
Flügel In DXD

When truck-kun comes for you; and you're forced to become the top dog in an ecchi anime world; what do you do? Our main character here chose his favorite, genocidal bookworms to level the playing field.

Lord_of_FireDrakes · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Where is a Flügel? Who is a Flügel? Why is a Flügel?

Shortly after, the incident in Kouh Town park; In the eye of the Typhoon; named by scientists Mors, Middle of the Pacific, Laputa - Current seat of the Flügel.

Inside a dimly lit, dilapidated stone room, filled to the brim with stacks of books and vines; Sat the new progenitor, reading a classified folder labeled; Fiend Summoning 07. Nearby orbiting in the air above him, was a blue, digital summon; emitting light to read by.

Then in a flash of light, Jibril appeared before him kneeling. Looking up, he smiled warmly.

"Jibril! Good to see you. Did you find and eliminate any of the approved targets?"

"Yes, Master! I found this pitiful crow in the park at Kouh Town umu."

Holding out her hand, Raynare's severed head appeared.

"Oh a Fallen?"

He stretched out his hand, and it floated over into his palm.

"Yes Master; the initial list of selected; as expected, was no challenge."

"Good job, Jibril."

"Ah Master!" She smiled and blushed."

Smiling back, he put down the severed head on a stone platform within reach.

"With this final bit of information, our preparations made during these last few days are complete." "Jibril go and sound the war drum." "It's time the world knows the meaning of our name."

"Nodding excitedly, she promptly teleported."


Nighttime, Abandoned church, Kuoh Town, Japan, Earth DXD

Dohnaseek, walked towards Kalawarner as she sat in a chair inside a room of the abandoned church.

"Kalawarner, have you heard any word from Raynare?"

"No, Is she still messing with that gear user?"

"No idea. It just seems odd for her to be out this long."


High in the dark sky above, the abandoned church; Rafil appeared. Looking down. She raised her hand nonchalantly; dark purple energy formed, a hand sized energy ball in her hand. Directing it towards the church; she released it.

FOOOOOMMMM!!!!!!! A massive blast of dark purple energy; illuminated the night. As the energy dissipated; the spot where the abandoned church used to be was replaced with a deep crater, filled with molten rock.

Afterwards, her monotone voice was heard. "No life signs. So, they truly are that weak. Now just the mad priest. Ah, and he's with one of the chosen."

She flapped her wings once, and disappeared into the night.


Afternoon, United Nations Headquarters, Manhattan, USA, Earth DXD

Azril, flew in broad daylight towards the UN headquarters; then to the fear and puzzlement of onlookers seemingly pulled out of thin air; a massive 25ft sandstone tablet. Dropping it upright, in front of the entrance; she left.

Engraved on the tablet was:

Rejoice, Humanity. The era of strife between peoples and nations of this world is soon to end. For we the Flügel, have come to bring prosperity and order within this world. All shall be under our wings. As of now, you are now under our protection and rule. All those who resist our rule; will be eradicated from this life and the known afterlives. Enjoy world peace, nya <3.

- First born Flügel Azril by order of Lord Nobody

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