
fate of a MAGE (Fate:stay night)

a man from a world at war is reborn in a world of magic, what happens when a man hardened by a war between supernatural is involved in the magecraft of another world

ren2345 · Others
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23 Chs


"but what are you planning on doing? because i sure as hell am not going to leave behind my family to go to a different world again" Kurono said to which Zelretch said,

"then it is fine if i send them with you right? besides, when i am done training you, you will be able to completely master the True Ether, then you should be able to create a new kind of magic yourself, what was it called again? ah yes, 'world-class magic' right?" zelretch said to which Kuruno nodded,

soon, Kurono and a stupefied Ruler were taken back to the now ruined church along with Zelretch,


near the church,

after Gilgamesh was defeated, all the servants gathered in a single area but the situation was tense as Ruler and her master were missing,

all the masters had assumed that someone must have taken the opportunity to take them out, but the servants were having a hard time believing it, it was because of Ruler herself and her master, both of them seemed invincible when fighting together,

just as things were about to escalate, a portal of Kaleidoscope opened from which the said duo emerged along with Zelretch,

Zelretch then told the servants a heavily modified version of the truth about th grail being corrupted,

at first, all the magus were having a hard time believing him, but after remembering that it was with his help that the grail was created, they took his word for it and began planning,

a few days later,

near the entrance to the Greater Grail,

"Ruler, use your noble phantasm to destroy that thing, we cannot risk it being intact like the last time" Kurono said to which Ruler nodded, but on the inside, she was hesitant to destroy the grail, it was because she knew that without the grail, she will be forced back into the throne of heroes and be separated from her master, she did not like that at all, in the past few days, she had come to like his presence, and now, she was way too attached to him to let go, however, unknown to her, her master was also having the same thoughts,even Saber had begun to grow feelings for Shirou and was unwilling to go,

but, her duty came before her love, and so, ruler walked towards the Grail and activated her noble phantasm for the first time,

"Holy Lance, anchor!"

"Let light be released from the Ends of the World. It shall split the heavens, and connect the land. The anchor of the Storm! Rhongomyniad!!"

she shouted as a pillar of light that embodies the connection between the normal world and the reverse side of the world struck the grail, obliterating it from existence,

as the golden specks of light flew around in the air, the servants waited, ready to disappear, but instead of disappearing to their surprise, a strange form of energy started to flow into all of them,


as Ruler used her noble phantasm, the weight in Kurono's hear grew heavier and heavier, just as he was about to crush those feelings, Sakura came to his side and said,

"What is it Kurono-san?" she said to which he looked towards the girl, the girl for which he had harbored feeling in secret for a long time but suppressed them for his brother,

before he could reply, however, Sakura said,

"i know how you feel Kurono-san, i too, do not want to lose Rider, the servants have become a part of our lives over the last few days if only, there was a way" she mumbled,

suddenly, kurono remembered his talk with Zelretch, if what he said is true, then he should be able to do anything with his True ether, but how to activate it?

he started to calm his mind and heart as he dwelled deeper into his soul, this was a technique that all MAGEs were taught, it was very essential to gain control of one's mana,


in the mindscape,

Kurono looked around his soul, many different orbs of different colors revolving around two bigger orbs of light which were stationary,

this was his origin and his elements,

the stationary orbs were his origin, one purple, and the other dark, was Power and Destruction respectively,

the 9 orbs orbiting the origin were his elements,

red orb-fire

blue ord-water

green orb-wind

brown orb-earth

white orb-ether(void)

yellow orb with sparks-lightning

grey orb-metal


cyan orb-True Ether,

Kurono started to head towards his True Ether element and tried to awaken it with his will, but it would not respond,

he kept trying to awaken it again and again, but it would not respond,

"Damn it!!, i don't have much time!!" he mumbled and concentrated harder, he remembered all the faces of his loved ones, and imagined loosing Ruler,

for a few seconds, the Image of Ruler was replaced by a girl with deep black hair and red eyes,

immediately, power exploded from his ethereal form as the orbs started to shake violently,

"I refuse to lose someone once again, i promised her that i would not be weak anymore, that i will not be controlled by my power but control it instead, and i will control you!!!!" he shouted as the monstrous amount of will exploded from him, all of his MAGE augmentations activated at once as his soul forcefully tore open the orb that looked away his True ether,

his inner world shook from the power generating from his soul as the mana produced from him skyrocketed, his normal output of 100,000 units went to 300,000 to 500,000 and kept rising with no end,

all the while, his astral form was forcefully devouring the True ether released by the orb, his origin of Power and Destruction shone brightly without his notice as his power kept on increasing without any limit,

"are you going to let it control you again?"

just as Kurono was about to lose himself to his lust for power, a melodic voice resounded in the mindscape, this voice immediately jolted him awake from his trance as he realized what was going on,

"Even in death, you still try to protect me" he mumbled as the orbs around him calmed down and the True ether orb was completely depleted,

Kurono slowly tried to sense the true ether but was stupefied at what he found,

his mana and True ether had combined together to give rise the purest form of energy in existence, it flowed through his body as fluidly as his mana did and he seemed to instinctually know how to use his power,

smirking to himself, he left his mindscape and returned to his body,



just as he returned to his body, he saw ruler destroying the Grail, he knew he had to act quickly, he used the Continental-class magic and traced the True ether all the way back to the Swirl of root, as soon as he touched upon the root, he felt something trying to invade him, he knew what it was, it was the true magic, but he discarded the feeling, effectively rejecting the power, it was because he knew the price for the price, he would lose his True Ether if he were to accept the true magic, it was something he could not afford, he then traced the path of the deceased servants and came upon the place where the heroic Spirits rested,

he immediately used his Mana to latch on to the newly deceased servants, Karna and Iskandar and pulled them out to be summoned once again,

once he was done, he used his mana to sever the connection between the Servants and the Throne while creating artificial bodies for them, similar to Gilgamesh, without them noticing,

as soon as the servants realized that something was wrong and that they were not disappearing, Kurono smirked in Exhaustion and said,

"looks like you guys are stuck with us for a while"

and then he fell to the ground unconscious

it is a bit rushed, but the next chapter is the epilogue and the end of the first volume,

ren2345creators' thoughts