
Journey Of False God

The soul from earth was hit by a truck... and reborn as the consciousness of the hogyoku. Aizen who saw there was a soul from inside the hogyoku accessed the memories of that soul who had the name Megane and knowing that he was just a character created and his destiny was set.

4Eyes · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

The Sea Is Quiet

Rimuru came out of the cave to see two men. 'Before, I met the adventurers inside the cave, and now outside the cave there are also other humans?!'

Rimuru ignored them and left immediately.

"Hey Aizen, can you open a portal like Ichigo's son did? I'm not interested in this world," Megane said.

"I can do it. It's just that we'll meet extraterrestrials beforehand?! And what a horrible creature it is," muttered Aizen.

"If I'm not mistaken, it's probably Azathoth, one of the characters from the fictional Cthulhu Mythos. I just hope when we enter the portal we don't land in the SCP Verse," Megane replied.

"Are you sure you don't want to stay here for a while? I sense a lot of interesting creatures, and up in the sky there seems to be a dimension that might be heaven?" After saying that, Aizen saw Megane shaking her head.

'It seems she is not interested in this world.'

Opening the gate and filling it with Reaitsu as before, the gate became strange and turned like a Black Hole.

Seeing this, Megane and Aizen immediately entered.

Fortunately, when they entered a place with many dimensional rifts, there were no monstrous creatures before.

"Everything is random. If the next world is not interesting, we can go to this place again to determine the next world," said Aizen.

Hearing this, Megane nodded and walked to the nearest dimensional rift in which the sea and an island were seen. 'Maybe One Piece?'

Aizen, who saw this, followed her.


Megane and Aizen, when exiting the dimensional rift, landed on an island where there was only the sea and occasionally a sea monster of enormous size would appear.

Walking around the island, Megane found a fruit with a strange pattern.

'As I guessed right, this is the One Piece Verse.'

As Megane and Aizen relaxed beside the beach, they saw a wooden wreckage and a woman on it.

Aizen, who was curious about this, used his Reaitsu to pull the woman closer.

Megane, looking at the woman with her green hair, was shocked. 'No way... Toki? What year did I arrive in?'

Toki, who woke up and looked around, didn't see Joyboy but saw the two men in front of her and the debris on the coast. Toki stood up and thanked the two men in front of her for saving her.

Megane watched Toki move away. 'It looks like she wants to use her fruit power to go to the future.'

"Miss, is Joyboy fighting Imu and the 20 Kingdoms Alliance?" asked Megane.

Hearing the words of the man behind her, Toki was surprised.

"Who are you?!" The frightened Toki wanted to use her fruit power right away.

"Aizen, quickly hold that woman's body," Megane said. After that, Megane and Aizen used Shunpo, and they both held Toki's body and were immediately sucked in and reappeared elsewhere.


"Wow, I didn't think I would go 1,000 years into the future that easily," muttered Megane while looking at the newspaper she saw that contained the pirate Gol D. Roger.

Toki, who was eating a sea monster killed by Megane, asked, "Why are you following me?"

'And also, I have to find Nika's successor. Only she can make Joyboy's peace with Queen Nefertari a little more successful if only she is not betrayed by the 20 Kingdoms and her sister Imu. Peace for land and sea creatures will be created.'

"We are not following you, Miss. And also, thank you for taking us so we don't have to wait 1,000 years in that place," said Megane. After saying that, Megane left immediately.

Aizen, who saw her following, asked, "What do you want to do? I've seen everything in this world. There are only sea creatures and some people who are quite strong, and also there are pirates. This world is quite interesting."

"East Blue. You've seen all the memories of mine in the village that is the protagonist of this world, Luffy. I'm going there. And also, you see that ship?" Megane pointed with her finger at a ship shaped like a whale.

"Edward Newgate... with the appearance of Toki, Oden will also appear, and Roger will also get One Piece," said Megane. After saying that, Megane used Reality Warping to create a yacht and fill the room with soda drinks.

Aizen, who saw this, asked, "If we use Shunpo or directly teleport, we will arrive quickly. What is this yacht for?"

Megane, who heard this, opened her can of cola, started the yacht's engine, and headed straight east.

"It's not fun to arrive right away. It will probably take months to get to Fuusha Village, and also if we go there, Luffy hasn't been born yet. I want to explore the sea first," Megane replied.

Aizen, who didn't care, tried out his newly acquired powers and tried to create some things.

Megane saw Aizen, who was experimenting with his new power, looking for a button around them and pressed the button that said "Auto Drive" to make the yacht drive automatically.

Walking to the back of the ship, looking at the vastness of the sea, I created a chair and relaxed, creating meat and trying to make a barbeque.

Aizen, who saw the smoke and smell of meat, walked over to Megane.

Looking at the calm sea.

"Megane, is it possible to go to your home world? I really want to kill the creator," muttered Aizen in annoyance.

"That's not possible... if you want to kill Kubo, it's possible, but you can only kill Variants."

Aizen, hearing this, asked, "Can you explain in more detail?"

"The world I came from, you could say, is just a normal world. That world could be called the first world. If we give it a name, maybe we call it Earth 0001. And if you want to find a world with Kubo in it, when you land on that world, it's just a similar world with the name Earth 0002 or with another name."

"It's practically impossible to travel to the world (Reality) the world we're in now is actually just a fiction derived from human thought... you better forget it. Don't you have any other goals? Don't you want to become a God? In this world, there is (Tenryubito). Do you remember the previous island when we landed?"

"At that time, if I'm not mistaken, Joyboy and his partner fought 20 Kingdoms. The descendants of those Kingdoms are now making their identities like Gods when in fact they are actually just weak humans. What a disgusting creature. And also, slavery in this world still exists," said Megane, who then walked into the ship.

"What do you want to do?" asked Aizen.

"?? I'm tired. I didn't expect to be reborn as Hogyoku when I died. My only wish is to meet ROB and start a normal reincarnation. I'm going to rest." After saying that, Megane created a bed and fell asleep.

Aizen saw the vast sea and the sky above.

'No one stands at the top of the world. Not you, not me, not even the gods. But the unbearable vacancy of the throne in the sky has ended. From now on...I will sit on it. It's a shame I ever said that all my previous actions happened because someone was controlling me.'

Using his Reaitsu to see all things on earth, Aizen saw the amazing battle and heard their names.

'Roger and Shirohige, they are indeed amazing humans.' Seeing the Haki, Aizen tried to apply it to his hand and saw his wrist turn black.

'Too easy?'