
I Brought Chaos Into This World!

Nothing goes right on your life, but... you are given 3 wishes, what would you do, would you save the world, or would you control it? Bruce, was given another chance but life keeps messing with him, and he has had enough. ----------- Disclaimer I don't own the Cover, nor some of the other character.

HeavenlyEvilGod · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs


My head hurts, it feels like it's going to get ripped off. I can't quite remember what happened, but I was pretty sure that I was left to death at the bottom of a hill, it seemed as if I had a weird dream. Later there was an explosion, and that's when my memory stops.

I look around and can't help but get scared, why?

Because there's several bodies scattered throughout the room, they are missing their heads, some are cut into two as if they were pulled apart.

I look in front of me, and there's a big muscular arm, it has a dark purplish color, the arm is covered in veins as if they were hoses pumping large amounts of blood, the hand had sharp nails, they shone as if they were made of metal.

I look down and I'm able to see the complete body. It had a large frame, and as I kept looking around, I noticed that I was this monstrosity, I couldn't help but recall what the Destiny Stone told.

"I hope you like my present."

Is this what he was referring to?

Looking at my figure, remembering an explosion, I remember a large rock falling from the sky, and as I was sent flying a black goo came crawling towards my injured body.

There was only one race that came to mind "Klyntar."

As I was immersed in my thoughts, some movement in front of me dragged my attention.

My hand was holding a head, but it looked as if this head was still breeding since his arms were trying to free him of my hold, and he was kicking his legs at my abdomen, but they had no power in them, resulting in ineffectiveness.

When I got a clear look at his face, it overlapped with the one that put me in my previous state.

He was mumbling something, I had to lean my head in so could hear what he was saying.

"...…monster...…. he's a monster.... I'm sorry...I'm sorry...…. i didn't mean to...…I'm sorry."

It looks like he had gone insane.

By what I hear, it looks like he already knows it's me.

I tried to think of the way a symbiote worked, and as far as I could remember the host was able to control it with its mind.

I looked at the man while thinking of having my face visible, soon after he was able to see my face, but I could still feel my sharp teeth.

Once he saw my face, he started to tremble even more, repeatedly calling me the Devil.

My face was already close to his, so I just looked at him, and asked.

"Eyes. Lungs. Pancreas. So many snacks, so little time."

Wait no, that is a different universe.

"Do you know why we are here?"

"…. I'm sorry…I'm sorry."

"I asked you something!!!!"

I said that but my voice came out more demonic, as if two entities were talking at the same time.

I knew it was due to my symbiote.

"b... b…because of what we did to you…"

"That's right, now you are going to tell me who you work for."

"ok…ok…I'll tell you, please…. please just don't kill me…please."

"Get talking then."

"The moles name is Jack; he has been working under the Heart Family under the order of 'Money.'"

"Money? Whose money?"

"I don't know."

Once he said that I tighten the grip of my hand.


I loosen my grip.

"Tell me everything."

"I don't know the specifics. I just know that Victor Heart clashed with Money, and yesterday they just left. Without telling the mole, I don't know if they already knew about him."

"Then what about me?"

"He saw you yesterday, with the daughter of Victor, and today when we were watching the house you left with a box, we thought that maybe it had a lead or something."

Once I heard what he said, I couldn't help but get mad. Mad at them, to think that they thought of taking my life because of somebody else, did they think that my life was theirs for the taking?

They probably have done this many times that they one more isn't something to frown about, I look around at those corpses, and think to myself that they got what they deserved.

Looking at the man in my hand.

"What's your name?"

"Mike…. it's Mike…"

"Well, Mike, why don't you tell me where Jack is?"

"I don't kn…. AHHHH…. wait…. wait…. I heard that he was going to where Money was….I don't know where it is, but I once heard him say that one of his favorite girls lives in NY."

NY? That's where I'll meet Olivia.

"Tell all you know about Money."

"He is very rich, he has dealings with the forces from the underworld, the fight he had with the Heart Family was because of a deal with one of Mexico's cartel."

He was about to continue when suddenly, there was a knock on the door.

"Hello, everything's alright? The neighbor complained about some scream, is everything ok?"

As if he had heard the voice of his savior, Mike started to scream.

"HELP!!!! HELP ME!!!!"

I got nervous, and as if natural instinct took over me, the symbiote covered half of my face, and said "Vengeance never lets its prey go!"

Once I finished saying that the symbiote covered me completely, and I opened my mouth.

Just when I was about to take the bite, the door was forced open. And two security guards rushed in followed by a woman, probably the manager.

The moment they entered they stood in place without knowing what the thing in front of them was.

"HELP ME!!!!!"

When the yell broke the silence, I took a bite and the head despaired from the body.


The women screamed, as she saw the headless body, and all of the bodies scattered around the room, with rivers of blood on the floor.

The two security guards took out their guns and started to open fire at me.

The bullets didn't do anything to me, but I didn't want to be there anymore, so I turned to the broken window, and decided to jump.

I started to fall and notice that I probably was on the 7th floor, once I hit the floor I disappeared into a dark alley.


It's been two days since the incident at the hotel, and I have become quite famous.

When I jumped down the building a renowned comedian was doing a show there, and some paparazzi captured me on photo.

They started calling me several names, devil, alien, punisher, but oddly nothing was mentioned about the death bodies.

It was as if they wanted to keep it under the radar.

But I wasn't the only famous one.

A kid was seen flying, he had a black suit, with a big 'S' on his chest, and red cape.

Another news was that there was a sighting of titans in some mountains, one was naked, covered in pure muscle fiber. The other was sighted on the other side of the planet, apparently a woman with a white and purple, and 2 purple horns.

There's been a lot of cases of people with power or abilities suddenly showing up.

And the people of this world didn't know what was going on.

"Bruce, I'm hungry."

"I already told you, we aren't going to kill just because you are hangry, only those that deserve it."

"But I want some heads."

"No, here eat some chocolate."

"You can't tell me want to do."

"You don't want it?"

"Yes, give it."

Then a dark purplish goo started to come out of my arm and took the form of a head with sharp teeth, long tongue, it was weird that it didn't had eyes, like the other I remember, but the symbiote doesn't need eyes, and the two patches of white he was always showed with were just for aesthetics.

We kept talking as we drove the car heading north, our destination New York.

We are heading there to settle some scores and wait for Olivia.

And for the first time in my life, enjoy life, live without regrets.

"Life is short, and the world is wide, don't you think, Vengeance."



I got a question far y'all.

What would you do if fear was not a factor and you could not fail?

let me know what in the comment section.