
I Am Baki

I am Baki. Even the universes will come to know the power of my fist. Multiversal Fanfic. Selected Worlds: Baki, DBZ, MCU, To-Love Ru, Jujutsu Kaisen, Dandandan, Frieren: Beyond Journey's End. Additional Worlds may get added in future. Cover art is not mine. If you want it taken down, just send me a message!

Aht · Anime & Comics
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53 Chs

Chapter 24: Planet Deviluke

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"Yeah, they're a super secretive agency. They're basically spies that snoop into people's businesses without the concern for the other party's privacy, all for the sake of protecting our planet. Sounds like a joke if you ask me. But oyaji has a lot of ties with several different government agencies all around the world. I'm sure he has worked for Shield before.", I wondered that myself.

"Spies, huh? Papa does have a hidden network too, but he doesn't use it often. Only when his Planet feels threatened. Thankfully most of the Milky Way is at peace right now. I just fled it because I couldn't handle those suitors anymore. Didn't think I would find my partner here~", Lala responded, only to grab a hold of me.

Seeing her do that, I felt a searing pain spread across my arm that I punched Yujiro's fist with. It was still destroyed and blood was dripping from it still.

"Oh...", Lala responded, seeing this with a frown.

"It's alright. My fist might be out of commission for a bit, but we have quite a few capable doctors around here. I'm sure I'll get it healed up in a jiffy.", I said, trying to ignore the pain.

"Oh we can get that fixed up. I have Healing Cure-kun ready for the job!", Lala happily answered me, before taking out a strange device from god knows where.

"Wait--?", I tried to intervene, but a green light suddenly appeared out of her device after pressing a button on it. I was blinded by it, but I felt a sensation wrap around my fist, almost as if it was giving it a hug. The pain gradually lessened, and the deepened scabs over my knuckles vanished along with it, leaving me with a surprised look.

That wasn't the only thing I felt though. My clothes started to shred apart, leaving me behind naked. And for some reason, perhaps it was her pressing the button of the device or being enveloped by the green light too, Lala's clothes also were torn into shreds, leaving all her glory visible to me, as did mine to her.


A green number appeared over my body, signaling my health was healed up in its entirety.

As much as I wanted to suck in a cold breath of air to that, I blinked my eyes, seeing my body now naked.

"...", I tried to utter, seeing Lala's breasts sway back and forth a bit.

"Are?", Lala wondered, tilting her head, which caused her breasts to sway once again. That didn't help the situation a bit. Thanks to seeing her full body like this, I felt blood rising to my head.

"You probably should work on that, Lala-chan. Do all of your devices do this?", I retorted.

"They're not supposed to do this?", Lala questioned herself.

"Lala-sama's devices are known to have good results, but unfortunately they tend to have these unwanted side effects.", Peke's voice reached my ears.

"Sadly, that seems to be the case. I don't mind if you see me though~", Lala happily responded. She shook her shoulders a little again, causing her breasts to sway yet a third time.

"J-Just stop doing that, alright?", I'll go get a spare change of clothes. I'll have you look up some designs on the internet. You also can copy the schematics of the school uniform Miko and Kei were wearing, right?", I asked Lala.

"Of course. Is that the school uniform I'll be wearing if I enroll at your school?", Lala asked.

"Yeah. Seeing oyaji come tired me out quite a bit, and it's already late as it is. I can look into Shield some more tomorrow as training continues. You're free to do what you want, Lala-chan.", I said, walking toward the staircase that led to the first floor.

"Hai~", Lala happily responded and followed after me.

We quickly found some spare clothes lying around and got changed. I don't have any spare underwear for her though, we'd need to do some side shopping for that. I bid Musashi farewell, retreating to the second floor. I did point out a spare bedroom, but Lala wound up sleeping next to me for the night, go figure. I could feel her breasts clinging to me as we both snoozed off into dreamland for the night.

Year 2008.

April 3rd.


As the morning cracked over Mt. Fuji in the distance, happy cicadas began to chirp in the distance.

The next morning had dawned.

Back at the Baki House, it was quite an eventful day yesterday, meeting both people of the Baki-verse and Dandadan-verse alike, and even met new people from the To-Love-Ru-verse. And it was the first princess of Planet Deviluke no less. She was destined to become Rito's fiance in the original story, but due to a twist of fate, her device teleported her into Baki's house, subsequently becoming Baki's fiance instead.

