
For you all

Upon being reborn as a lone wolf in a vast forest, this young woman found herself stripped of her identity and without any allies. In this unfamiliar realm, the concept of fate and mate was considered an undeniable truth. The moment she turned 18, she finally met her mate but was taken aback to find not one, but three potential mates. She was left wondering whether they would accept and cherish her or reject her. Undeterred, she ventured to the kingdom of Wear Wolf and joined the academy. Despite facing numerous challenges, she tackled them head-on and emerged stronger than ever, gaining powerful abilities along the way. She refused to let any obstacle stand in her way.

Beom_Yaoi · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Returning back

I teach them how to catch fish, and we enjoy fishing.

After sometimes later we return to the cave.

Why do the wolves follow your instructions? Did you cast a spell on them to make them so apparent? Liam asked;

No, I thought they would pursue me when we first met, but they are all very amiable and playful just like a puppy.

You are the first she-wolf to declare those wolves to be puppies. Sean said

Haha really, I think of them as a family so it doesn't matter what they are.

How about you, then? Have any of you guys found someone yet?

Someone? Luis scowled.

akin to a lover.

No, they are unable to deal with us. Luis remarked, grinning.

Deal with? How come?

The devil. Sean stated.

A demon? Still, I assumed you were a werewolf.

In the future, you will comprehend. Declared Luis.

Let us go, Athena, and what are these? Pointing at the thread, Luis said.

This is among the items we discovered deep within the forest. Made of spider thread.

I doubt that this is from a typical spider, and it is amazing how you were able to find and take such a high-quality thread. examining the thread, Luis remarked.

I hope I can take away some of these items. I am unwilling to part with this medication, sewing, crafts, etc. In addition to other things. That will be a waste.

You may take as much as you like. With a smile, Luis stated

However, packing everything will undoubtedly be a burden when travelling.

We can take all with sparkling.

Oh, yeah magic. Teach me how to do sparkling.

It will be possible for you to do it after today at midnight. With a pat on my head, Sean said.

I give him a look above. Thus, turning eighteen is a truly unique occasion.

It is, and you have the opportunity to visit the academy to gain comprehensive knowledge about sparkling. Luis added, squinting, "And you can date your mate too."

So you can't turn down your mate?

Do you want to turn it down? Luis raised a voice.

No, I just felt that dating immediately after learning they were mates would be like going on blind dates. I want to take it slow and get to know him better.

That doesn't sound bad to me. You can get to know us better. Sean said with a smile.


I look at him and all three are staring at me with a smile.

So what's your plan? Are you guys returning home or..? I try to change the subject

We will spend some days in this forest and hunt some monsters. 

How many days?

Don't know. Maybe 5 or 7 days.

We went inside the cave where others were resting.

The King gives a smile while I slightly nod.

"After much thought, we decided to head back while my sons stayed behind to train for a few more days. It was hard to leave them, but I know they'll make the most of their time here and come back stronger than ever." The King said

You are welcome to stay as well. I spoke

We would like to but we have to return for two reasons. He said

I gave him a questioning looks

The first one is for our injured comrade and the second one is for we got urgent alter from the palace.

It will probably take some time, even if you decide to come back. Saying

We will use emergency spells for now.

Right now? Are you saying you will be back today?

Yeah, we can't interfere with our son's training so we can't take them.

We will come after training with her. Liam said.

What's the urgency about? Sean asked

Black magic. The guard said with an angry face.

"Today feels like a miracle. First, we were hit by a dark spell and encountered a werewolf who seemed unaware of the danger posed by his fellow wolves, referring to them as mere dogs. Life is full of surprises and one can never predict what might happen next," the King sighed.

why don't you use an emergency spell to come here it will be easier. I asked

The emergency spell will only activated when an emergency time so it's impossible to use it.

Wow, what an interesting thing. I said

Now, it's not time for delay we should prepare it. The guard said.

So all of you are returning while only princes will stay? I ask

Glancing at me and the wolves, the king declared, "It is the best decision and we do not have to worry about them staying here."