
fate of a MAGE (Fate:stay night)

a man from a world at war is reborn in a world of magic, what happens when a man hardened by a war between supernatural is involved in the magecraft of another world

ren2345 · Others
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23 Chs

the truth-2

"What do you mean?" Kurono mumbled as mana exploded from him, but unknown to anyone but Zelretch, there was something else mixed in with his mana, something far more ancient,

the Vampire became serious as he said,

"I would like it if you calm down and let me complete, but beware that what i am about to tell you will change everything for you," Zelrestche said,

Kurono started to shake in rage but then, a hand landed on his shoulder, he looked back to see Ruler giving him a reassuring smile, after some time, he calmed down and motioned for the vampire to start talking,

"A few years before the Fuyuki fire incident, your parents came to me for help, the reason was that you were born with a power that automatically made you a target for both Gaia and Alaya, it was your element, True Ether," Zelretch said to which Kurono showed a shocked expression,

"It was believed by everyone that if someone had the Element of True Ether and are able to master it then they can, in theory, use it to restore the planet back to times when the Gods roamed around the planet among men, however, this would spell doom for both Gaia and Alaya, because no deity will allow the existence of either of them, thus, throughout history, the both of them had made it a habit to kill off the wielders of true ether when they were nothing more than children, of course, there were rare exceptions, but still, your parents could not take that risk, so they asked me to send you away to a different world," he said, Kurono was now on the verge of breakdown,

Throughout his life, he had always thought that his parents had died in service of mankind, but now, it was revealed that they had not died but had instead sent him away to live as an orphan to let him escape from the two Deities,

"After that, i had started to search for a world that was suitable for you to live in, but then i remembered, no matter where you are, you will one day return to this section of the multiverse,this was your destiny, but if that's so, then you will need a lot of power to go against Gaia and Alaya, so i decided to sent you away to the universe of the Watchers, where the Age of Gods never ended and humanity was strong enough to fight against even the Gods themselves,and you did not disappoint me, you have grown to such an extent that you are able to fight the both of them on even footing,but Gaia has already realized your presence here in the past few months even with me masking your energy signature, if we do not send you away from this world soon enough, she will unleash her champions on you, the same will happen with Alaya who has already begun to suspect me, that is why i came here, to take you away after the Grail is destroyed"

he said to which Kurono was thrown into deep thought, but then he remembered something and said,

"what do you mean to destroy the Grail?"

"Ah? right you don't know, the Grail has already been corrupted with an Evil God called Angra Manyu, so no matter what anyone would wish on it, the only result will be the end of the world" he said to which Ruler showed a horrified expression as Kurono gave a tired expression,

"was it too much to ask to let me live with my family without another Apocalypse level event happening?" he mumbled, Zelretch grinned and said,

"Kid, there is no way that you can live a normal life"