
In Marvel with Greatest System

"haaa, nothing new coming" ??? "damm, writer strikes" ??? Max cursed at the news of writer strikes news, cause its delaying his favourite movies from releasing, Suddenly he heard a shout but pay it no heed until... ************************* "hey, Kid watch out!" I helplessly watched a teenage kid moment away from just truck crashing into him, but i still tried reaching out to him but..( Random passerby) #screeeech# #Bam# "Huh, what- cough i-is t-this" Max looks at the clear blue sky, feeling pain all over his body. But soon realisation dawned him "I guess, I won't be able to watch my favs any more....." Max closed his eyes thinking it's over but is it.... ############################## Cover and other images aren't owned my me If the owner wants it to be removed plz tell me

Boring_World · Movies
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127 Chs


Max and his crew reached Angel Island with Gan fall leading them.

As Max and his crew reached Angel Island under Gan Fall's guidance, the atmosphere buzzed with curiosity and anticipation. The former ruler had led them to the heart of the celestial realm, a place teeming with angelic inhabitants and ethereal beauty.

"Wait here," Gan fall instructed Max and his crew, gesturing for them to stay put as he proceeded to spread the news of Enel's defeat. His determination to share this development with the island's residents was evident in his brisk stride and resolute demeanor. Max joined him trying to see if he is planing something else.

Making his way through the celestial city along with Gan Fall, Max encountered groups of angelic beings, their wings shimmering in the sunlight, Gan fall relayed the news of Enel's downfall. His words spread like wildfire through the island, stirring whispers of jubilation and relief among the inhabitants.

Word of the lightning deity's defeat at the hands of an outsider had reached every corner of Angel Island, sparking a wave of emotions—from astonishment to gratitude and newfound hope. Max's victory was hailed as a monumental event, marking the end of Enel's tyrannical reign and the dawn of a new era.

Gan Fall stood by, observing the reactions of the angelic populace, a sense of gratitude evident in his demeanor. The sight of Max's peaceful demeanor further solidified the islanders' respect for the pirate captain.

Returning to his crew, Max wore a satisfied expression, as Gan fall didn't did any thing other than just spreading the news. "The news is spreading," he informed his crew, a glint of pride in his voice. "Let's prepare for the banquet. We've made quite an impression here."

With the news of Enel's defeat spreading across Angel Island, Max and his crew awaited the forthcoming celebratory banquet—an event that would commemorate their triumph and foster newfound alliances within this celestial realm.

The banquet on Angel Island was a grand affair, resonating with an atmosphere of joy, gratitude, and celebration. Hosted in honor of Max and his crew for their triumph over Enel, the banquet was a testament to the islanders' appreciation and admiration for their guests.

As evening descended upon the Sky Island, the city shimmered with radiant lights, casting a warm and inviting glow. The banquet venue, a spacious hall adorned with intricate celestial decorations and vibrant floral arrangements, awaited the attendees.

Max and his crew, accompanied by Gan Fall, were ushered into the banquet hall, where they were greeted with enthusiastic applause and singers melodies filling the air. The islanders, dressed in elegant and ornate attire, welcomed their guests with smiles and gestures of gratitude.

The banquet tables were adorned with an array of sumptuous delicacies and Sky Island cuisines—a feast fit for Celebration. Exotic fruits, savory dishes, and heavenly desserts adorned the tables, tempting the senses and promising a delightful culinary experience.

Angelic melodies filled the air, performed by skilled musicians playing celestial tunes that resonated with harmony and joy. The islanders engaged in jovial conversations, sharing stories and expressing gratitude for the newfound peace brought by Max's victory.

Throughout the evening, toasts were raised in honor of Max and his crew, celebrating the defeat of Enel. Gan Fall, standing beside Max, expressed heartfelt words of gratitude, acknowledging their valor and the positive impact on the island's future.

Max, mingled with the angelic inhabitants, engaging in conversations and sharing laughs. His crew members, including Shiki, Robin and the giants, interacted with the islanders, fostering bonds and camaraderie amidst the festivities.

The banquet culminated in a moment of unity and celebration—a fusion of cultures, camaraderie, and gratitude. As the night drew to a close, the islanders bid farewell to their guests, their hearts filled with appreciation and the promise of lasting friendship.

With their triumph celebrated, Max and his crew departed from Angel Island, their spirits lifted by the warmth of the Angel Island and the bonds they had formed during this momentous banquet.

"Let's rest, everyone. We have this entire island to explore tomorrow," Max announced, signaling the end of the night's festivities. With a nod to his crew, they bid their gracious hosts farewell and departed from the banquet hall.

Guided by the radiant glow of radiant lanterns, Max and his crew made their way to the accommodations provided by their angelic hosts. The quarters were luxurious and serene, offering a tranquil respite after the day's revelries.

As they settled into their lodgings, the crew members expressed their enthusiasm for the upcoming exploration of Sky Island. Excitement filled the air, accompanied by whispers of anticipation for the adventures and wonders awaiting them on this Sky Island land.

Max, ever the strategic thinker, encouraged his crew to rest, recognizing the importance of being well-prepared for the adventures that lay ahead. Despite the exhilarating events of the day, a sense of tranquility settled upon the crew as they retired for the night.

In the embrace of the Angel island's calming ambiance, the crew members found rest, their dreams illuminated by the memories of triumph and the promise of new discoveries awaiting them on Sky Island's unexplored horizons. Tomorrow held the prospect of new adventures and the unraveling of mysteries that awaited their exploration.

As the sun cast its first rays over the celestial realm of Angel Island, Max and his crew arose, invigorated and eager to embark on their exploration of this mystical land. They gathered in the central courtyard of their accommodations, where a sense of excitement permeated the air.

"Let's split up and explore the wonders of Angel Island," Max suggested, his voice filled with enthusiasm. "We'll explore more that way."

Agreeing to the plan, the crew members dispersed, each group heading in different directions to uncover the island's secrets.

Max ventured forth, accompanied by Nico robin. They strolled along ethereal pathways adorned with exotic celestial flora, marveling at the vibrant colors and fragrances that filled the air.

Meanwhile, Shiki and the giants charted their course toward the outskirts of the Angel city. Their towering presence attracted curious gazes from the angelic inhabitants, but the giants' gentle demeanor and Shiki's amiable nature put any unease at bay