
I became the new god of magic

Introduction to the work: When Sherry was shopping for bracelets online, she liked the mesh bracelet which she thought was unique. Spending a thousand Dollars to buy happiness, he is forced to experience strange world adventures one after another. When he occasionally looked back, he found that he had...

Alvarez_Rbk · Anime & Comics
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82 Chs

Chapter 27 Dragon Egg

Harry's reflexes were quick, and he quickly realized how dangerous this man, Chilo, was to everyone. Therefore, he immediately reversed his direction and headed towards the office of his own dean, Professor Flivvy.

In order to be able to look after the students in a better way, each dean's office was, in fact, not far from the common room of their own college. Professor Flivvy's office was on the second floor of a building next to the Ravenclaw tower.

"Knock knock knock!"Harry knocked on the door to his room and a voice came out, "Come in!"

Harry pushed the door open to find Professor Freeway sitting behind his desk, grading the assignments that his students had turned in. As many people thought of Ravenclaw, most of the things in this office were towering bookshelves, with only a handful of other things, such as house trophies or Quidditch trophies.

"Ah, Mr. Potter, can I help you?"Professor Freeway stood up, rather shorter than he was sitting on top of his chair.

"Professor, I have something rather difficult to explain and would like to ask your opinion?"Harry was embarrassed that he didn't have any definitive proof that Chilo must have something to do with Voldemort. Even if this information was confirmed by Sherry, however, Sherry's existence was on the side of not being able to see the light of day.

"Of course. You all should seek the professor's help when you encounter anything that is difficult to solve."Professor Freeway looked very patient, and didn't disregard Harry's young age just because he was very responsible. "Now, talk to me! Let's see what kind of problem you're having."

"Not long ago, I came out of Professor Snape's office ...."Harry told the story of his party's journey in a nutshell, "But the closer Professor Chilo got to me, the more the scar on my head hurt, and it didn't get better until I was separated from Professor Chilo later."

Professor Freeway's face became very serious as he drew his own wand and turned to Harry, "Mind if I take a look at what's going on?"

Harry shook his head and Professor Flivvy flicked his wand, a silver ray of light was born and gently rested on the scar on Harry's forehead. But soon, Professor Freeway felt it, a power coming back from Harry's forehead, a power that was evil, powerful but somewhat chaotic.

"Crack!"Sparks suddenly burst from the tip of the wand held in Professor Freeway's hand, and he hastily moved it to the side. There was a series of "booms" as several bookshelves along the wall exploded one after the other, broken pages and wood shavings erupting in every direction, but as they neared Harry, they all suddenly lost power and fell limply to the ground.

Harry was taken aback, he looked nervously at Professor Freeway, this didn't look like it was going to end well! Professor Freeway also looked serious, he looked at his wand in a bit of a daze and felt a twinge of pain. Yes, just pain. The wand was the semblance of a wizard, the thing they trusted and relied on the most. "The wand picks the wizard," was a phrase that Ollivander's often repeated, and certainly not without reason. But Flivvy felt some damage to his wand for a moment just now, as if it had been done to him. He hadn't felt that way in a long time, not since Voldemort had disappeared.

"Professor?"Harry's voice snapped back into Flivvy's consciousness, looking at the small child with a nervous face in front of him. A large grin first appeared on Flivvy's face, "What powerful magic, Mr. Potter, you possess an incomparable talent. Believe me, if you study hard enough, you will become a great wizard."

Harry was filled with confusion, "Professor, I don't quite understand what you just said?"

Freeway pointed to the situation around him, "I just slightly probed the magic power in your body, who knew that the abundance of your magic power far exceeded my imagination, I was unable to react in a moment, and that's why I had such a scene."

"Really?"Harry was half believing, he did not look like what Professor Freeway said, but looking at Professor Freeway's face of certainty, he could not say anything to doubt the other party's words. "Then ... Professor, find out why I have a headache?"

"This, it should be a coincidence, you've taken Professor Chilo's class before haven't you? There wasn't much of a reaction then, was there?"Flivvy asked.

"Yes," Harry replied, "I've been close to Professor Chilo before when I was taking Defense Against the Dark Arts, and didn't have any particular reaction."

"So, it would be that you happened to run into Professor Chilo when you had a headache, and then happened to say goodbye afterward, and your head stopped hurting. That's why it gave you such an illusion."Professor Freeway said, "I just checked and didn't find anything. If you're not sure, you can go up to Madame Pomfrey's infirmary and ask her for some medicine for headaches."

"Okay Professor, I'll be there if I get another headache."Harry said, "Thank you very much for taking time out of your busy schedule, I'll be heading back to the common room then!"

"Okay Mr. Potter, see you later!"Professor Freeway said to Harry.

"Bye!"Harry gave Professor Flivvy a salute and then retreated, closing Professor Flivvy's door behind him in the process.

