
Flügel In DXD

When truck-kun comes for you; and you're forced to become the top dog in an ecchi anime world; what do you do? Our main character here chose his favorite, genocidal bookworms to level the playing field.

Lord_of_FireDrakes · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Hold onto your books

Late Sunday afternoon, at the beginning of the month of April, year 2009, Kuoh Town, Japan, Earth DXD

A young male high school student of average height with short spiky brown hair, with two short locks of hair behind his head, and wore a gray and black outfit. He walked alongside an attractive young teenage girl with violet eyes, and a curvaceous, slender body. Her attire consisted of a short black dress with a small, light purple jacket on top.

As they walked together they passed an electronics store that sold TVs.

"Breaking News! Books and other literature throughout the world have been disappearing en masse; The culprits are still at large, please contact the nearest authorities; if you see any suspicious individuals in possession of books or other literature."

"Wow Yuuma-chan, look at that, book thieves; can't understand why there's people stealing them." (Though, I could understand if they show boobies.)

"Indeed Issei-kun, that is weird. Could we stop by the park?"

Of course, Yuuma-chan! A silly smile crossed his face as he said it.


A beautiful sunset was happening at the Kouh Town park; bringing a golden glow to the surroundings. In front of an elegant round fountain, stood the girl Yuuma with her back facing it. Issei stood in place; facing her with a flushed appearance.

As she slowly made her way towards him she asked him: "Say, Issei-kun. Do you mind doing me a favor to commemorate our first date?" And lowered her head.

Heart pounding the youth responded; "Wh-what kind of favor?"

Raising her head she asked, in a low soft tone: "Could you die please?

"What? Wait, you…Huh? Sorry, Yuuma-chan. Can you repeat that? I think there's something wrong with my ears. Hahaha huh?"

Putting her face to his ear, she whispered; "Could you die please?"


Then she began to transform, and the surrounding sky became a swirling purple color. Issei, shocked, fell to the ground as her transformation finished.

Where the once innocent high school girl used to be; was replaced with an seductive, adult woman with raven black wings in a revealing BDSM outfit.

"Although short lived, playing innocent lovey-dovey with you was fun. I'll take good care of this gift from you. So... "

She brought forth a crimson glowing spear.


"...Please die."

As she pulled back her spear to strike; a unidentified, condescending, polite, female voice was heard; along with the sky fading back to normal.

"Well now." "Are you two out here by yourselves enjoying the fountain? I observed magic energy being used nearby and just had to investigate. And well, look what I found, one of my first approved targets. It's a pleasure to meet you crow."

The voice came from a beautiful young Flügel in the air just above them.

If they had known her identity they would have recognized her as Jibril, one of the first born Flügel that came into existence in this reality. Even without knowing her identity, they both felt a shiver down their spines as she was staring at them.

Quickly pivoting into the air; the fallen angel Raynare, took a defensive flying stance; her weapon pointed towards the unknown winged being.

"What do you want, stranger?"

Smiling sadistically, Jibril summoned a pitch black scythe made out of a menacing energy.

"Just your skull."

After these words, Raynare had her vision spin; and just as she realized what happened, everything faded to black.

Picking up the fallen angel's head by her raven locks; the Flügel waved to the shocked Issei.

"Byebye, human boy."

And promptly flew off into the clouds heading west into the remaining sunlight.


Fun fact: When Sora summons a nuclear bomb in NGNL Volume 2; Jibril protects him and Shiro with a shield while she just takes it at point blank range.

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