
Grim: Last Hope (HP/DC/Marvel)

What to do when an unbeatable madman kill you for in his sick game again and again for his fun? Hide? Fight back? escape to another universe? NO, Merge universes! A crossover of HP/Marvel/DC/Invincible.

Blackwolf77 · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

Chapter 2: The Beginning


The small craft embedded with a 'S' inside a diamond shape hurtled through the vast expanse of space, a lone beacon of life in the cold void. Inside, a tiny infant slept peacefully, unaware of the journey he was on or the fate that awaited him.


On Earth, Jonathan and Martha Kent were driving home from a late evening outing, the sky clear and dotted with stars. As they turned onto a quiet country road, a brilliant flash of light streaked across the sky, followed by a loud boom that shook the ground.


"What on Earth was that?" Martha exclaimed, gripping Jonathan's arm.


Jonathan squinted into the darkness. "I don't know, but it came down near the old McCarthy place. Let's go check it out."


They drove towards the source of the light, their curiosity and concern growing with each passing moment. As they approached the crash site, they saw a smouldering crater in the middle of the field. The edges of the crater were glowing faintly, and at its centre was a strange, metallic object.


"What in the world..." Jonathan muttered, climbing out of the truck. He helped Martha out and together they approached the object cautiously. As they drew nearer, they saw that it was some kind of spacecraft, small and sleek, with an otherworldly design.


Martha gasped. "Jonathan, look! There's something inside!"


Jonathan peered through a small window in the craft and saw a tiny baby wrapped in a red blanket. "It's a baby! We've got to get him out of there."


He found a latch on the side of the craft and, with some effort, managed to open it. The top of the craft lifted up, revealing the baby inside. Martha reached in and gently lifted the child out, cradling him in her arms.


"He's so small," she whispered. "Where do you think he came from?"


Jonathan shook his head, still in shock. "I don't know, Martha. This is beyond anything I've ever seen. But we can't leave him here."


The baby stirred, opening his bright blue eyes, and gazing up at Martha. She smiled down at him, her heart instantly warming to the tiny stranger. "Hello, little one," she cooed. "Don't you worry. We'll take care of you."


Jonathan looked around nervously. "We should get back home before anyone else shows up. We'll figure out what to do from there."


Martha nodded, holding the baby close. They carefully placed the top back on the spacecraft and Jonathan and Martha tried to lift it to the back of the truck. Surprisingly the pod was withing their limit and they were successful in lifting it.


Back in their truck, Martha held the baby in her arms, marvelling at how peaceful he seemed despite the chaos of his arrival. Jonathan drove them home, his mind racing with questions and concerns. But one thing was clear to both of them: this child, whoever he was, needed their help.


As they pulled into the driveway of their farmhouse, Jonathan turned to Martha. "What are we going to tell people?"


Martha looked at the baby, then at Jonathan. "We'll tell them the truth, Jonathan. We found him in a barn abandoned. And now he's ours to care for."


Jonathan nodded, feeling a sense of determination settle over him. "Alright. We'll protect him, Martha. No matter what."


Martha smiled, tears of joy in her eyes. "Welcome to the Kent family, little one. We'll call you Clark. Clark Kent."


And so, under the quiet Kansas night sky, the Kents welcomed the future Superman into their lives, unaware of the incredible destiny that awaited him.


A Lady of ethereal beauty stood on the outskirts of Smallville, her gaze fixed on the new refugee and his adoptive family. She smiled softly at the sight of the happy family, their laughter and love radiating in the warm evening air. With a graceful wave of her hand, she lifted the veil of obscurity she had cast over the area when the pod entered the atmosphere.


Instantly, machines in various government agencies sprang to life, alarms blaring as they detected the pod's entry into Earth's atmosphere. By the time any human responders reached the crash site, the Kents were already tucked in for the night, sleeping peacefully, unaware of the cosmic wonder that had just transpired.


