
For you all

Upon being reborn as a lone wolf in a vast forest, this young woman found herself stripped of her identity and without any allies. In this unfamiliar realm, the concept of fate and mate was considered an undeniable truth. The moment she turned 18, she finally met her mate but was taken aback to find not one, but three potential mates. She was left wondering whether they would accept and cherish her or reject her. Undeterred, she ventured to the kingdom of Wear Wolf and joined the academy. Despite facing numerous challenges, she tackled them head-on and emerged stronger than ever, gaining powerful abilities along the way. She refused to let any obstacle stand in her way.

Beom_Yaoi · Fantasy
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16 Chs



Sometimes afterwards.

Hey, do you think she will join us? Liam spoke with a sad expression.

Who knows! Luis spoke while looking at her.

She certainly will. If she does not want to, I will drag her along. Sean exclaimed angrily.

Wooh ... You can not possibly be serious. Are you alright? Liam grinned.

You can not keep him under control, right? Luis said,

Shit. I am not sure why he has been acting strangely recently. Sean stated with a frown

What are your thoughts about her? Liam asked,




Yeah, lovely. But what about him?

I want to claim her, ram her, process her, and leave my bites and scent all over her body. Luis said:

So you, too, have no control over him? Sean asked:

He seems to have been hungry for a long time. Liam replied with an evil smile.

You, as well?

Yes, this has been going on for quite some time.

We better not act and scare her away. Sean sighed.

I believe we have been overlooking important details.

I have trouble thinking clearly.

What if she is our soulmate?

Again, silence ensues...

That simply cannot be the case.

We have not noticed any of her scents.

Yes, she stated that she is already 18.

Nobody will be able to deal with all of us having only one mate.

So, why do all of us feel this way? Liam said:

It is simply a trigger to process someone as powerful as she is. Luis responded.


She has been thinking about the offer they made her. Choosing whether to accept or reject it.

When I consider it, it is quite reasonable. While I learned about the world, I would be protected, and since they were a prince, no one would be brave enough to do anything.

It is not that I am weak and require protection from a strong man, but having someone powerful on my side is preferable. Who knows what is going to happen in one day?

But to live with them. I do not think it is a compelling enough reason to live with them. I can not just blindly trust anyone. I will undoubtedly get involved in troublesome situations.

Aghh... I am not sure what is causing my headache.

Oh, I am fine. Is everyone concerned about me? I stroked the dog's head as I spoke.

The adult men are inside the cave with the injured man.

And the young boys are walking and conversing in the garden.

Liam smiled broadly and waved at me.

He is a very energetic child.

Oh, I forgot I was also a young girl.

Now that I think about it, they said I would be able to shift into a wolf. How? Perhaps I should consult them. I will transform into a wolf at midnight because we can change into wolf forms on our eighteenth birthday.

What would happen if I was unable to transform into a wolf? Then, it has to be deemed not to be a werewolf. slapping my own visage. It is preferable to take action than to daydream.

They all come toward me wearing worried expressions.

Are things going well for you?

Yeah, all good. All I am thinking about is how to transform into a wolf.

Are you not yet eighteen?

I am going to be here starting at midnight.

Yeah, that explains why.


In the middle of the night, you will transform into a wolf.

In what way?

Your inner voice will grow louder and transform into a wolf as you begin to experience a burning sensation throughout your entire body.

That is it? Does it require much effort?

For certain individuals, yes. Sean said, wearing a dejected expression.

Fear not—we are here to keep you safe.

I am anxious and afraid.

This is the best day of your life, so do not worry too much and let us play. Liam said as he pulled me into another garden.

Well, do you not go hunting?

Be at ease; I have plenty of prey in the store.

Regarding us, how do you feel? Luis halts his stroll and inquires 



Well, with all of you, I feel happier and more anxious than with anyone else.

Thus, what were your thoughts on our proposal? Liam asked, grinning broadly.

If I can make it more conditional, I will consider it.

What do they consist of? Sean queries

When we head into town, I will let you know.

Are you not going to believe us?

It has nothing to do with believing or not believing. Since I have only just met you all, I can not just go with the flow, is that right?

Yes, well.

Come with me to the seaside, and I will show you how to catch fish.

I hauled every one of them.