Minus the events that happened later last night, Zastin, who protected Deviluke's royal family as captain of the royal guards, reported the result to Gid, the reigning king of Planet Deviluke. Gid was decisive and spread announcements of his daughter becoming engaged to an earthling. Not only did he announce it to his vassals, he spread the message far and wide who competed with each other in hopes for Lala's hand in marriage.

That alone caused a spark to ripple to several news agencies all across the galaxy. Unbeknownst to Baki, his fame started to rise across several alien worlds in a short span of a few hours. That's how prominent Lala's disposition was to the rest of the galaxy. Seeing Lala now engaged to an earthling, all of the other suitors had to stop, at least for a period of three days to see if it would get finalized.

On Planet Deviluke back in the royal palace, hearing this announcement caused quite a stir to a certain duo, who sported very similar features to Lala. Both sporting that vibrant pink hair. one had it short and flew right past her neck, while the other kept her hair tied into twin tails. A very beautiful, if not gorgeous woman could be seen wearing a veil, seated on the throne that Gid himself could currently be seen seated on as well. A serious look in his eyes as he looked down at the two girls, placing one of his elbows on his knee as he did.

The girl on the right who had the twin tails currently had a look of anger in her eyes. She stomped the floor with one of her feet and yelled out.

"What do you mean Ane-ue got engaged!? What is the meaning of this!?", The girl yelled out, not expecting to hear such a news drop first thing in the morning.

"Maa, calm down, Nana-chan.", The veiled woman tried to reply, seeing the angry girl before her.

"I was quite surprised as well, you know. Nee-sama doesn't accept just anyone.", The second girl responded, tilting her head a bit to the right, appearing confused.

"It is as you say, Momo. Lala has a good ability in judging the natures of others. He goes by the name Baki, an earthling. And from Zastin's report, he's the son of the strongest person on that planet.", Gid answered with growing interest.

"The son of the strongest earthling?", Momo uttered with growing interest too.

"Well, at the very least, we cannot judge Lala's assessment of this earthling too early. The rite has been completed, and we will see what happens during these next three days.", Gid said, concluding the matter.

Hearing that, the girl named Nana slouched her shoulders.

"Tch, it's always the rite, isn't it...", Nana retorted.

"Hehe, one day you too will go through that same rite, Nana-chan.", The second girl replied as she clapped her hands together in a happy manner. She was called Momo, and both Momo and Nana were twin sisters, and younger sisters to Lala Deviluke.

Hearing Momo say that, it didn't take long for Nana to give a disgusted look on her face, only to look down at her body. She immediately placed her arms over her chest and stuck her tongue out.

"Hell no. Ain't no way that is happening. All guys are beasts.", Nana retorted, before turning around and stormed off, likely heading back to her private quarters.

"Sigh...What ever will we do with her?", The veiled woman said. She was the current Queen to Gid, and the mother of these three girls. Her name was Sephie, and was the last Charmian alive to date. Her race had a special trait, which could charm all males who had weak wills. She fell for Gid as not only did he rescue her, Gid didn't fall for her charm that was triggered by her body. That also meant that Lala, Momo and Nana were half Charmian, but that special trait of hers wasn't passed down to her children.

"Oh you don't need to worry about Nana, Kaa-sama. She'll have to adjust to this news eventually. Though I am a bit curious about this Baki fellow. What would it take to personally visit him?", Momo decided to ask Gid.

"Hmm...", Gid replied, wondering for a moment. "Earth is now under our care for the time being, so interstellar travel won't be an issue, but how have you and Nana been on your studies as of late? If you do well on your next term, I might consent to a visitation.", Gid said, reaching a conclusion, causing Momo's eyes to light up.

"Really? Then I'll go tell Nana. Please excuse me, Kaa-sama, Tou-sama.", Momo replied, giving a light bow to the two before she retreated off as well. It was just Sephie and Gid now.

"Ufufu, will you really allow them to go to Planet Earth, darling?", Sephie asked, with an interested look in her eyes that was hidden by her veil.

"Who knows. Children can be so problematic at times. That Nana. She is especially unruly as of late. If they perform well, I might acknowledge it.", Gid said, crossing his arms together. "Still, earth's strongest earthling, huh? I wonder what such a fellow looks like...", Gid wondered to himself, imagining what type of existence Yujiro Hanma was. He didn't know what Yujiro looked like, but he had growing interest in his eyes as he continued to think that. Sephie just sat there, watching her husband deep in thought. Seeing him like this caused her to smile.


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