
In Marvel with Greatest System

"haaa, nothing new coming" ??? "damm, writer strikes" ??? Max cursed at the news of writer strikes news, cause its delaying his favourite movies from releasing, Suddenly he heard a shout but pay it no heed until... ************************* "hey, Kid watch out!" I helplessly watched a teenage kid moment away from just truck crashing into him, but i still tried reaching out to him but..( Random passerby) #screeeech# #Bam# "Huh, what- cough i-is t-this" Max looks at the clear blue sky, feeling pain all over his body. But soon realisation dawned him "I guess, I won't be able to watch my favs any more....." Max closed his eyes thinking it's over but is it.... ############################## Cover and other images aren't owned my me If the owner wants it to be removed plz tell me

Boring_World · Movies
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127 Chs


"Are you alright?" Pepper asked, looking worriedly at Max.

"Of course, what could happen to me?" Max shrugged.

"Are you sure? Cause you have a creepy smile pasted on your face," Pepper said.

"Is there?" Max tilted his head and asked.

Edward showed him the mirror, and what greeted him was his 'I am totally mad' face.

"Hmm, I do look scary," Max mumbled.

Pepper mentally commanded Alisa to show him the message which caused him to become like this.

And then Pepper saw the reason behind Max's anger, 'So they are targeting me, again.'

Pepper sighed. Although she would love to have him kill them all, but her brother's method is quite extreme. The last time she saw that video, it gave her goosebumps for many nights.

'I can only pray for you all,' Pepper mentally thought, knowing Max wouldn't listen to her this time.

'It's time to unleash the widows again,' Max thought and then sent the messages to his personal killer squad.

'I would have loved to torment them myself, but I got other things to do,' Max thought as he looked at his system screen.

[ Host resolves the Abomination event without any Causality]

[A Massive achievement]

[Reward: Designated Mid-Class Ticket (Overgeared)]

'Another world huh? And this time, it's Mid-Class. But the problem is, it has nothing to do with any superpower. Well, I will just use it as a vacation then,' Max thought and scheduled a meeting for everyone the next day.

Zero causality is not just because of Bucky and Edward but other Psyches under him. White Queen, Psylock, and Selene worked together to help all the victims, and Edward healed them fully.

As they returned home, Max formed the 5-men team, which includes the Widows, Edward, and Supreme. As for White Angel, she is wasted in a massage parlour.

"Edward, Make it more memorable than last time. Apparently, those fools didn't get my message," Max said as he ordered Edward—his Human Slaughter—allowing him to inflict maximum pain on any Human Type enemy.

Edward bowed as his eyes glowed in an eerie red light. Supreme smacked his lips, while Widows, they looked normal, at least on the outside.

'Another massacre. Hehehee.'

'This time, I will kill everyone first.'

'Anyone coming in the way of Boss will die.'

Their thoughts are scary.

"According to Alisa, he is hiding in Egypt. Exact location is untraceable; however, I am pretty sure it's an easy thing for you, Edward," Max said.

"Yes, My lord," Edward replied.

"Then go. Within a week, I want people to experience their worst fear just by looking at the video," Max ordered, and then Supreme created a Soul portal to Egypt.

Stepping out of the portal, Edward dissolved into mist and scattered at the whole of Egypt for a few hours.

"His ability is scary and cool," Irina said.

Others nodded and waited for him to return.

After an hour, Edward appeared and said, "I found the location," saying so, he transferred the location to Supreme who then made a portal to their base.

"Kill all. Only spare the victims and the leader," Edward said, and others infiltrated the base from different directions, with Supreme being the only one knocking at the door, though his knock devastated the on-floor house that was used as Camouflage.

Supreme whistled and calmly, ripping the underground shelter cover, he entered inside.

Supreme just walked leisurely and soul-sucked the guards and scientists he encountered, reaching to the third floor, where a burly man stopped him.

"A mutant, huh?" Supreme murmured with a sadistic grin and then melted into his symbiote form and took over the body of the burly man. Poor guy tried to fight back but soon got engulfed by Supreme.

"Hmm, a Metal skin kind of ability," Supreme muttered.

As they massacred their way to the deepest part of the Hive research facility, they encountered the parasitic Hive.

"So, this is Hive, quite weak," Elisa said.

Reading the report, they thought it would be a powerful opponent, but it turns out just a rundown version of Supreme (Symbiote); he can't even control himself.

"A parasitic and never-ending regeneration. They almost made a Symbiote," Supreme said.

"Hmm, but still, a mortal creation can't be compared to a God's weakest creation," Supreme chuckled and said.

"Whatever, just destroy it. Our target is inside anyway," Edward said, and Supreme gulped down the Hive, and Hydra's one of the most prized research became Supreme's snack.

Edward opened the door and saw an unconscious lady on the desk of Adeline Kane.

"He fooled us!" Edward said and released a massive amount of bloodlust, causing the Widows to gasp for their breaths.

"No, he hasn't. He just ran away. I sense spatial disturbance here," Supreme protected the Widows and said.

"He used spatial ability to get away?" Edward asked.

"What should we say to Sir Max? He will definitely be angry," Elisa said

"Of course, he will. We are his swords and shield, yet someone threatens our lord's sister, and we let him go!" Edward said.

"Don't worry about him. He is now working on keeping a leash on his killing intent, but... it's true. How can we let that bastard go?" Supreme said and then laughed weirdly, remembering his failure.

"I have slain Celestials, yet a petty mortal deceived me? Hehehehe, I will surely make sure that your pitiful cries will entertain me." And it was now Edward's turn to protect the Widows from Supreme's dreadful aura.

"Let's return," Supreme said as he made a portal back to Max's home.

"Hmm, you guys are fast," Max said, seeing Supreme coming out of the portal.

"Something happened?" Max asked.

"A mortal deceived me," Supreme said and left the room.

"Elisa, report," Max looked at leaving Supreme and asked Elisa.

"Yes, Sir..." Elisa reported it all.

"It's okay. You guys have yet to fail. I have given a time limit of one week, right?" Max shook his head and said.

Edward and others nodded and then said, "We will make sure to complete this task before the time limit." Max nodded and dismissed them.

"It seems Hydra has some pretty good mutants," Max mumbled. Deceiving Supreme's senses is not easy after all.