
For you all

Upon being reborn as a lone wolf in a vast forest, this young woman found herself stripped of her identity and without any allies. In this unfamiliar realm, the concept of fate and mate was considered an undeniable truth. The moment she turned 18, she finally met her mate but was taken aback to find not one, but three potential mates. She was left wondering whether they would accept and cherish her or reject her. Undeterred, she ventured to the kingdom of Wear Wolf and joined the academy. Despite facing numerous challenges, she tackled them head-on and emerged stronger than ever, gaining powerful abilities along the way. She refused to let any obstacle stand in her way.

Beom_Yaoi · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Her identity 2


When I sat beside them, I felt tingling throughout my body and warm in my face.

Thank goodness I made the story; Sean appears to be about to say something, but the dogs intervene.

Forget about it, he said, and went into the bedroom.

When I get out, after I wash all the dishes and dry my hands. I saw them all gathered around the injured person.

The injured person quickly bowed and expressed gratitude in hushed tones.

Do not be concerned about it. I simply followed in the footsteps of the others. I said this while bowing.

He gave me a friendly smile and asked for my name.

Athena. I said:

Such an impactful name.

Then I inquire about the accident from the morning.

Some people want to die, according to one person who remains standing while holding his sword.

I give him a look.

Someone appears to have cast dark spells on his sword, and we are forced to deal with a dangerous creature.

Spells? Do you mean magical?

Everyone looks at me, and another follows silently.

I am not sure where to start. Another guy gives a sigh...

I have no idea why they all make me look like an alien.

Then he announced that my name is Bentley Dam de Willam. He placed his hand on his chest and said, "I am the king of the werewolves in Anchored country."

I bowed to him after looking at him with big eyes.

No, you are not required to.

My name is Robert, and I am the Head of the Sparkling.

I am wondering what sparkling means.


Do you mean magic?


Then another guy slightly bowed placing his hand on his chest and said I'm Grey. Sorry about pointing my sword at you. He said with an apologizing face.

No, courtesy is necessary, I said with a smile.

My name is Flynn, I'm the guard of the king.

And I'm Rome. The guard of the princes

So it's your turn now. Why are you living here?

I already said I was here from the beginning.

Well, I'm not asking that. I mean why your grandfather decided to raise you in this forest? Do you even know how dangerous is this place?

I don't know that but my Gramps told me to go to another village before passing away but I couldn't find any even when I went to search for 10 days.

Of course, you don't. The nearest city is a werewolf and you need aircraft to reach there even with aircraft, it will take a minimum of one month to reach there. He said while nodding.

Werewolf? Do you mean there are werewolves?

You don't even know that? Of course, there are werewolves. We all are werewolves to begin with Liam said while shaking my arms.

Oh, I thought you all were normal humans like me.

Human, what is that species?

And you mean you are human?

Are you insane? Luis asks one after one question.

Yeah, I thought I was human.

I think your Gramps forgot to teach you common sense.

There are no any species I've heard about human, child the king said.

So what am I?

You are a werewolf just like us.

How can you tell that?

Specifically, your ability to communicate with wolves, or rather your bond with wolves, will provide insight into your identity.

So other races are unable to form bonds with wolves.

Others, however, cannot because they have different abilities.

Oh, that is awesome. So you mean I can also change into my wolf form?

How old are you? Sean asks:

Today is my eighteenth birthday.

(8 years since I entered this world)

Oh, that is ideal; starting at midnight, your body will gradually begin to change. The king replied.

You have the potential to become the king.

What, King?

I believe you have some misconceptions about my gender.

I am female, not male.

Everyone is staring at me with wide eyes again.

Sean gave a chuckle.

Meanwhile, the other two are still surprised.

Why are we all more surprised now than ever before?

We thought you had fair skin, a lovely face, and fairly similar hair, but seeing those dresses and muscles in your body...

They are not wrong. I made the clothes with silk thread from a spider we discovered while looking for prey.

The dress is comfortable and practical for hunting, and I even wore bandages on my chest. And my body resembles that of a wild man.

Maybe it is because I have been living in the forest while hunting, and my muscles have developed.

It is not very big, but I have never seen girls with muscles. Luis said this as he examined the body.

I was aware that they were highly ranked, but I had no idea how important they were.

And to my surprise, I am a werewolf.