
In Marvel with Greatest System

"haaa, nothing new coming" ??? "damm, writer strikes" ??? Max cursed at the news of writer strikes news, cause its delaying his favourite movies from releasing, Suddenly he heard a shout but pay it no heed until... ************************* "hey, Kid watch out!" I helplessly watched a teenage kid moment away from just truck crashing into him, but i still tried reaching out to him but..( Random passerby) #screeeech# #Bam# "Huh, what- cough i-is t-this" Max looks at the clear blue sky, feeling pain all over his body. But soon realisation dawned him "I guess, I won't be able to watch my favs any more....." Max closed his eyes thinking it's over but is it.... ############################## Cover and other images aren't owned my me If the owner wants it to be removed plz tell me

Boring_World · Movies
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127 Chs

New quest

After helping Supreme and others obtain their bodies, Max's life continued as usual.

As for Sam, he had attracted two stalkers: SHIELD, attempting to mend the relationship with the Holy Knight, and Hydra, taking a liking to Hydreilion.

One regular day, Max was heading to his building via car.

"It's boring. I thought being your bodyguard would let me fight tons of enemies, but nothing, N.O.T.H.I.N.G.!!" Supreme grumbled.

"I know, don't emphasize it that much. Even I am getting bored," Max nodded and replied.

"Humph, you are getting bored. You kept working on that...Robot Car. You and White Angel are enjoying while I am dying of boredom," Supreme scoffed.

"It's not our fault. Your brain is too small to help us," White Angel mocked Supreme.

"Haaaaah, aren't you speaking way too much? It seems you need friendly education," Supreme crossed his arms and glared at White Angel.

"Go first pass the 20th floor, then talk to me," White Angel sneered and said.

"I can pass it easily. It's just...I feel it's too boring. Yeah, it's too boring," Supreme laughed and said haughtily.

White Angel snorted at Supreme's pathetic attempt at lying, while Max chuckled. At the 20th floor, one had to solve puzzles to pass, and Supreme was stuck on that floor. He couldn't even ask for help due to his ego, causing him to be stuck for the past three days. In contrast, White Angel had already reached the 48th floor of the Infinity Tower.

Supreme looked at Max and White Angel's amused smiles and muttered, "Bastard, who needs brains when you can just destroy your enemies."

Max shook his head inwardly, hearing Supreme's muttering, and said, "It's okay to ask for help. It doesn't mean you are weak but that you know your own weakness and hope to improve it. Stubbornness won't get you anywhere."

"I can clear it on my own," Supreme frowned and replied.

"It's good then. I was just telling you friends are meant to help each other," Max smiled and said.

Supreme fell silent and then looked at White Angel, "Eww, who wants to be friends with a blockhead?" White Angel remarked.

"This... Woman," veins popped out visibly from Supreme's head, hearing White Angel's words.

Just as both were about to strangle each other, Max stopped them and looked at the sudden notification.

[Quest: Widow's Regret

Condition: Stop Hospital Fire

Time Limit: 10 hours

Failure Penalty: Nothing will change

Completion Reward: A Template for Black Widow, Clue to the next world ticket]

'Hospital fire? Was it the same hospital fire Loki talked about when trying to break Natasha?' Max thought and then opened the location given by the system.

"A task is here. Let's go," Max said and then told the driver, Bucky, to park in an alley.

As Bucky moved the Rolls Royce to a vacant alley, Max created a portal, and Bucky drove through it.

Their car appeared on the roads of Sao Paulo. "We are in..." "Brazil's Sao Paulo," Max completed the sentence for Bucky.

Bucky nodded, and then Max asked, "Do you know about the Red Room?"

"Only that it's a side organization of Hydra tasked with training beautiful assassins," Bucky replied.

"Beautiful assassins? Oh, you meant female assassins. Hmm, a nice way to assassinate someone—first get in their beds and then assassinate," White Angel nodded.

"Hmm, beauty tricks. Yes, it works most of the time with horny males," Supreme also chimed in.

Max sighed while Bucky weirdly looked at Max's new bodyguards.

"Don't mind them; they are not humans. That's why their thinking is somewhat...weird," Max shook his head and explained to Bucky, who was almost sure that something was wrong with Supreme and White Angel's heads.

"Hmm, then our mission is?" Bucky nodded and asked.

"Related to one of the widows. There is going to be a hospital fire, and we are here to prevent that," Max said.

Bucky nodded and then followed the directions, and soon they reached the hospital.

Parking the car, they came out of it, and then Max used his Trickster Ring to create an illusion in kilometers of radius.

"Saint's Heal," Max healed the whole hospital in one go.

"Now for the evacuation," Max then discharged everyone out of the hospital while Alisa created fake records.

Soon, people started coming out of the hospital, and then the hospital just became an empty building in reality, while the Trickster Ring illusion kept it looking like any normal hospital bustling with doctors and patients.

"All done," Max clapped his hands and returned to the car.

"What did you do?" Bucky asked.

"I emptied the hospital. What you all are seeing now is nothing but an illusion," Max smiled and explained.

"So, are we going to catch the arsonist?" White Angel asked.

"No and yes. We will invite her to our organization," Max said.

"Is it okay to invite such a person? I mean, she was going to burn a hospital," White Angel frowned and said.

"She is kind. Her sister is taken as a hostage, forcing her to commit sins even if she does not want to," Max said.


Bucky slammed the door, hearing Max, and muttered, "Hydra bastards. They just know to ruin lives."

"It's okay; that's what we are here for—to help people like you and that arsonist," Max patted Bucky's shoulder and comforted him.

"It means I can eat them, right? These Hydra people," Supreme asked calmly.

"Of course. As long as it's Hydra, you are welcome to eat even their souls," Max chuckled and said.

Thanks to the Anubis Devil Fruit, Supreme can now even eat his victims' souls.

"Good," Supreme smirked while others smiled menacingly.

"Remember, I will approach her, while you three will kill everyone else" Max said as using his observation he already knows, Natasha is in the hotel just few blocks away from Hospital while there are some other suspicious people.

"hmm" Supreme and others nodded and then they started waiting for the night time.

While Max was in Brazil, Back at New York, His new secretory is now pacing back and forth in front of his office anxiously " Arghhh, when will he come!!".