After the door was completely closed, Flivvy's originally amiable face became stern all of a sudden. As soon as he waved his wand, the bookshelves, which were already in pieces, rose up, and the various wooden board compartments jumped back into their original positions. The scattered pages of the books gathered and automatically assembled into a complete book. A few moments later, the room became almost identical to what it had been when Harry had first entered. Frivi took the clothes on the hanger, casually draped them over his head, pulled open the door to his office, and walked out.

Harry watched as Professor Freeway, exited his office and walked in the direction of the center of the castle.

With Sherry's reminder, Harry did not return to the Ravenclaw common room, but instead stood at a backlit corner, watching for movement in Professor Flivvy's office. Sure enough, a few moments later, Professor Freeway opened the door and came out, walking in the direction of the center of the castle.

"He should have gone to Dumbledore's office!"Su Yun's voice rang out, "It seems like he just found out something, he just didn't tell you the truth out of whatever concerns he had."

"What the hell is inside my scar?"Harry looked glum, anyone who knew they had a bomb plastered on their brain, probably wasn't too happy about it.

"It's unclear at the moment, but it still seems to be harmless to you for now. Harry, you might have to work a little harder in the next few days, I'm going to teach you a more difficult method that might be able to suppress your headache for you."Sherry said.

"Teacher, I'm not afraid of hard work!"Harry replied firmly.

The next day fell on a Saturday, and Harry asked Ron and Vincent and the others to go see Hagrid together. But when they waited for the rendezvous, they realized that the Feynman Brothers didn't come at all, and only asked Vincent to bring a message. That is, for the sake of their teeth, let Harry and the others go by themselves is. And also didn't come, there was Neville, he was confined by Professor McGonagall, it is said that during the Transfiguration class, he blew up the chandelier in the classroom, and injured several students.

Speechless for a moment, Harry walked out of the castle with Hermione and the others, then crossed the boundary of the Quidditch pitch to the outside of the cottage by the Forbidden Forest.

After the four of them knocked on the door, Hagrid stuck his head out, and upon seeing the four of them, didn't welcome them into the house as warmly as he had in the past. Instead, he closed the door as small as possible and gave them an apologetic smile, ''Sorry, I've caught a bit of a cold lately, so I might have infected you guys, so I won't entertain you for now. When I'm better, I'll have an owl bring you all a letter."

There was nothing wrong with that, but Hagrid's face full of heartburn and his middle-aged voice betrayed him, it wasn't like a sick person was it. Harry and the others looked at each other and swarmed around, pushing their way through the open doorway.

"Well well well! You little Grinches, I'm afraid of you, come on in all of you!"He opened the door and let a few people in, then poked his head out, looked around, and carefully closed the door.

Harry realized as soon as he got inside that it was just too hot in the room, and even though the weather had turned chilly, Harry felt like he'd arrived in the middle of summer, and soon began to sweat. And Hagrid's dog, named Tooth, was sticking out his tongue and exhaling like he was dying. The windows around the room, too, were sealed tight, and not a single ray of light filtered in.

After Hagrid closed the door, he quickly brought out a plate, no, a large pot of rock crust pies, and put them on the table. "Would ye like some pies?"Hagrid greeted warmly, the four Harrys shook their heads decisively, even the little fat man who always liked to eat, when he looked at the rock skin pies again, he carried some unspeakable fear.

"Oh!"Hagrid looked a little disappointed, "You guys really should have tried it, I purposely added some unique ingredients to it this time."

After everyone still refused, he just had to put them away again.

"What's this?"Hot as hell, Little Fatty found a stove in front of the roaring fireplace. On top of the stove stood a large cauldron of fire, which was still gurgling, as if it was cooking something.

The three Harrys curiously gathered around, while Hagrid was still stammering in defense, "Nothing much, just some plain old meat ah ...."By this time, Vincent had grabbed the lid of the pot and uncovered it. A large egg with a black shell the size of a watermelon was lying motionless in the boiling water.

"This is?"Vincent, Harry and Hermione, almost immediately recognized what it was. Only Ron was still a little confused, "Where did Hagrid find such a large egg, can it be cooked like this?"

"Hagrid," Hermione's voice started to get shrill, a precursor to her starting a lecture, "You know it's against the law."Harry and Vincent nodded furiously, signaling that Hermione was right, keeping dragons was indeed against the law.

"I've just wanted to for a long time now," Hagrid said, "Ever since I was little, it's kind of been a dream of mine."

"But have you thought about the consequences?"Hermione's face slackened, and to be honest, it was kinda like Professor McGonagall's, "Once this dragon hatches, it won't take a month to tear your house apart into a pile of firewood, where are you going to hide it then?"

"Dragon?"Ron yelled out, and that's when he reacted, "Hagrid, are you crazy? Do you know how edible a dragon can be? My brother Charlie studies dragons, and he said that dragons are basically the most edible in the world."(Unfinished Business)