
In Marvel with Greatest System

"haaa, nothing new coming" ??? "damm, writer strikes" ??? Max cursed at the news of writer strikes news, cause its delaying his favourite movies from releasing, Suddenly he heard a shout but pay it no heed until... ************************* "hey, Kid watch out!" I helplessly watched a teenage kid moment away from just truck crashing into him, but i still tried reaching out to him but..( Random passerby) #screeeech# #Bam# "Huh, what- cough i-is t-this" Max looks at the clear blue sky, feeling pain all over his body. But soon realisation dawned him "I guess, I won't be able to watch my favs any more....." Max closed his eyes thinking it's over but is it.... ############################## Cover and other images aren't owned my me If the owner wants it to be removed plz tell me

Boring_World · Movies
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127 Chs

Black Widow

As the sun set, Max and others got ready. From observation with Haki, Max identified Natasha. She is now impersonating a nurse and moving to a specific location.

'Is there any kind of assassination mission here?' Max thought as he looked at her.

"Well, our targets are here, you three; kill everyone else; hmm, if they are women or widows, try to subdue them," Max said as he moved out of the car and started moving towards the hospital.

"Finally some fight," Supreme laughed and came out too. Using his abilities, he easily located the enemies and moved towards them. "Hahaha, entertain me."

"Aren't you coming?" Bucky asked Angel as she remained seated and brought her laptop.

"Nahh, you two are enough; I will just utilize this time to complete the last..." Bucky closed the door abruptly and created a shield of ice as he blocked bullets.

"Hmm, why did they attack us?" White Angel asked.

"Who knows? Anyway, I will be going." As Bucky moved, he underwent transformation, and then a pure white wolf with a blue crown appeared.

"So your powers are those of a werewolf; quite cool." The White Angel gave him a thumbs up as he fully transformed.

Bucky jumped and directly appeared above the guy who had sniped earlier. The poor guy foolishly watched as Bucky smashed him in the head.

"It's hard to control my strength," Bucky muttered as he almost destroyed the floor while trying to kill the sniper.

On Max's side, as he entered the hospital, he directly teleported to the VIP room, where Natasha's target is.

"Alisa, who is this guy?" Max asked as he appeared in front of the guy on the ventilator.

"Unable to scan anything in your line of sight," Alisa responded.

"I forgot; he is just an illusion," Max speechlessly thought.

Max then sat at a corner and asked Alisa to search for him by name, and Alisa soon displayed a list of people, and from it, Max got information about him.

"So he is someone who opposes Red Room," Max muttered as he was looking at the information. Natasha entered the room.

She skillfully started sprinkling oil around the room, and then the moment she was going to light it, Max stopped her.

"Do you really want to do it?" Max asked, taking the lighter off her hands.

Natasha quickly took out a knife and got ready to attack Max.

"Don't worry, I am no enemy." Max smiled and then sat back in the chair.

"Who are you?" She asked while maintaining her vigilance.

"As I said, no enemy," Max replied.

"And you want me to believe that?" She said.

"Fair enough, then let me introduce myself. I am a leader of an ancient organization branch, and our work is to protect Earth from extraterrestrial threats," Max lied while showing various magics.

"Am I an extraterrestrial threat?" She asked, lowering her knife. From Max's earlier demonstration, she understood she was no match for him.

"No, I am here to recruit you. My branch is new and it needs people, so I always keep an eye out for talents like you," Max said with a smile.

"Recruit me? I don't think I have enough power to aid you; I am just a slightly better-trained normal human." She chuckled and replied.

"Power is something I can easily give you. So what is your choice?" Max shook his head and asked.

"What if I say no?" Natasha asked, looking straight into Max's eyes.

"Then your life will go on as usual. Even this encounter, memories will be erased, nothing else." Max smiled and replied.

"What will I get aside from powers? If I join your organization", After a moment of silence, she asked.

"That is also your choice; we have a system that will reward you for anything you want, given that your contributions match the request price. But for instance, with power, you can achieve your freedom, free from the red room, free from the shackles of red drugs," Max explained.

Natasha fell silent. After some moments of thought, she asked, "Can I really be really freed?"

"Yes," Max nodded, and then to explain his point, he snapped his finger, and the scenery changed. What they are now looking at is outside of the hospital, where a walking wolf is killing all the people who came along with her. On another place is a walking dog, who is on a killing spree.

"They are some of my people, one with Werewolf powers and the other... well, it's complicated; just know he is stronger than Werewolf. You can also gain such powers, though I can't guarantee if you would get a transformation-type power; it's somewhat random," Max explained as he pointed at Bucky and Supreme.

"I accept," Natasha said.

[Quest completed, host gained...]

"Good choice. Happy to work together. Here, take this and break it; it's your power." Max smiled and then passed her the template card.

Natasha took the card and then crushed it; it then broke into lights and entered her. As she was wondering what would happen, a piece of information suddenly appeared inside her head.

As Natasha was digesting the information, Max also opened the status screen of the woman to whom Natasha

[Name: Seraphina Shadowsong

Class: Shadow Lord

Gender: Female

Appearance: Seraphina possesses an ethereal beauty with flowing midnight-black hair, piercing amethyst eyes.


Umbral Mastery: Seraphina has mastered the essence of shadows, granting her unparalleled control over darkness and the ability to manipulate shadows for various purposes.

Assassin's Veil: Can meld seamlessly into shadows, becoming nearly invisible and gaining a significant advantage in stealth and surprise attacks.

Necrotic Affinity: Possesses a natural connection to the necromantic arts, allowing Seraphina to raise the dead and command undead minions.

Dark Magus: Expert in dark magic, Seraphina can cast spells that can shroud world in darkness.

Background: Seraphina Shadowsong emerged from the Royal Shadows, a secret society that hones the powers of darkness for the Royal Family. Trained from a young age, she became the Shadow Lord, an embodiment of the shadows with the purpose of eliminating all the enemies of the Royal Family. ]

"Another new character and she is quite good, I should copy this Dark Magus of hers" Max mumbled as he checked out her status.