
I Am Baki

I am Baki. Even the universes will come to know the power of my fist. Multiversal Fanfic. Selected Worlds: Baki, DBZ, MCU, To-Love Ru, Jujutsu Kaisen, Dandandan, Frieren: Beyond Journey's End. Additional Worlds may get added in future. Cover art is not mine. If you want it taken down, just send me a message!

Aht · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 25: Peter Quill

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Meanwhile, it wasn't just Planet Deviluke that started to become festive with their first princess getting engaged. This news spread far and wide across the cosmos. Even the Milky Way wasn't the end of it.

Somewhere deep inside Xandarian starspace.

A single Ravager ship could be seen sailing the stars. Inside it, several aliens of varying races could be seen having a good time, shouting and drinking as they pleased. Overall, it was a very festive atmosphere, likely signaling something good had happened to them.

Toward one end of the ship, a single man could be seen, staring out into the void of outer space. If one had a close look, his ears were currently occupied by a very old-style pair of headphones that was connected to a large box-like device. He was a man, who seemed to be in his mid twenties, sporting brown hair and brown eyes, dressed in an old-style jacket and leather pants, appearing as if he was out of fashion.

"So this is where you were at, boy.", A rough voice said, trying to call out to the man. He, along with the other varying aliens on this ship all wore different styles of clothing, but it was all dressed in a singular color, a deep crimson. This clan was one of one hundred clans that belonged to the Ravagers Clan. Each leader sported a different color that represented them, and this blue-skinned man with a weird headpiece over his head, mostly being bald otherwise, wore a thick crimson jacket and several protective garments underneath it. At his waste was a single red-tipped arrow.

Seeing the man ignore this blue-skinned alien, a look of anger appeared in his eyes as he bumped the back of this browned haired man with his fist.

"You look at me when I'm talking to you, boy!", The blue-skinned man called out in anger, attracting some of the drinkers from afar.

"W-Wha?", The brown haired man tried to respond, only to feel a sudden jolt on his back, causing his headphones to slide off his ears. Turning his chair around, he saw the blue-skinned man staring at him with an angry look in his eyes.

"Oh it's just you, Yondu. I'm trying to relax here, what do you want this time?", The brown-haired man.

"Don't, 'Oh, it's just you', Quill. I'm your father, at least address me by it.", Yondu said. "Besides, you should be out celebratin' with the others! We just scored a big hit, enough to keep the Ravagers in operation for the next couple years. And yet, I see you here alone.", Yondu retorted.

"You are so not my father. How could a blue-skinned bastard like you be my father?", The man retorted back, who went by the name Peter Quill. To put it simply, Peter Quill was an earthling just like Baki was, but he was abducted from Planet Earth by this blue-skinned alien twenty years ago. He was tasked by a certain celestial entity to do so, but down the line, this blue-skinned alien thought otherwise, and for some reason, decided to raise this boy as his own kin.

"But I'm the one who raised you, boy. Do these last twenty years mean nothing to you?", Yondu retorted Peter. Other people may eventually come to know who he is as Star-Lord, one of the leading members of the Guardians of the Galaxy crew. But right now, he was but a petty thief in service of the Ravagers who scrounge for scrap and metal or take on dangerous missions that a normal crew wouldn't dare to take.

"Tch, you raised me to be a thief, all for the sake of becoming one of you guys. I ain't no Ravager. These clothes mean nothing to me.", Peter retorted with a complaint.

"And yet I took the kindness out of my heart to keep you from getting eaten by those fools. They say Terrans are a delicacy 'round these parts.", Yondu retorted Peter.

"You call that raising? You KIDNAPPED me. That is so not cool, bro.", Peter retorted, spitting on Yondu's face. "And besides, I'm a grown-ass man now. I call my own shots. You ain't got nothin' on me, Yondu. And if I say I want a beer, I'm going to go drink a beer, damn it.", Peter cursed at Yondu.

Despite being very rough on the outside, Yondu did actually care for Peter, even if he was a bit extreme at times.

"Well, I ain't stoppin' ya for joinin' the party, boy. We scored over a million credits from that asteroid trip. Enough to satisfy a single person a lifetime, enough to keep our crew goin' for the next couple years.", Yondu explained the situation to Peter.

"So you say, but it isn't like you to come here for no reason, Yondu. I'll go enjoy the party at my own pace. You came here for something, didn't you?", Peter asked, turning off his walkman device. Hearing that caused Yondu to grin, letting him show his shiny teeth off.

"And that's one of the reasons I like ya, Quill. Always quick-witted and easy to make use of whatever situation is thrown at ya. It might come across a bit surprisin', but we got a transmission from Terra.", Yondu answered, causing Peter to come to a sudden halt.

"Please tell me you aren't joking, Yondu. You know Terrans aren't capable of reaching out into the cosmos yet!", Peter yelled out.

"That was clear as day when I went to go pick you up eons ago, I ain't turnin' a deaf ear to that. But it is a transmission no less. It didn't come from Terra specifically, but of its ruling planet within the Milky Way.", Yondu said, grabbing a device of sorts. Pressing a few buttons on it, a holo panel suddenly lit up next to Peter as it slid across the side table he was sitting at.

