
Flügel In DXD

When truck-kun comes for you; and you're forced to become the top dog in an ecchi anime world; what do you do? Our main character here chose his favorite, genocidal bookworms to level the playing field.

Lord_of_FireDrakes · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

A New Name

Underworld, Fallen Angel Territory, Laboratory 4.

Azazel was humming to himself, as he worked on his current sacred gear project.

The door to the lab suddenly burst open. "Governor General!" A plain looking fallen angel in a suit rushed in.

"Domiel? What brings you here?"

"Sir, all of Grigori's headquarters, and various ventures on the earth, have been eradicated with no known survivors; as of now. Also, there's a new unknown group of angelic beings that are calling themselves Flügel. We believe they are primarily responsible. In Addition, they have blatantly revealed the supernatural to the general public."

"Ha, good one Domiel. I thought for a moment you were being serious…"


"I'm sorry sir, but these are facts."

"Contact any of Heaven's and the Devil's major leadership stat! Get every available member of Grigori to search and obtain information on this unknown group. I'm going to examine the sites myself. Let Baraqiel know he is to accompany me."

"Sir, …Baraqiel is among the missing."

"No... Taking a moment of silence, Azazel stopped moving. Then spoke again; What's the condition of the kids in Slash/Dog Team?"

"They are still currently doing a special training exercise, here in the underworld."

"Well that's good."

"Yes, Sir."

Heading towards the door, Azazel picked up his jacket.

"Contact me, as soon as you receive any new information."

"Understood, sir."


The eye of Typhoon Mors, Middle of the Pacific, Laputa - Current seat of the Flügel.

Asia was seriously contemplating, if she was experiencing a holy vision right now.

Moments earlier, Freed had been leering lecherously at her various body parts, as he waved his gun directly in her face.

Then a young female Angel appeared in the house before them; and as she appeared; she promptly severed Freed's head off his body with a wave of dark purple energy. The angel had aquamarine hair and peculiar golden eyes.

After doing this, she reached out her hand in invitation; asking. "Would you like to meet our lord and master?" Her voice was soft and monotone.

Asia, with wide eyes slowly nodded silently. Then after taking the winged messenger's hand; they disappeared to this awe inspiring location.


A massive tree sat in the middle of an ancient, flying city overtaken by nature. Numerous other young girl angels could be seen; mainly reading books with many unread books lazily floating in the air around and past them.

The angel that slew Freed, led me across the majestic heavenly city; through archways and numerous thickets filled with adorable birds and small beasts.

We entered a clearing; and saw an extremely handsome male angel talking with a tall aged robot covered in moss. Turning, he smiled; "Well done Rafil, and welcome Asia Argento."

As he turned towards us, I felt a mighty pressure envelope me. Clutching my cross, I kneeled and bowed my head.

He then spoke to me. "Raise your head." I promptly did so, and looked into his orange cross eyes; and asked "What should I call you?"

"Good question, my true name is a mystery to even myself. But I have been using the name Nobody of late; it's a bit impersonal for friends; I realize though. Do you by chance have any thoughts on name creation?

This must be a test. Gathering my resolve; I pondered his words, a mystery, nobody and name creation. Is he referencing the first chapter of the Bible? Since it talks about the earth being formless and the scriptures talking about the Word creating the earth. I spoke; "The holy scripture Genesis."

"Genesis huh, that's not a bad name, I like it. You can call me that from now on.

To the world I'm Lord Nobody and to my friends I'm Genesis the Progenitor of Flügels. Rafil, especially you and our sisters should call me Genesis from now on.

Shyly nodding her head, the angel called Rafil responded affirmatively. I raised my hand and asked the divine being; What's a Flügel?

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