
I became the new god of magic

Introduction to the work: When Sherry was shopping for bracelets online, she liked the mesh bracelet which she thought was unique. Spending a thousand Dollars to buy happiness, he is forced to experience strange world adventures one after another. When he occasionally looked back, he found that he had...

Alvarez_Rbk · Anime & Comics
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82 Chs

Chapter 28 Young Dragon

Harry and the others took turns, but they couldn't talk Hagrid into changing his mind about the idea of keeping dragons. There was no way around it, so Harry and the others ended up leaving with their hearts in their mouths.

On the way back, Hermione even suggested to tell Dumbledore directly. Dumbledore was the person Hagrid admired the most, and Hagrid would definitely listen to his words. But Harry thought about it and decided to forget about it and wait and see, the dragon himself would convince Hagrid.

And so it was, studying spells on the weekends and wizardry during the week, and as soon as there was a free moment, Sherry let Harry go to the library. Together, Sherry followed Harry to class, studied, and then used any free time to parse the spells on the magic net, these were the money he needed to settle down.

Half a month passed quickly, and Christmas arrived. Sherry was a bit puzzled, the birth of Jesus, how is it that a group of you pagans who worship Merlin are as happy as the New Year as the muggles in your mouths. No one answered Sherry's question, because everyone had been coming this way for thousands of years. Hagrid cut down four trees roughly fifteen meters tall in a row and dragged them into the auditorium. Professors and students began to dress up their school, and from the day before, fine snowflakes began to float in the sky of the hall, and Christmas stockings were hung everywhere, a battle that could be compared to the Halloween spectacle that hit most.

But when it really came to Christmas, the school vacation began, and Harry had nowhere to go, while Vincent, the Feynman brothers, and Hermione and Neville, they could all be going home. On Christmas Eve, all the people who stayed at the school got together, but only managed to sit in a corner of the long table. Seeing this, Dumbledore simply moved the four long tables away from the center of the hall and created a large round table for everyone to sit around.

In front of the originally empty gold cups and silver plates, began to appear on the sumptuous food. Ron hadn't come home either because his parents had gone to visit his brother. He was sitting with Harry at the moment, his eyes glazing over a bit as he looked at the food he had never seen before him. Harry kicked him under the table, signaling to collect himself, Dumbledore was about to speak.

Dumbledore stood up straight away, he held his cup, "Another New Year is almost here, I hope you have all gained satisfaction from the old one, now, to the New Year, cheers!"

"Cheers!"Everyone took a drink from the cups in front of them, Dumbledore resumed his seat, and the atmosphere at the round table quickly became lively. A sumptuous meal, all sorts of magical fireworks floating in the air (which you opened to get a random little gift), and all sorts of magical magic shows. I don't know who led the way, but everyone did an impromptu performance of magic. From the tip of Dumbledore's wand flew a shimmering phoenix, trailing long tail feathers and singing through the air. Professor McGonagall, on the other hand, made his fork turn into a ten-inch tall figurine that did a dance in the center of the table. Professor Freeway, on the other hand, made the ceiling become a firework in full splendor.

The students were not to be outdone, and Ron's twin brother, combining his efforts, let loose a vision of a giant dragon that circled and danced around the hall. Another senior, Hufflepuff, used a couple of small plastic umbrellas he got from the fireworks to conjure up a large bouquet of roses, which he gave to a few of the female professors in the audience, making them laugh. Even Ron, with little to show for it, managed to amuse everyone with a joke.

By the time Harry got here, Harry didn't think of any good ideas for a while. Until he saw the small colored cannon in his hand, he suddenly remembered a scene he remembered very well. "With a bang, the firecracker exploded, and the confetti inside it fell through the air in a shower of colors. Harry stretched out his wand and gently clicked it, and the confetti suddenly shook and transformed into a colorful butterfly that danced around the table. As Harry's wand waved, the butterflies gradually emitted light, and finally rushed up into the air, exploding into a cloud of small fireworks on the ceiling.

Everyone applauded enthusiastically, even Snape, who had always been at odds with Harry, gave a few token claps. Everyone had a great time and Harry thought it was the most memorable Christmas he had ever had.

Harry got up early the next morning.

"Merry Christmas, teacher!"Harry's first words were greetings and wishes for Suun.

"Merry Christmas, Harry!"Suun's voice sounded very gentle, although he himself wasn't too keen on Christmas, but it was always a good idea to follow the customs of the land, wasn't it?

Harry saw a pile of packages stacked next to his bed and was overjoyed to know that they were gifts from his friends and hoped that they enjoyed the gifts they had given him as well. Without washing his face or brushing his teeth, he couldn't wait to open his gifts. Sherry was also very curious, knowing that Dumbledore would be returning the Invisibility Cloak, one of the Three Weapons of Death, to Harry this Christmas. If this event were to happen as usual, then Sherry's movements would surely be a little freer, instead of fearing that he would be seen by any eyes in this school and reported to Dumbledore.

