily updates. but it has slowed down again and it has me distressed .I dig this novel like a lot.


best one ive read yet. only problem is that it takes too long to update


Una novela increíble, con un desarrollo de personaje muy bueno, enserio solo me puedo quedar impresionado de tus habilidades, crear una historia en el mundo de avatar con Madara uno de los personajes más épicos del anime y darle un desarrollo tan bueno, eso sin duda muy pocos lo pueden hacer pero tú lo lograste, te seguiré apoyando y espero que sigas subiendo esta novela hasta terminarla. PD: Gracias por dedicar tu preciado tiempo y traernos entretenimiento con esta novela.


in start, i have to say this story is great, writting qualoty is good, story development is well paced with sense of seriousnes and also with great sense of humor. Character, MC is fine he isnt godly op but isnt also pushover, he is wellbalanced in a way i didnt see fanfic with so well balanced MC. Character for me is also good. well updating is the weakest thing of my review but anyone can see how offen and when was last chapter themselves. Background of world is predetermined by avatar setings, still author do good job with his ideas. i wanted for world give only 4* but in end i gave 5* also. now what i ma most afraid of. potential spoiler: the reincarnator which our MC has to hunt isnt determined for nnow ill ch. i read, and i am somehow aifraid that the one he has to hunt will be my beloved avatar aang itself. 1. reincarnator isnt deteined that he is here when our MC landed there by god himself 2. aang is in iceberg, can posibly died and than reincarnator can land in him 3. what best final boss for MC could be here than Avatar in the end of story. I love Aang and Avatar, so i am rlly worried about that, i would like rather see cliche or something else or mc to guide avatar woth possibility to even teach him, than that aang turn as 'evil reincarnator'. still i worry that that possibily isnrlly great out there for that happen. I wouldnt like to see my beloved joyfull, funny and 'good' Aang end up as evil, but i am on author and not a god so i can only watch what will happen. but if it happened, i think this will be story i will regret i read in the end. well thats just think in my worrysome mind for now, who know. still till what i read for me its definitely worth reading for now and definitely recomended to read, and will also sometimes vote stones for this one. its show that i vote 4,4 but i would like to be it around 4,6... detail. lets see if i will regret or not but for readers who are not so roblematic as me in that regard, its definitely worth reading till end. thanks author for the story with best regard Toshi


I have been here from day one and will be till the end. The best avatar fanfic I read so far. If there's one thing please update more frequently. Thanks for writing this masterpiece.


I have been waiting for you Author Sama, finally you are back. I'm gonna reread this fanfic, I hope you not gonna drop this gem...