"Terra is bein' protected by its rulers now. Some sort of engagement so they say. You recognize this Terran at all, Quill?", Yondu asked.

On the holo panel showed a brown haired boy around sixteen years of age, having sharp eyes that slant downward. His body was muscular all over, and had a few scars here and there. To the left of this boy was a beautiful pink-haired girl in a simple one piece dress.

"Baki Hanma? Who the fuck is this guy?", Peter immediately questioned, revealing a frown.

"I take it ya don't know this Terran then.", Yondu chimed in.

"Beats me. Hearing that name though, feels like a Jap if you ask me. They weren't doing so hot after losing in the world war that took place back on Terra. That happened a couple decades prior to your ship finding me. At the very least, Earth is still alive and kicking.", Peter answered Yondu, drawing his interest.

"Aww, is the little boy feelin' homesick?", Yondu teased.

At this time, they heard loud shouts from the other crewmates of Yondu's clan. It was getting roudier and roudier by the minute, with clinks of bottles striking the entire ship and laughter being shared all around.

Seeing this a moment of silence passed between the two as Peter walked up next to Yondu.

"Say, Yondu. What would it take to give me a small favor in paying Earth a visit again? I'm already done going down the sentimental lane, it has been twenty, long years man. Earthlings are known to advance quite rapidly. Potential target for the taking.", Peter suddenly suggested, causing Yondu to remain silent.

"You crazy, boy? The Milky Way is one entire sector, and it's ruled by a warmonger. You want to be targeted by them?", Yondu immediately retorted.

"We could slip past their defenses easily. Your crew are Ravagers. Me personally though, I just want to see how much Earth has changed since I left it.", Peter mused to himself, wondering how much Planet Earth had changed. A lot can happen in two decades. When Peter was around, the automotive industry was thriving, and now the technology race was underway. Many secret agencies had access to high-tech equipment that didn't seem of Planet Earth, such as Shield, and even superhumans were beginning to appear.

Not many superheroes existed during Peter's time. It was unknown whether or not he knew the existence of Captain America. He probably didn't know the existence of the world's strongest human either, which was Yujiro Hanma. Seeing him confused at Baki's existence, he likely didn't know Yujiro's existence.

"I'll see what I can do, but if we get into some sort of trouble, we're hightailin' it out of there, with or without you.", Yondu answered Peter, causing Peter to laugh.

"And you call yourself a father.", Peter retorted hearing Yondu say that.

"Hey, you're still alive thanks to me. Now go, enjoy the party.", Yondu retorted back, kicking Peter's leg, causing him to almost trip over himself by taking a couple steps forward.

"I get it already, sheesh.", Peter said, only to slowly vanish from Yondu's sight, joining the drinking the other aliens were currently doing.

As Yondu was alone now, he cracked a rare smile.

"Terra huh? Been a long-ass time since we visited that place. Nothin' seemed to pick my fancy though.", Yondu uttered to himself, seeing Peter getting along with a few aliens that were a part of his clan, beginning to drink to his heart's content.

Yet as the Ravagers were celebrating to their heart's content, another event could be seen taking place in a star field nearby.

Kree Starspace.

Or what was left of them anyway. It would only be a few years until the remaining Kree would be forced to sign a peace treaty with Planet Nova's current Nova Prime. But until then, a certain figure was helping out, going from planet to planet to assess their situation and offer help if needed. Presently, a bright ball of light could be seen criss-crossing through the stars, acting as if they were a ball of plasma.

This figure underwent an accident back when they resided on Planet Earth, coming into contact with a cube known as the Tesseract. After getting directly exposed to it, this figure became a walking figure of energy, being able to expulse plasma-like beams all around her body, but most of the time, she attacked with her fists. This figure was a girl, and went by the name Carol Danvers.

Though to some who feared this figure, they called her The Annihilator.

The Kree especially feared this woman. She had lustrous blonde hair, and was wearing a fancy super-hero like suit as she travelled the cosmos at a fast pace.

Thanks to living a blast of energy from the Tesseract, she gained several abilities, and being able to travel through the vacuum of space was one of them.

Captain Marvel, a future avenger. But presently an abdicator of justice. If she saw violence strike in the remaining hearts of the Kree or unknowns in this starspace, she would try to settle it with its people, or result to violence if there was no other option. That was why she received the nickname, The Annihilator. She left little to no remorse to those who refused to listen to her.

Before some moments passed by in silence as Captain Marvel continued her current flight path, a device started to beep on her armguards, which appeared to be quite high-tech, much more advanced than Planet Deviluke's technology.

"A transmission at this hour?", Captain Marvel said, causing her to come to a sudden halt, which revealed her beautiful figure. She hadn't seemed to age a day, and perhaps that was because of the Tesseract. She was actually forty-three years old this year. Seeing the transmission's details, Captain Marvel immediately frowned.

"Now there's a name I haven't heard in ages...", Captain Marvel uttered to herself, before she continued reading the deals of the transmission. "Terra is now under the protection of the Milky Way sector, His Majesty Gid Lucione Deviluke, and has engaged his first daughter to an Earthling, accepting their custom's rite...?", Captain Marvel began to say, with growing disbelief in her eyes.

"The fuck is this!?", Captain Marvel cursed out loudly. Thankfully she was in the void of space, with no one around to hear her cursing.


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