
Journey Of False God

The soul from earth was hit by a truck... and reborn as the consciousness of the hogyoku. Aizen who saw there was a soul from inside the hogyoku accessed the memories of that soul who had the name Megane and knowing that he was just a character created and his destiny was set.

4Eyes · Anime & Comics
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5 Chs

Another World

Megane, who appeared in Japan, immediately used her Reaitsu to find Ichigo's house. When her purple Reaitsu spread throughout Japan, Megane found it.

Urahara, who was relaxing with a black cat in his shop, sensed Reaitsu heading towards Ichigo's house.

'Aizen's Reaitsu!? No way... he's still sealed.' Worried about the worst, Urahara stood up and rushed to Ichigo's residence.

Yoruichi, who followed Urahara out of curiosity, saw Urahara's worried expression.

"Urahara, what's wrong?" asked Yoruichi.

Hearing Yoruichi's question, Urahara did not answer. Feeling worried, Urahara used Shunpo to get to Ichigo's house faster.


Megane, who was right at Ichigo's house, saw Kazui and the children of Renji and Rukia.

'Ichika Abarai? I thought after defeating Yhwach, Ichigo would be with Rukia.'

As Megane approached Kazui, Urahara and Yoruichi appeared in front of her.

"Who are you? I sense your Reaitsu has a resemblance to Aizen," Urahara asked.

Hearing Urahara's question, Megane released her Kyoka Suigetsu Hypnosis.

Shocked to see in front of her only Reaitsu, Urahara asked, "I've never seen anything like this. And also before, you were in human form, like it was Hypnosis?!"

"You've seen me, Urahara. Have you forgotten that you created me?" Megane replied. 'Myself can now be said to be Hogyoku consciousness.'

'I created it?!? No way.' "Are you Hogyoku? And also, what are you here for?" asked Urahara.

"Your guess is right, I'm Hogyoku. You see these purple Reaitsu... these are all Reaitsu that came from Hogyoku."

"And why am I here? I want to borrow Kazui. Aizen and I are going to a distant place, and I want to ask for help to summon Kyoraku Shunsui," said Megane.

Intrigued by Hogyoku's actions, Urahara accepted the proposal and called Kyoraku.


"So the person in front of me is Hogyoku?" asked Kyoraku in confusion.

"Yes, that's right. Right now, he's using Kyoka Suigetsu to make us see him as a human when in fact he's just a bunch of Reaitsu shaped like a human," replied Urahara.

"What are you calling me for, Urahara? Does this Hogyoku want Aizen's seal key? That's not possible. He still has to be locked up in that prison for 20,000 years," Kyoraku muttered.

Hearing Urahara and Kyoraku's conversation, Megane, who was already determined, said, "Aizen and I need that seal key and Kazui to travel to another world... you may not believe it, but Kazui has the power to open the gates of Hell," Megane said.

Kyoraku, who heard this proposal, thought for a few minutes and agreed.

'At least that crazy Aizen will be gone from this world,' Kyoraku thought.


Kazui and Megane, who were in Muken's prison, freed Aizen from all his seals.

"Finally free... Megane, do you want to go to Hueco Mundo? I'm pretty sure they'll obey when they see me again," Aizen asked.

"No, we're going straight to the other world. Kazui, the guy in front of you, you can say he's Grandpa because he's one of Ichigo's parents," Megane muttered with a chuckle.

While traveling, following Megane, Aizen arrived at a place with a laboratory.

"What is this place for?" asked Aizen curiously.

Entering deeper into the laboratory, Megane took Gremmy's brain and placed it in front of Aizen.

"I want you to use this brain... Gremmy's brain has the power to create imagination," Megane replied.

Aizen, who was already experienced with surgery, immediately operated on his own head and replaced his brain.

Kazui, who looked curiously, asked, "Why is there no blood coming out?" surprised by what he saw.

Megane, who heard this, did not care.

"It's done, so what do you want next?" asked Aizen.

'Oetsu's sword, I know it's hidden by Tokinada, but I'm not interested. And also, the power that Aizen has, I will automatically have it too. I'm sure I'm strong enough now.'

Using Reality Warping to create a new body, I molded him into a character I recognized, 'Kiruma Souichi. I will use his body.'

Aizen saw Megane creating a new body with just a thought. 'I just realized this brain belongs to the Soul King.'

Successfully getting a new body, Megane had already decided to leave this world.

"Kazui, I want you to open the Gate of Hell."

Hearing this, Kazui immediately did so, and a gate with an intimidating presence appeared.

"Aizen, fill this gate with Reaitsu and don't stop."

Aizen, who heard this, filled the gate with a huge amount of Reaitsu.

The residents of Hell, who were Shinigami and Hollow, sensed the Reaitsu and wanted to approach it.

Looking at the Gate of Hell that showed the color turning black, 'Black Hole?'

"Aizen, enter quickly... and Kazui, thank you." After saying that, Megane and Aizen immediately entered the Black Hole and were sucked into a space-like place with many dimensional cracks that contained another world.

Looking around, Megane and Aizen saw an octopus with a very large body and one eye.

'Azathoth?!' Aizen and I sensed the threatening presence of the octopus and immediately ran away from this place and entered the portal ahead.


Looking at the mountain and behind me is a cave, which world is this?

As Megane was curious about the world she had landed in, a blue Slime jumped in front of her.

'Damn, Rimuru?!... Rimuru Tempest.'