
I Am Baki

I am Baki. Even the universes will come to know the power of my fist. Multiversal Fanfic. Selected Worlds: Baki, DBZ, MCU, To-Love Ru, Jujutsu Kaisen, Dandandan, Frieren: Beyond Journey's End. Additional Worlds may get added in future. Cover art is not mine. If you want it taken down, just send me a message!

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53 Chs

Chapter 23: Consume

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"Oyaji...", I uttered, before turning around. Sure enough I saw the man standing tall, and built like no tomorrow. It was The Ogre himself.

The cold chill remained but it acted like a bucket of cold water, snapping me out of my daze.

"For the love of God, oyaji, can you act civil for once?", I immediately asked.

"Sure.", Yujiro responded nonchalantly, causing me to blink my eyes at him. "That little missy is giving off quite the aura though.", Yujiro pointed at Lala, who just stood there acting confused. She probably hadn't seen such a giant before.

I knew Momo gained the ability to read auras and it appeared Yujiro was the same. Reiko probably could as well.

"You aren't kidding?", I asked, still unsure after hearing oyaji say that.

"You asked for it. And this is your place. I was mostly snooping around seeing what Doppo was here for, but it's a shame it didn't erupt into anything further. I've already lost my interest.", The Ogre said, smirking.

"And since did you start caring about your son?", I retorted.

"Always. Baki. It is through our blood we desire to become stronger. That is the curse of being a Hanma. I grow stronger with each passing day. And so do you. You are leagues apart compared to yesterday. And seeing that pleases me. I want you to grow stronger, Baki.", Yujiro said with a serious voice.

"We take, and we consume. If there is something you want, take it! If you want to consume this girl, consume her! It's a different world at the top, Baki. What I said yesterday, I mean it. If you receive that old man's guidance, it should prove well for you. That arena is meant to house the best of fighters. Consume it all.", Yujiro explained with a wild grin over his face.

"I take it you've fought in there before, oyaji?", I asked. I knew well that Yujiro fought in that underground arena. Memories of Baki's story began to surface in my mind, recalling various scenes of the fights down there.

And one particular one was Baki's fight against his half-brother, Jack Hanma.

Which meant Jack was now my half-brother, so to say.

I do not know his current whereabouts. It's possible that he was still experiencing the abyss his life went through before partaking in the Maximum Tournament, which I believe will be held in a year's time from now. His entire being would get consumed with the thirst to slay Yujiro, so much to even try experimental drugs to dope his body beyond its limits. He didn't strive to learn any techniques only to get consumed by that rage. He thought muscles were the key to victory in martial arts.

And that was his downfall. He would suffer life-threatening injuries after that fight with Baki, it was a miracle he even lived.

Since I was brought into this place with a year's time to the Maximum Tournament, reaching out to Jack probably wasn't ideal. His 'body' reconstruction was likely taking place right now.

But to go back on Yujiro's point, his ideal was extreme, but it was something I would have to deal with as a Hanma. His words held true. And with him standing at the pinnacle of humans, he could take and consume what he wanted as he pleased.

I had another look at Lala, who just appeared confused by this manner of speaking. It was Lala who suddenly spoke out.

"Baki-kun called you the strongest being on Earth. Does that mean you're as strong as Papa?", Lala asked, unfazed by Yujiro's appearance. Hearing that caused Yujiro to grin.

"Hahah! It's a title I hold dear, but I've no clue who the hell your father is.", Yujiro answered.

"Papa is the ruler of the entire Milky Way Galaxy! The King of Planet Deviluke.", Lala responded happily as her tail swerved around happily.

"Oh no...", I immediately uttered, wishing Lala wouldn't answer oyaji like that.

"Remember what I told you, oyaji! Civil--?", I tried to immediately say to Yujiro, only to see Yujiro grin from ear to ear.

Lala just blinked her eyes at Yujiro who took a sudden step inward. Releasing his fierce red aura, Yujiro formed a fist, ready to strike out.

