
I Brought Chaos Into This World!

Nothing goes right on your life, but... you are given 3 wishes, what would you do, would you save the world, or would you control it? Bruce, was given another chance but life keeps messing with him, and he has had enough. ----------- Disclaimer I don't own the Cover, nor some of the other character.

HeavenlyEvilGod · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

Vanishing Day

In a certain city, a meeting was taking place on one of the tallest buildings in the city.

"As you can see this quarter, we were able to see an increase of 13% on revenue…"

A man was sitting at the other end of the table, he was sitting with his fist resting up his face, it didn't look like he was paying attention, as if his mind was somewhere else, if one focused on his body and appearances, you will be able to see that his body is well toned, and he inherited good genes with a well-defined face, blue eyes, and black hair.

Everything was normal, when all of a sudden, the light to the already dim room when off.

The man at the end of the table frowned, but remained quiet, it was a man next to him that decided to turn his phone's flashlight on, then everyone followed suit.

A couple of minutes later, they had checked and apparently the lights had gone off on the entire building.

It was at that moment that everything turned weird, their supplies, pen, paper, chairs, everything started to float.

The man at the end of the table now knew that this wasn't a normal power outage, just when he was about to tell everyone to live, a purple/bluish sphere trapped the man, and made him float, the next moment a blinding light shone, and the man was there no more.

"Mr. Wayne!!!!"

No more than 2 minutes, a man with a blue suit, and red cap crashed into the office.

He put his finger on his ear as if listening to someone.

"Superman, there's been magical fluctuation on several parts of the planet, we need confirmation."

"What happened here?"

The man asks himself before flying away, leaving the other man in suspense.


In another location, there was a tournament going on, the place was heated up, people were cheering and enjoying the tournament, sitting at a higher location there was a tall beautiful, and slender woman, she had long blue hair and blue eyes. She was wearing a white general uniform, blue scarf, and high-heeled boots. She had a tattoo on her chest with the appearance of a "Y" and 2 lines at the side.

She looked bored, uninterested with the people on stage, all of a sudden, the host announced the last match of the day.

A boy with a brown trench coat, brown hair walks into the stage, he was facing a man twice his size, with a face of a bull, the host announced the start of the fight, the bull man rush towards the young man but he was able to counter, they exchanged fist for a couple of rounds, just when the young man was about to deliver the final strike, a purple/bluish sphere trapped the women sitting at the top

"What Imperial Arm is this?"

The woman asked herself when, a blinding light ensured and the next moment she was gone, the contestant and audience were wondering what had happened.

Among the audience a guy with green hair, and a blond woman with feline features were talking among themselves.

"What happens Leone?"

"I have no idea."

They had no idea that the same thing happened in other places as well.


In a dark rundown room, there was a couple cuddling, they were covered in sweat, they kept panting as if they had just done the most exhausting workout of their life, the boy had a muscular body, as if it were made of steel and rock. There was a large number of scars throughout his body, it was clear that the body had gone through a rough time, the girl, was slender with black hair and black eyes, they were resting their heads on top of each other's shoulders, they were so focused on each other that they didn't notice a sphere was around them.

"ohh Kazue I lov…"

The boy was talking when the white light engulfed them and then they banished.


In a school, currently there was a class going on, the students didn't look to be normal they were displaying several powers. They had faces full of concentration, as they listened to a man, he had messy hair that covered part of his face, his eyes were half open and they looked tired, with the blood vessels showing. He had a long sleeve black shirt and black cargo pants, there was a white scarf wrap around his neck.

"Okay. It took eight seconds before you were quiet. Time is limited. You kids are not rational enough."

Just when he was about to go on, he felt a tremor, thinking that it may have been an enemy attack, he reached towards a communicator he had on his pocket to inquire of the situation, when all of a sudden thing started to float, some of the student looked towards a girl, when she saw that they were looking at her, she shook her head, to say it wasn't her. All of a sudden there was a blinding light, while that light was glowing a tall man, with blond hair, and a muscular face was running at a high speed towards the classroom, just when the light when off, he had reached the room, seen that some of the student had disappeared, especially one student in particular, he when out and started to look for him throughout the school.

"Young Midoriya, where are you!!!!"


In a city, it was dark with little sounds, it showed that its citizens were currently at their homes. In a museum, there was a fight currently taking place, they were both women with amazing bodies, well defined, with everything in their right place.

One was wearing a black leather suit, with white fur at the wrist and waist, and around a deep v collar. She had platinum blond hair, with blue eyes, she had a black domino mask.

The other party was wearing a tight suit, with white and black color, a white mask with a hood on. It was clear she was special as she was able to stick to the wall and adjust herself before countering her opponent.

"Why don't you return the collar?"

Ask the girl in black and white suit.

"Why do you always meddle in other people's business? Don't you have a little spider to take care of?"

"What I do in my private life is none of your business, but I do know that stealing from the museum is a crime."

"Oh, I'm not stealing, I'm just taking it for a ride, we'll be back in a bit."

As she said that, she tries to escape again, but the girl in black and white grabbed her by the leg, and as she was about to toss her towards the wall, but they were trapped in a purple/bluish sphere, they didn't know what was going on, as they saw was white, then they blackout.


In a temple, a man is floating in lotus position, when all of a sudden, he opens his eyes, he first looks straight, but then he turns to the left then to the right.

"Something is not right."

He suddenly started doing circles in the air until a portal was created in front of him, he then stepped into it.

"Wong, some major just happened."


The same thing kept happening on different worlds, some were magical schools, other were villages hidden from the people, other came from populated cities, an as the disappearance happen, many things deviated from their destined path, some had little impact, however, other had a great influence on the course of their planet, due to the high number of people disappearing, the day came to be known as "Vanishing Day" the day when they vanished, into the unknown.

And the man responsible for all of this was currently standing on top of a building, his original 1.8m high had increased to a 2.3m, his original strong slender body was now replaced by a body that looked as if was made of pure muscle, with its skin black with tint of purple, he had a large tongue and a big mouth with sharp teeth on them. He was looking down at a group of people that had just gotten out of a club and into a car. He followed them for about 30 min. Until they stopped at a fancy hotel, if someone were to look at their faces, they would know that they were the same guys that kidnapped him and almost killed him.



Anyone has any cool name for the new appearance of out MC? I think we should name him something else instead of venom, no? what do y'all say? Also, what are some of your favorite girls?