The lady observed the scene for a moment longer, her expression serene and knowing. Her work here was done, for now. She turned away, her form shimmering and fading into the night, leaving behind only the gentle rustle of leaves and the distant hum of crickets in the tranquil Kansas night.


 Nowl-Ahn, soared through the endless void of space with the precision and speed that only a Viltrumite could achieve. His journey from Viltrum to Earth was a solitary one, filled with the silent contemplation of his mission and the stark beauty of the cosmos.


The stars whizzed past him as he propelled himself forward, his body cutting through the vacuum with ease. He reflected on the events that had led him to this moment. As a soldier of the Viltrum Empire, his mission was clear: conquer Earth, integrate it into the empire, and prepare it for Viltrumite rule. Yet, this mission carried a weight that Nolan couldn't ignore. He was about to begin a life on a foreign planet, among beings far weaker and more fragile than himself.

As he passed through a galaxy at faster-than-light speed, his surroundings suddenly froze. Nowl-Ahn's thoughts came to a screeching halt. His eyes widened as his enhanced mind processed the bizarre phenomenon: he was frozen along with space itself. Only his incredible velocity allowed him to perceive this frozen state of reality. A second later, everything returned to normal, and he found himself flying as if nothing had happened.


Decelerating rapidly, he came to a stop, floating still in the vast emptiness of space. Instincts honed over thousands of years of combat flared to life, sensing that something was watching him—something beyond his understanding, a new and unsettling sensation.


Scanning his surroundings, he noticed a stark difference. Before the freeze, he had been flying through a system with a white star. Now, he was in the orbit of a yellow star.

Nowl-Ahn's wariness intensified. Something felt profoundly different, unsettling. He considered returning to his hidden ship to contact the Empire when a green light shot toward him through space. He prepared to dodge, but the light slowed immediately, revealing itself as a Green Ring. The ring slipped onto the middle finger of his right hand, and an otherworldly voice spoke directly into his mind.


"Nowl-Ahn of Viltrum, you have the ability to overcome great fear. Welcome to the Green Lantern Corps."


Nowl-Ahn's surprise deepened. He examined the ring, finding no visible mechanism for its flight or communication. His gaze shifted to his body, now clad in a green suit overlaying his Viltrumite uniform, a green glow enveloping him, easing his flight.


"What the fuck," Nowl-Ahn cursed in his mind. "What are you? What is this Green Lantern Corps?"


"I am a power ring, sent by the Guardians of the Universe. We will now travel to Oa. There you will be trained as a member of the Green Lantern Corps," the ring announced serenely.

Nowl-Ahn allowed the green glow to move him, initially too astonished by this advanced technology to resist. By the time he stopped himself, he was already outside the solar system he had been in. The green glow intensified, trying to move him further, but his strength was greater than the ring's power.


"Stop it now, Ring. I am not going to this Oa place I've never heard of. How do I use you?"


"You have already used one function. Willpower is the power source for using the ring. It appears you can survive deep space with only your species' power. This hasn't been seen since the Kryptonians went extinct."


After a few moments of disbelief, Nowl-Ahn realized the gravity of his situation. Either reality had changed, or he had been transported outside his own reality. He decided to fly to his hidden spaceship, located halfway between Viltrum and Earth, and use it to reach Earth. He needed the ship to contact the Empire and understand the changes in both Earth and the Empire.


"Ring, briefly explain the empires and history of the known universes," Nowl-Ahn thought as he flew towards his ship.


As Earth drew closer, its blue and green surface shimmering against the backdrop of space, Nolan felt a mix of anticipation and determination, but unease gnawed at him due to what he had learned from the Ring. Tremendous changes had occurred in the known universe, adding trillions of lives to existence. Moreover, the Viltrum Empire was gone, replaced only by the planet Viltrum. His species was no longer the apex being in this new world. From the small bits he had heard, the Kryptonians seemed to be a stronger species, and beings like the Guardians—immortal gods—and actual gods themselves existed. According to the ring, Earth was no longer just a third-rate planet on the fringes of known space.