"Damn it. You are so not doing this tonight.", I retorted, releasing the power swelling inside of me. I took a step forward, and formed a fist of my own. Banggg!

My fist collided with Yujiro's fist. It was as if my fist was made of wood that collided against a steel plate.

Well, It didn't go well.


A big damage number appeared over my head from the impact. My fist was torn, and my earlier scabs spread blood over Yujiro's face.

"The hell are you doing?", Yujiro retorted. "I knew my eyes wouldn't deceive me. You really picked up a treasure. Heh.", Yujiro responded.

Well, if there was something, I had taken less damage from the previous time Yujiro punched me in the stomach, so I guess that was a win? I took 75% damage from that previous hit, and with this punch, I had taken only 30% damage. I doubt Yujiro was using his full strength here. He probably felt a fire light up the moment Lala mentioned her background.

Yujiro didn't even care that Lala was from another planet. I bet he already knew aliens existed, since this world of mine had several stories meshed together. Yet I stood my ground, not getting knocked back or slumping over like last time. I planted my two feet firmly on the ground.

"Oh?", Yujiro responded, seeing this. He proceeded to reach out his hand, and grabbed my head, lifting me up in the air with ease.

"Seems you've grown some backbone, even if we last met yesterday. That is the curse we share.", Yujiro said, seeing me do this.

Hearing that, I coughed out some blood, and spat in his face.

"I told you to be civil, and see where that took us, huh?", I retorted, ignoring that I was currently being lifted up in the air right now.

"Heh, you had my attention for a moment, and that was all you got. Show your strength to me like what you did tonight. If you have a girl, get her to keep wanting more, that way that desire will grow.", Yujiro said, spouting some random nonsense at me again.

As he said that, he threw my body at Lala. Lala easily intercepted it, and caught me.

"Thanks...", I said, feeling a warm embrace on my back.

"I'll catch you around Baki, and you as well, girl.", Yujiro said, turning around, and waved his hand. Hearing a door click behind me, I heaved a sigh of relief, letting my shoulders relax. I felt two soft mounds press against my back. A worried look appeared in Lala's eyes.

"So that was why you said not to get involved with you? Because that man is your dad?", Lala said with growing interest in her eyes.

"It's as you see, Lala-chan. He's a monster, and I am one no less than he is. Our blood is cursed. Are you still wanting to be connected to such a thing?", I asked, reaching my hand out to her chin. She placed her hand over it, letting her warmth spread around me.

"I still saw the warmth inside you, Baki-kun. You are no monster to me.", Lala replied happily.

"Haha, it's weird you saying that, even though it hasn't even been that long since we've seen each other.", I replied.

"I wouldn't accept just anyone you know. If you don't find any faults with me in these next three days, I could report to Papa that it was successful?", Lala suggested.

"Sure, why not. You are a cute girl in front of me.", I replied with a smile.

[Yujiro Hanma really is a dangerous man. The only reason he let you go is because he wants to see you get stronger, right, Master?', Aura's voice suddenly said inside my mind.

'Yeah. No doubt about it. He can come and go as he pleases. The stronger I get, the easier time I'll have. And for the moment, I have something to protect now too.', I inwardly uttered to Aura's words.

"Heehee, you fight pretty crazy like Papa does. I haven't seen him fight a lot, but there's a reason he's the ruler of the Milky Way.", Lala explained to me.

"Is that so? For now, what are you going to do?", I decided to ask. Lala stood up, and after regaining a bit of energy, I felt the energy to stand again, ignoring a third of my health that was currently shaved off.

"Isn't it obvious that I'd be staying at your place, silly?", Lala responded.

"I don't mind, but are you sure?", I asked.

"Yep!", Lala happily answered me.

Though at this moment, I revealed a small frown, realizing it was Yujiro who came here.

"Shit, I forgot to ask about Shield with oyaji.", I uttered, realizing that I had forgotten to do so.

Lala tilted her head in confusion hearing that word.

"Shield?", Lala questioned.


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