
For you all

Upon being reborn as a lone wolf in a vast forest, this young woman found herself stripped of her identity and without any allies. In this unfamiliar realm, the concept of fate and mate was considered an undeniable truth. The moment she turned 18, she finally met her mate but was taken aback to find not one, but three potential mates. She was left wondering whether they would accept and cherish her or reject her. Undeterred, she ventured to the kingdom of Wear Wolf and joined the academy. Despite facing numerous challenges, she tackled them head-on and emerged stronger than ever, gaining powerful abilities along the way. She refused to let any obstacle stand in her way.

Beom_Yaoi · Fantasy
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16 Chs

New chapter

Bentley (the king) viewpoint

Looking inside the cave, it appears to be more opulent than extravagant.

She is grown some fruits, vegetables, and even some unidentified medicine. Her knowledge base is greater. Not to mention those precious stones.

Though I can not decide that on my own, I can not leave her here.

He uttered, "I can not leave her here in this wilderness by herself."

Yes, it is best if we bring her along. Liam remarked:

Do you really think she wants to leave this forest, do not be so ridiculous? Luis stated:

Sean's arms are folded as his gaze stays fixed on his father.

What's wrong? King Sean enquired.

Do you not also believe that having her accompany us would be ideal?

I understand, but it appears that you wish to utilize her abilities. Sean spoke while glancing at him.

You truly are my son. That you are aware of my intentions amazes me. It is preferable to put her skills to use rather than having her hide out here from the outside world. Do you not think so? He grinned as he said.

Please refrain from using her as a tool. It is best not to consider utilizing her for political Says Luis:

(It is unbelievable to me that my icy-blooded sons are expressing worries abou t a comple te stranger, let alone a woman.)

I ask, are you falling in love with her?

Her interest piqued mine. Says Liam:

Whatever happens, you all need to keep him under control to avoid chaos. I ventured outside.

Her pov

I headed outside to water the plants. Some time later, I noticed the king walking around with a creepy smile.

He approached me. What is the name of this beautiful flower? He asked:


We usually use flowers as decorations, but why did you plant them? I see other flowers as well.

Some flowers also have medicinal properties.

Flowers also have medicinal value. I am not aware of that. What an intriguing topic.

Would you like to come with us?

Can i?

You certainly can.

And what about my dogs?

They can be included as well.

What are the conditions for bringing me along with you all?

Hahaha. You are a fascinating young woman.

What do you think?

Military? Or to engage me in politics?

Perhaps more.

I looked at him and saw his narrow eyes looking at me intently, as if he had discovered something useful.

Do you want to join us if I want to use you?

No, I would rather be alone in this forest than get involved in tedious activities.

Boring? Hahaha... My stomach.

So, what are your plans if you get out of here?

Hmm, let me think.


First and foremost, I want to earn money. Then I want to conduct business. Then buy a house and live freely, without being tied down by anything.

You think like an elderly person who has had a long and tiring life.

(Your thoughts are correct).

And what about the family?

What about family?

Yeah, like getting married and having children.

Perhaps I will think about it later.

Are you opposed to marriage?

No, I do not mind it, but I believe it is best to get to know and make a lover before marrying someone.

That is extremely thoughtful. Nobody thinks in that way. My kingdom is also known as the most academically and militarily powerful country but It is customary for nobles to marry other nobles. Or a marriage between mates rather than love.

Really, they just marry after finding out who their mates are? That is such an old-fashioned custom.

Yeah, It is.

So, why not join us in our country?

What's are your circumstances?

Nothing. I believe it is preferable to bring you out of here than leave you.

I will think about it.

Okay, we have done it several times. Consider your options thoroughly.

He went to the dog's gathering spot and began playing with them.

It is best to leave here, and I, too, want to leave and experience new things. Every day, I can learn something new.

Later, the three young princes approached me and noticed me digging.

Why are you digging the hole in multiple locations? Liam asked,

To cultivate.

So, where are the seeds?

I can simply relocate the baby plant here to ensure that it receives adequate nutrition.

Can you also plant that way?

I look at liam, you don't even know that much ? you much be living in the room without going out.

Pff. Luis lets out a laugh.

He is preoccupied with other tasks and does not pay attention to such details. Sean said:

You possess extensive knowledge of plants.

Sure, I am. I do not know how I will survive in this forest without it.

Do not you want to leave this forest? Luiz inquires

I attempted but failed to locate a village despite searching the entire forest.

So you can come with us, right? Liam said this with a big smile on his face.

I am considering it.

If you are concerned about your living situation, you are welcome to stay with us there. Sean spoke with a serious expression.

Why should I live with you all? You must be kidding.

We live in a separate location than the palace. And it is best to live with us before you get to know the outside world. We do not want someone else to take advantage of you. Sean gave me a look.

But I can not just live with you guys because of that. You might also have a lover.

We do not possess. Luis stated.

Yes, Athena, it is best that you live with us and play with me.

Let me think about it. I can not just go and live with you all, let alone three of you. Many rumors will circulate, and you are the prince, not just anyone.

Do not worry, I will shut up anyone who spreads rumors, Luis said.

Do not make jokes with a serious expression. Haa.. Give me some time to think about it.