The importance of his mission had increased exponentially, but so had the necessity for subtlety. He would need to live among humans, understand them, and eventually, reveal his true purpose. Nolan felt the weight of this revelation pressing down on him.

Breaking through the planet's atmosphere, Nolan felt the rush of air resistance for the first time. The sensation was almost nostalgic, reminding him of the atmospheres of other worlds he had visited and conquered. He adjusted his speed, descending gradually, and took in the landscape below. Vast oceans, sprawling continents, and vibrant cities filled his view. This was Earth, a planet full of potential and resources, ripe for Viltrumite influence.


He aimed for a secluded area, wanting to make his arrival unnoticed. Spotting a dense forest near a mountainous region, Nolan landed softly, his feet touching the ground with barely a sound. He stood there for a moment, taking in the unfamiliar scents and sounds of this new world. Birds chirped, leaves rustled in the breeze, and the air was filled with the earthy scent of nature.


Nolan took a deep breath, steeling himself for the life he was about to begin. He knew he would need to integrate himself into human society, adopt their ways, and even start a family to fulfil his mission. But for now, he was alone, a Viltrumite on an alien world, with a monumental task ahead of him.


With a final glance at the sky, where the vast expanse of space stretched endlessly, Nolan set off towards the nearest sign of civilization. He would establish himself as a protector, a hero, and gain the trust of humanity. And when the time came, he would fulfil his duty to the Viltrum Empire.


"Entity of unknown power detected," the ring warned, and Nowl-Ahn became instantly alert, scanning his surroundings. His fists clenched, muscles tensed, as he sensed an otherworldly presence.


A woman emerged from the shadows, her presence both captivating and unsettling. In her early forties, with heterochromatic eyes of sky-blue and green, she exuded an almost tangible allure. Her voluptuous figure and the raw sexuality she radiated made Nowl-Ahn's pants tighten despite his readiness for a fight.


She laughed, a sound like the chime of delicate bells, and a fragrant breeze swirled around them. "Oh, don't be so tense, Nowl-Ahn of Viltrum. I have no quarrel with you. I'm simply curious about this new type of being who wishes to settle here."


Nowl-Ahn's eyes narrowed in suspicion. He began to float, preparing for a flying punch. "Who are you? How do you know my name?" he demanded, launching himself at Mach 5 toward the woman. The air burned around him, and the sonic boom obliterated a thousand meters of forest.


His fist rocketed toward her face with Mach 7 force, but she caught it effortlessly, not even flinching.


"What?" Nolan's voice shook with disbelief as his eyes widened in shock. Not even the Grand Regent could block his punch so casually. The force of his blow would have sent most beings reeling, but this woman stood unmoved, unbothered.


She smiled, her grip firm and unyielding. "Your strength is impressive, Viltrumite, but it is not enough here," she said, her voice calm and soothing, yet laced with an undeniable power.

She scowled at the destruction around them, her grip tightening on Nolan's fist. Pain shot through Nolan's hand, forcing him to will a green shield into existence to free himself. He attempted to punch her with his left hand, but found himself frozen in place.


"A Green Lantern ring?" she mused; her curiosity piqued as the green shield shimmered around his hand. She squeezed harder, shattering the shield effortlessly. Nolan's skin reddened, his fingers creaked under the immense pressure, and the ring began to imprint into his flesh. Bones shattered like glass, and Nolan gasped as his hand became a pulp, reminiscent of what he had done to countless others.


"Is this punishment enough, or should I just exterminate you and banish you from my body?" she asked, her voice cold.


The ring's voice echoed in Nolan's mind: 'Energy detected almost similar to Olympian gods. Lady identified as the Elder God Lady Gaea, personification of Terra. Immense respect recommended when making contact. Run in case of conflict. Contact the Guardians immediately for protection.'


