
In Marvel with Greatest System

"haaa, nothing new coming" ??? "damm, writer strikes" ??? Max cursed at the news of writer strikes news, cause its delaying his favourite movies from releasing, Suddenly he heard a shout but pay it no heed until... ************************* "hey, Kid watch out!" I helplessly watched a teenage kid moment away from just truck crashing into him, but i still tried reaching out to him but..( Random passerby) #screeeech# #Bam# "Huh, what- cough i-is t-this" Max looks at the clear blue sky, feeling pain all over his body. But soon realisation dawned him "I guess, I won't be able to watch my favs any more....." Max closed his eyes thinking it's over but is it.... ############################## Cover and other images aren't owned my me If the owner wants it to be removed plz tell me

Boring_World · Movies
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127 Chs

The golden Bell

As the sun began its descent, casting a warm glow over Angel Island, Max gathered his crew at a designated meeting point—a celestial plaza where the group reunited after a day filled with exploration and discovery.

"Alright, everyone, it's time to head to Upper Yard," Max declared, his voice brimming with anticipation. "That's where the legendary Gold of Sandoria is said to be located."

The crew members gathered around, their expressions a mix of excitement and determination. They had spent the day unraveling the mysteries of Angel Island, but the prospect of uncovering the fabled treasure of Upper Yard sparked a renewed fervor among them.

With Gan Fall leading the way, the group embarked on a journey toward Upper Yard—a lofty realm believed to hold the secrets of the celestial gold that had intrigued explorers for generations.

Traversing celestial pathways and ascending through the mystical landscape, the crew made their way toward the heights of Upper Yard, their steps guided by the fading light of day.

As they ascended, the celestial scenery transformed, revealing ethereal vistas and majestic landscapes that stretched into the heavens. The air grew thinner, carrying a sense of otherworldly tranquility that enveloped them on their ascent.

Gan Fall, familiar with the celestial terrain, led the crew through the winding pathways and celestial trails, navigating the mystical realm with purpose.

"The upper Yard is the other half of Jaya, blasted up by Knock Up Stream 400 years ago. It is much larger than Angel Island. As a great amount of Vearth it is of high value for the sky inhabitants, being called "holy land". It had become residence for rulers of Skypiea, including Enel. The trees and animals on Upper Yard have grown to huge sizes, due to the decrease in the atmosphere. A giant beanstalk, called Giant Jack, towers up in the center of the island, piercing through the ruins of ancient city Shandora and the God's Shrine. The Shandorian Golden Belfry Bell resides on a cloud nearby." Gan Fall kept introducing them as he led them to explore the upper yard. The road to upper yard is of milky white and they don't have to go through any bullshit trial as Enel has yet to form those challenges.

"The Golden Bell is there right?, then lets's go there" Max said and Gan fall begin to lead them.

In their ascent through the mystical heights of Giant Jack, Max and his crew encountered a monumental sight—the colossal and revered symbol of the Sky Island: the Golden Bell.

Standing tall amidst the Sandoria, the Golden Bell—shrouded in an aura of mystique and lore—beckoned to them from the pinnacle of Upper Yard. Its majestic presence, bathed in the fading light of day, resonated with an air of sacredness and reverence.

As they approached the revered artifact, Gan Fall explained its significance—the bell was a revered relic that held immense spiritual and cultural value to the celestial denizens of Skypiea. Legend had it that when rung, the bell would bestow blessings upon the island and its people.

Max and his crew, standing before the Golden Bell, felt a sense of awe and anticipation. It stood as a testament to the island's history and the legacy of the Sky Island—a connection between the heavens and the earth.

Driven by curiosity and a sense of adventure, Max and his crew prepared to ring the Golden Bell—a feat that required determination and strength.

"Let's ring this bell!!" Max shouted and others cheered.

Gan Fall, acknowledging their resolve, stepped forward and provided guidance on how to ring the bell—a task that demanded unity and synchronized effort. The crew positioned themselves around the bell, their hands clasped firmly on its ornate exterior.

With a collective effort, they exerted their strength and unity, pushing against the massive bell. Slowly but steadily, the bell began to resonate—a deep, melodious sound reverberating across the celestial skies.

The harmonious chime of the Golden Bell echoed throughout Skypiea, heralding the unity and determination of Max and his crew. The resonance of the bell's song reached every corner of the Sky Island, a testament to the bonds forged between the celestial beings and the visiting pirates.

As the bell's melodious tone faded into the heavens, a sense of accomplishment and unity enveloped Max's crew. They had partaken in a celestial ritual, leaving an indelible mark on the annals of Skypiea's history—a harmonious moment that bridged the gap between the Sky Island realm and their own adventurous spirits.

While Max and the crew were engaged in ringing the Golden Bell, Robin, known for her expertise in deciphering ancient texts, found herself drawn to a significant structure nestled at the base of the revered bell—a poneglyph.

With an insatiable curiosity and a keen eye for historical artifacts, Robin's attention was captivated by the ancient stone tablet. The poneglyph, etched with enigmatic inscriptions, stood as a testament to the island's hidden lore and untold history.

Undeterred by the bustling activity surrounding the ringing of the bell, Robin approached the poneglyph, her eyes scanning the intricate carvings that adorned its weathered surface. The inscriptions held the promise of ancient secrets and hidden knowledge, offering a glimpse into Skypiea's storied past.

Her mind raced with anticipation as she meticulously examined the inscriptions, tracing the ancient characters that conveyed a narrative lost to time. Each stroke and symbol upon the poneglyph bore the weight of untold history and enigmatic revelations.

Unbeknownst to the others engaged in the bell-ringing ceremony, Robin immersed herself in the task of unraveling the cryptic text etched upon the stone. Her scholarly expertise and unwavering focus were dedicated to deciphering the hidden truths that lay dormant within the ancient writings.

As she meticulously studied the poneglyph, Robin's eyes gleamed with a mix of fascination and determination. The inscriptions on the stone held the promise of unraveling mysteries that could unlock a deeper understanding of the world's history, and she was determined to unearth its secrets, even amidst the bustling activities surrounding the Golden Bell.

After deciphering it she understood that it tells the location of Ancient weapon Poseidon, She exclaims seeing this and murmurs "So another Ancient weapon is Poseidon".

Max looks at her but didn't said anything as he is busy in ringing the bell, he can always ask her about it later.

Robin attention was also attracted by another scribble on it, reading it she learns it's from Pirate King Gol D. Roger and it's tell the location on Rio Poneglyph which is on Laugh tale.