
I became the new god of magic

Introduction to the work: When Sherry was shopping for bracelets online, she liked the mesh bracelet which she thought was unique. Spending a thousand Dollars to buy happiness, he is forced to experience strange world adventures one after another. When he occasionally looked back, he found that he had...

Alvarez_Rbk · Anime & Comics
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82 Chs

Chapter 29: The Mirror of Erised

Hagrid is a good man, no doubt, but he is also a stubborn person. No matter how Harry and Ron persuaded him, Hagrid did not agree to send the little dragon away. Moreover, the way Hagrid treated the little dragon did not feel like treating a terrifying magical creature, but rather like treating a newborn baby, taking care of him meticulously.

Harry had no choice but to use his trump card. "Hagrid, you have to think about Dumbledore. If you, as a member of Hogwarts he trusts, are found by those officials of the Ministry of Magic that you have violated the law to raise a dragon, do you think it will cause trouble for Dumbledore?"

Hagrid's expression suddenly became a little stiff. He had also read the news a while ago. Because of the troll incident at the Halloween dinner, the Daily Prophet had published news about whether Dumbledore was old and weak. If Dumbledore got into trouble because of his own affairs, Hagrid would never forgive himself. He looked at the little dragon on the table, tearing the prepared cloth doll into tatters, and his face was full of sadness. But in the end, he agreed to send the little dragon away. Ron was going to write a letter to Charlie. He was studying dragons in Romania and believed that he could take good care of this young dragon.

To be honest, Sherry originally had certain expectations for the dragons in this world. But when he came into close contact with the dragons in this world, he found that they were completely different from the dragons in the magic network. Such dragons were more like magical animals, not the magical intelligent races in Sherry's impression. In the multiverse where the magic network once existed, the power of the dragon clan was undoubtedly always at the top of intelligent creatures. From the moment the young dragon was born, it had the intelligence of at least a five-year-old child. Not to mention the inherited memory passed down from generation to generation by the dragon clan. An adult dragon can easily destroy a city or even a country.

The dragon hatched by Hagrid was not only much smaller in size than the dragons in another world. And from the chaotic and ferocious divine light in his eyes, it was obviously a ferocious animal dominated by physical instincts.

After staying in Hagrid's wooden house for an afternoon, Ron and Harry watched this little thing that was less than a day old cause huge damage. It burned Hagrid's beard, eyebrows and hair, scared Fang so much that he peed and knocked over countless dishes, and almost burned all of Hagrid's belongings. But Hagrid loved this scene, thinking it was a sign of a lively and active child. Harry and Ron rolled their eyes, and if this happened to lively and active children, the world would be doomed soon.

After saying goodbye to Hagrid politely, Harry and Ron returned to the castle and decided not to go to Hagrid in the near future until the dragon was sent away. Harry swore that the little brat looked at him and Ron with eyes that were no different from looking at two pieces of pie. The dragon's teeth are full of poison. Only Hagrid would not take it seriously if he was bitten. Harry and his friends would be in trouble. For safety reasons, it is better to stay away from that place.

After dinner, Harry returned to the dormitory, took out the invisibility cloak that he had placed at the bottom of the box, carefully covered every corner of his body, and walked out of the common room. He and Sherry had always wanted to see the books in the restricted area of ​​​​the Hogwarts Library, but the professors were strictly guarding to prevent students from going astray in their excessive pursuit of power. There are strict requirements for borrowing and approval of the restricted area, and it is difficult for Harry to get it.

Harry walked quietly in the dark. He looked at the bookshelves on both sides. They were obviously much shorter than the bookshelves outside, and there were not many books on them. The moment Harry entered the restricted book area, he felt a gloomy malice coming at him. Many of the books here are out of print or handwritten. When the authors created these books, they undoubtedly injected their own power and emotions, and these powers accumulated and precipitated in this place, forming a very strong negative energy field.

"Protection from evil!" Sherry drew the power of his body and added a spell to Harry to increase resistance, which made Harry feel much better, no longer like the feeling of walking naked into an ice cellar just now. Harry muttered a few words in a low voice, and four dim light balls emerged from his hands, barely illuminating the bookshelf in front of Harry.

"Soul Sacrifice", "Making Plague Potion", "Seventeen Uses of Witch Eyes", "Praise of Dusk" are all books that are obviously evil at first glance. Harry skipped them without even looking at them. He knew that these were not what he could touch at the moment. Until a book called "The Magic of Names" appeared in front of Harry, Harry's heart moved and took the book down.

