
For you all

Upon being reborn as a lone wolf in a vast forest, this young woman found herself stripped of her identity and without any allies. In this unfamiliar realm, the concept of fate and mate was considered an undeniable truth. The moment she turned 18, she finally met her mate but was taken aback to find not one, but three potential mates. She was left wondering whether they would accept and cherish her or reject her. Undeterred, she ventured to the kingdom of Wear Wolf and joined the academy. Despite facing numerous challenges, she tackled them head-on and emerged stronger than ever, gaining powerful abilities along the way. She refused to let any obstacle stand in her way.

Beom_Yaoi · Fantasy
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16 Chs

her identity


I place the table with 4 cushions. One guy from that group accompanied me while chatting with me.

He is tall, and handsome with the same face as the two other guys. The difference is that he has two colours of eyes like mine but different. And he seems much calmer and thinks twice.

I ask him to call others for lunch.

He nodded

All of them came inside and said wow it's big.

Then I serve food on the plate and soup in the bowl.

Then placed on the table.

It's not much but I hope you all enjoy it.

It looks more fancier than a royal banquet.

Where is the injured person? I asked

He will eat there since he still lacks the energy to move. Luis said

I will bring him food Luis said while smiling with narrow eyes.

Y-yeah. Thanks for the help I said and gave him the plate and bowl.

I don't know why I felt weird when he looked.

Something different but I can't tell what it is.

All of them finished the dishes and I placed them in the sink.

I'll help ya. Liam said

No, the food will get cold so it's better to eat while it's still hot. I said giving the remaining food.

Where's your share? He asked if I would eat after I gave the dogs. I said

Then I serve all the dogs in the big bowl.

So they have their place for eating? Liam said while looking at me.


They haven't touched their food.

Why haven't you started?

We are waiting for you. The two colours eyes guy said while placing his hand on the chin.

Don't worry about me just start to eat or your food will get cold. I said

I went to bring my food and when I came they still hadn't started to eat.

What's wrong?

Just waiting for ya.

Ha, I already said you don't have to.

Then I sat on the last cushion but Luis pointed to the middle of the two guys and said your place is there.


We want to ask questions. So it's better to be close to know better. The two colours eyes said while still hand on the chin.

Well, it's a fair point I guess.

Then I went and sat beside him and Luis.

Liam in front of me.

Then all began to eat.

Wow! It's so tasty.

Can you become a chef in our palace?

Liam said while mouth full of food.

Haha. Thanks, I said while smiling.

So what's your name? It's awkward without knowing your name Said Luis.

Athena Acharya. I said while slurping the soup.

you have a family name? Liam said while backing his head.

Oh, shit I said birth name from my previous life.

Yeah, I do. My grandfather gave me.

You never fail to surprise us.

So, it's your turn what is your name?

I will go First Liam  his hand up and said

My name is Liamamyand de Willam.

Oh, I thought your name was Liam.

No, it's a short form of my name.

So it's your nickname.

Then another guy said I'm Luisanyad, you can call me Luis.

Then I look at another guy.

He put his spoon looked at me and said call me Sean.

Just like that?

You all have a cool name I said while nodding.

How much does your grandfather teach you?

About what I ask looking at Sean.

About this world.


You don't seem like you have any idea about yourself no, this world. He said while looking at me with a serious face.

He hit the nail.

He teaches crafting, hunting and some mathematics.

Mathematics? Liam asks with excitement

Hmm, numbers adding something Like that.

That is so cool I can't solve any maths problem. He said while giving puppy eyes.

It's because you are stupid said sean while smirking.

I clucked.

So you have 0 knowledge about yourself. Sean said with still in serious face.

What about myself?



Oh, looks like they finished their meals.

Then I collect all the other plates from the table and place them in the sink.

I began to wash the dishes. Oh, right what are you talking about my identity? I said looking at Sean.

Forget about it. He said while heading towards the bed.