Soon the cloak, which was so light and thin that it seemed like mercury, appeared to his senses. Harry took the cloak out of the box and shook it off in one go, realizing that it was incredibly light.

"What is this?"Harry found a note inside the box that held the cloak. On it, in a patterned script with circles, was a line that read, "This belonged to your father and was placed in my custody, it is now returned to you, use it well."

"My father's?"Harry was a little confused, he didn't know his parents any better than Hagrid did. So what exactly they had left him, he didn't know, but so far it seemed to be quite a lot. Aside from this cloak, there was also that vault underneath Gringotts.

"It's a very precious thing, Harry," Sherry said, "It's an invisibility cloak with a permanent time limit."

"An invisibility cloak with a permanent time limit?"As a book-loving Ravenclaw, Harry of course knew how valuable this was. To say it was worth a fortune would be an understatement, no one would give him something so precious for no reason, it would be the right one his father had left behind.

He draped the cloak over his body and looked down, and sure enough, he couldn't see his feet. The cloak was on and gave Harry a sense of security of being protected, like his father's hug. Harry brought the hood up and his entire body disappeared into thin air all at once. Harry felt like he could go anywhere now, and the secrets of Hogwarts would open up to him one by one.

He took the cloak off and folded it carefully, placing it at the bottom of his trunk. Then unwrapped the rest of his presents. Hermione had given him a roll of parchment that he could erase and write on over and over again, Ron had given him a large bag of maltesers, Neville had given him a seed of moon orchid, Vincent had given him a book, and the Feynman brothers had given him a pair of magic chess pieces and a soft crystal ball.

He took the gifts from his friends and put them all in separate categories before he began to wash up. Sherry sensed the deep sadness in Harry's heart and could only sigh, leaving him in a solitary silence.

After breakfast, Harry was in a better mood. After playing a few games of moving wizard magic chess with Ron, he was beaten by Ron because he was a novice. The chess pieces did not stop, and kept screaming for Harry to send other pieces to their deaths, making Harry a bit headstrong.

At this time, Hagrid sneaked up on them, handed Harry a note, and then sneaked away. Opening the note, it read, "He's almost out of his shell!"

and Ron looked at each other and hurriedly shoved the pieces hastily into the box, ignoring the angry curses of those pieces, "Lighten up, you rough hand, you want to break my foot?"

Harry and Ron, in a way that didn't draw attention to themselves, made their way out of the castle and to Hagrid's hut. After knocking on the door, Hagrid carefully welcomed them inside and then carefully closed the door.

Harry caught a glimpse of the large egg sitting on the table, which at the moment was trembling slightly, as if it would break out of its shell the next moment.

"Hermione and the others would probably go crazy if they knew they missed this!"Ron thought with some gloating.

Yes, how many people, could be lucky enough to see a dragon being born. Even Sherry, looked extremely seriously, at the little life that was going to come into the world. It looked like it was about to come out of its shell, but it wasn't until Harry got sleepy waiting for it that he suddenly heard a slight 'click', and he woke up and flung himself in front of the table. Ron did the same, but Hagrid didn't move at all, looking at the egg with a strange, loving gaze.

With a series of "clicks", the egg cracked a few fine lines, and then a sharp mouth, pecked a hole out of the egg. Seemingly startled by the air outside, the mouth quickly retracted. But soon, it tentatively stretched outward again. Soon, a tiny, triangular head emerged from the hole in the eggshell. It cautiously looked around at the few giants around it, and then began to tear the rest of the eggshell apart with its mouth. Shortly after, a small, dark green dragon, standing somewhat unsteadily in the middle of the eggshell, beating its bat-like wings in slight fear, took a few tentative steps in Hagrid's direction.

"Oh, he recognizes his mother, good boy, come here," Hagrid was moved to tears, he opened his hands and looked at the little dragon encouragingly.

The little dragon took a few trembling steps, then finally reached Hagrid's hand, and then bit down hard, pulling as he did so, as if trying to eat a piece of meat. Harry and Ron rushed to separate it but were stopped by Hagrid, "He's just saying hello to me, in his way, it's so cute isn't it?"

Harry and Ron felt a pang of discomfort, saying hello, he's clearly treating you like a meal is the way to go. Probably because Hagrid, being a half-giant, was really thick skinned, the little dragon didn't even bite through his skin. It let go of Hagrid's hand and coughed slightly a few times, sprouting a large string of sparks.

"Dragonflame!"Harry was startled, "Hagrid, you have to find a way to send him away quickly, or he'll burn your house down in one breath soon."

"I can't," Hagrid objected vehemently, "He's so young, he'll die if he leaves me."(continued)