He covered the invisibility cloak again and used the cloak to make a small space where evil was completely invisible. He took out the blank notebook that he had prepared long ago, opened it side by side with the book and placed it on the ground. Following Sherry's instructions, Harry placed his right hand with the wrist guard above the two.

"Carbon Copy!" Sherry cast a spell, and Harry saw the book in front of him began to turn pages automatically, and lines of fonts that were not originally there quickly appeared on the notebook. After a page was copied, the next page would be turned immediately, and Sherry maintained the operation of the spell. This zero-level spell can copy all texts that do not have obvious magical power. This book, called "The Magic of Names", is written in English throughout. Although the knowledge it describes has power, the text itself is still text.

"Teacher, is this the copy spell?" As a wizard apprentice who only dabbled in the two major factions of evocation and prophecy, he only had a slight understanding of the spells of other factions, such as the general spell effects and types. However, the knowledge he understood was far less shocking than the scene he saw with his own eyes. This spell was really useful for a wizard.

"Yes, this is one of the zero-level magics of the Transmutation Department, the Copy Spell," Sherry said, "As I said before, it can copy texts that do not contain magical power. Fortunately, this book is written entirely in English. If it were a Latin prophecy with power, it would be beyond its ability."

"Teacher, can I learn this magic?" Harry asked, "It's really convenient, especially for copying these books."

"Of course, but I still suggest that you master the magic missile first, and then learn other factions of magic, which will save a lot of time." Sherry said, "After you have mastered the structure of this first-level magic, many difficulties of zero-level magic will no longer exist."

"Okay, teacher!" Harry secretly decided to increase the time for spell practice and meditation, and strive to learn the magic missile as soon as possible before learning this zero-level spell.

After a while, the book had been copied. Harry put the book back to its original position and prepared to return to the dormitory to start his daily meditation. But at this moment, a huge voice came, "Who's there?" "Meow!" A cat's cry followed, it was Filch!

Harry put the book on the bookshelf, picked up the notebook on the ground, and ran out of the library from the opposite direction. Filch kept chasing him, and for some reason, he could always keep up with Harry, even though he couldn't see where Harry was! Harry was panicking for a while, and randomly chose a tower to get in.

But just after climbing to the third floor, he found that there were already two people here. Snape grabbed Quirrell's collar, pressed him against the wall, and threatened in a low voice, "You don't want to be my enemy, Quirrell, figure out which team you are fighting, and don't get confused."

However, the moment Harry just climbed up, the two turned their heads to look at him, or in the direction where he was standing. Harry hurriedly climbed to the fourth floor. At this time, Filch had already reached the third floor and said to Snape breathlessly, "Professor, someone just broke into the restricted area!"

"Restricted area!" Snape frowned deeply, "He went to the fourth floor, and he hasn't gone far yet. Let's catch him immediately!" Snape looked at Quirrell deeply, turned around and went up to the fourth floor, and Filch followed closely. Quirrell stood alone in the corridor on the third floor, with a mocking sneer on his lips. After the master came back, he knew who should not go against whom.

Harry went up to the fourth floor, and there were closed doors on both sides. Snape and Filch followed closely behind him. He found a room at random, pushed the door, and found that it was closed. He hurriedly wanted to change direction, and at this time, Snape got closer. Harry had to pray that the next door would be open. Harry rushed forward for a while. The invisibility cloak could cover his body, but it could not eliminate the heavy footsteps. He turned a corner and rushed to a door. He pushed it and it opened. Harry quickly hid in and then immediately closed the door. Snape just came from the corner.

Harry leaned against the door tightly and listened to Filch and Snape talking outside the door. "Professor, where is he?" Filch asked.

"He should be nearby. Look carefully in every room." Snape said and pushed open the door of Harry's room. "Invisibility!" A strong light came out from Snape's wand, but there was still no one in the room, so Snape closed the door again.

Harry was already standing against the wall when Snape pushed the door. The revelation magic had no effect on Harry's invisibility cloak, but it was obvious that the person hiding in this room was not Harry Potter wearing the invisibility cloak.

In the center of this originally empty room, a golden frame and a mirror as high as the ceiling emerged from the air little by little. Harry approached curiously and found that the legs of the mirror were two metal products shaped like claws. He felt that Snape and Filch outside the door had gone away and went to search other rooms.

Harry slowly approached the mirror and took a look at it in the dim light outside the window. He was so scared that he almost screamed. He couldn't help but look back. He was still the only one. But in the mirror, there was clearly a large group of people standing behind him. (To be continued)