Deciding to comply, Nolan responded bluntly, "Yes, I am willing. What are you? What do you want with me?"


Lady Gaea released his mangled fist, her eyes curious. "You are not afraid. I see no fear even in your weakness. Good. I am the Elder Goddess Gaea. You stand upon my body, this planet. I have observed you since you entered the atmosphere. I know you plan to integrate with my children and take over. Is that true?"


Nolan tensed, realizing his mission was exposed. He silently commanded the ring, 'Contact the ship and send everything I have collected to the Empire immediately.'


"Yes, Lady Gaea, that is my mission. But I will not go down without a fight."


Gaea laughed, a sound both enchanting and ominous. "You are very much like my children, the humans. So, your people wish to take over and rule this world? You are welcome to try, but it will not be as easy as you believe. Many powerful beings protect this world and empower me. I will not interfere as long as the power feeding me doesn't drop by more than 10%, or you can replace the power yourselves if your people are strong enough."


Nolan thought for a moment. "How do I power you?"


"You do not need to do anything, Nolan. Simply living on my body will feed me."


Nolan paled, understanding the implication. "I will follow your instructions," he said, bowing in acceptance.


Lady Gaea nodded, a gleeful smile on her face. "This has been a unique week for the cosmos. Two of the Endless jaunting on me directly, what a power trip that was. Two powerful alien refugees coming to live here. I look forward to the coming years. They will be very entertaining for me."


Nolan nodded as the Lady vanished without any means detectible by the Ring.



Privet Drive



In the Dursley household, mornings unfolded with the familiar routine. Harry, despite his efforts in the kitchen, often found himself lost in thought, prompting a sharp reprimand from Petunia in the form of a smack on the head with a frying pan. She couldn't shake the unease that settled over her whenever Harry spaced out and his green eyes becomes vacant, a stark contrast to her sister's vibrant green eyes. Petunia initially suspected Harry of dabbling in drugs or someone drugging him, but her observations yielded no evidence of such activities.


The concern over Harry's spacing out stemmed from the inherent danger it posed, particularly when his magic became unpredictable during these episodes. The family's method of snapping him out of it usually proved effective, albeit narrowly so.

The day ended with dinner again prepared by Harry, and Dudley complaining about Harry's doing in school which was actually done by Dudley himself. Harry was already spaced out from evening itself and he couldn't even reply anything when asked. Vernon became more and more angry as harry become more spaced out.

The beating that followed to try to wake harry up was the most severe till now. Harry's right hand was broken and he lost his consciousness when his head collided with the staircase as Vernon threw the boy to the cabin under the staircase.

As the clock neared midnight, Harry's wounds had already begun to clot, a testament to the training of his magical abilities in healing himself. But as the pendulum chimed, signalling the passing of time, an eerie sensation filled the air. Suddenly, with a deafening blast, everything within a 500-meter radius of Harry's bed was torn apart by a telekinetic force, as if atoms themselves were being shredded.

Harry Potter, Master of Death, jolted awake with a gasp, his wide eyes taking in the destruction that surrounded him. The sheer power of the event left him in awe, the realization dawning upon him that even with his uncountable years of living he had once again been thrust into the realm of the extraordinary. He started laughing like he has gone insane. 

After years of trying, he has woken before the age of 17, prior to collecting the hallows and ascending, which would have frozen his physical and magical powers at the behest of Thanos's snap, during the start of a new loop. But now, everything has changed. He has countless knowledge to exploit, and he even has a vague idea of the Stone's location, whereas before, he would forget everything about it.

"Ah, well, Death's first gift is truly legendary!" Harry grinned as he Disapparated from the epic centre of destruction and death.

Authors Note: Looking forward to reactions because of the merged world!!

If anyone like to read chp 3 and 4 head to My Pate ron :https://www.pat reon.com/collection/568578?view=expanded or search for BlackWolf