
In Marvel with Greatest System

"haaa, nothing new coming" ??? "damm, writer strikes" ??? Max cursed at the news of writer strikes news, cause its delaying his favourite movies from releasing, Suddenly he heard a shout but pay it no heed until... ************************* "hey, Kid watch out!" I helplessly watched a teenage kid moment away from just truck crashing into him, but i still tried reaching out to him but..( Random passerby) #screeeech# #Bam# "Huh, what- cough i-is t-this" Max looks at the clear blue sky, feeling pain all over his body. But soon realisation dawned him "I guess, I won't be able to watch my favs any more....." Max closed his eyes thinking it's over but is it.... ############################## Cover and other images aren't owned my me If the owner wants it to be removed plz tell me

Boring_World · Movies
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127 Chs

New faction

Sam looked at the figure who is holding a long Katana like sword and said " Who are you?"

"I am just interested in that car, leave it and nothing will happen to you" The figure didn't answer Sam question.

[He is associated with Hand] Alisa who was caning him the moment he arrived replied to Sam.

"Does the Hand is interested in my car?" Sam said.

The man fell silent, a puzzled expression crossing his features before he finally spoke up. "..I don't know what you're talking about?" he uttered, his tone laced with confusion.

The Ninja of hand seemed confused how Sam knows of his identity as he has come in common hoodie and jeans, not even wearing his ninja clothes.

"Bah, who else uses a katana in New York?" Sam retorted, a hint of smugness in his voice as he summoned various threads of energy that materialized around him. With a flick of his wrist, he manipulated the threads with precision, causing them to retract sharply.

"Arghh!" cried out the Ninja of Hand, bewildered by the sudden assault.

"How?" he exclaimed, struggling to comprehend the unexpected turn of events.

Sam's mastery over his Thread Manipulation skill was evident as several new individuals, all clad in the same nondescript hoodie and jeans, collapsed to the floor, each bearing visible cut marks on their bodies. These threads, honed through Sam's expertise as a Legendary tailor, possessed formidable power—they were capable of slicing through even the scales of a dragon. However, it was Sam's unwavering control over their abilities that prevented the entire floor, along with the unsuspecting ninjas, from being shredded to pieces.

"Are You all idiots?" Sam Said as all of them are wearing same cheap hoodie and jeans.

"No wonder, even a idiot like Iron Fist can defeat all of you" Sam thought questioning the intelligence of Hand.

"well anyway, I was getting bored" Sam said and then several head flew and rolled on the ground.

"Blood memory" Sam used a skill and learned everything he wants and then incinerated all the bodies to ashes.

"I am going after them" Sam said looking at the CCTV camera and then getting inside the car he started driving towards the hell kitchen area.


Max, who had been observing the situation from the CCTV feed, communicated silently with Sam, cautioning him, "Try not to expose yourself."

"Don't worry about me," Sam responded confidently, but Max shook his head, knowing the risks involved and carefree and ignorant personality of Sam. He immediately contacted the Black Widows and instructed them to converge on the Hell's Kitchen area.

"Boss, we should leave, or we will be late" Sunset interjected, 

Max nodded in agreement and accompanied Sunset as they made their way to court.

Upon arrival, Sunset handed Max a set of questions and answers sheets. "Here, this is what you're supposed to say," she explained. Max quickly scanned through the papers, committing the information to memory. Today was the day he would have to answer questions regarding his technology in court.


"You're here too," Max remarked, acknowledging Tony's presence with a nod.

"Well, they called me too," Tony replied with a nonchalant shrug as they both took their seats.

"Have you prepared good responses, right?" Pepper inquired, turning to Sunset as they settled into the audience seats.

"Yes, but I don't know if he'll stick to the script or not," Sunset replied with a hint of bitterness in her tone.

Pepper sighed in agreement, sharing Sunset's concern. While Max had a way to navigate out of this situation, Tony's unpredictability added an extra layer of uncertainty.

As the Senator entered, the room fell silent, save for the echoing clicks and shutter sounds of cameras.

Taking his seat, the Senator addressed the room, setting the stage for the discussion. "Today, we are here to discuss the implications of the technologies that Stark and Potts Industries have recently unveiled," he declared, eyeing Tony and Max pointedly. "Do you two understand why you've been called here?"

"I don't," both Tony and Max replied simultaneously.

With a shared glance, Tony and Max exchanged a fist bump, much to the chagrin of Pepper and Sunset, who facepalmed in exasperation.

"Then perhaps we should have Mr. Hammer explain," the Senator suggested with a smile.

Justin hammer, who was waiting for this stood up and said " let me remind two of you then"

he said with a smile and haughty tone and turned to Senator.

"The technologies they have shown raises both concerns and opportunity for us or USA" 

"Still that is possible only if they decided to share that technology with us" Hammer said and then started showing his presentation.

"this transforming giant Killer Car, if we imply the same technology to our tanks, helicopters then w can save the lives of many soldiers..."


"wake me up when he is finished" Tony said and closed his eyes while Mas started playing games using the VR headset.


The Senator banged his gavel and admonished, "Mr. Potts, Mr. Stark, mind your manners."

Max tilted his head in curiosity while Tony began snoring, much to Justin Hammer's growing frustration.

"We should confiscate their technologies," Justin declared, his anger palpable. "And use them for the betterment of our nation. Leaving such powerful weapons in civilian hands is not safe."

"Should I kill him?" Max muttered under his breath, his irritation evident.

"I like the idea, but let's hold off for now," Tony responded with a smirk.

"I don't believe our technology poses any danger, Senator," Tony interjected confidently, showcasing various videos to support his claim, including the infamous Hammer clown show.

"That poor driver," Max remarked solemnly as they watched footage of the driver being killed by a Hammer Industries robot.

"He's alive, for the record," Hammer clarified as he shut off the screen.

"I would argue that it would take other countries ten years, and Hammer Industries twenty years, to replicate my technology, not to mention Max's, which is even more advanced," Tony continued. "So there's no immediate threat unless we willingly share it with the government, where the risk of leakage to other countries increases."

"It's best if we keep our technology to ourselves," Max added firmly.

"Do you think any government would tolerate this?" the Senator challenged.

"They will if they don't want the inventor to migrate to another country," Max retorted, causing a hush to fall over the room before the rapid clicking of cameras resumed.

"Are you threatening us?" the Senator demanded, his voice tinged with anger though he wasn't able to hide concern in his eyes.

"No, I'm merely stating the facts," Max replied with a smile.

Tap, tap.

"We should listen to him, or who knows if he'll send his hounds after us," a voice echoed, accompanied by rhythmic footsteps.

Hearing the voice, Max thought to himself, 'He just wants to be killed.'