
fate of a MAGE (Fate:stay night)

a man from a world at war is reborn in a world of magic, what happens when a man hardened by a war between supernatural is involved in the magecraft of another world

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23 Chs

the truth

while the servants were having a serious battle against the king of heroes, Kurono himself was facing a serious problem,

the moment Iskandar had activated his Noble Phantasm, Kurono had immediately used his Slip-space to bypass the distortion and landed back in the real world with Ruler, but what he did not expect was to come face to face with an old man that gave off a very bad feeling to him,

"you are full of surprises aren't you? kid" he said as Kurono became tense, he had already sensed this man's aura and immediately recognized it as a Vampire Lord, or as they are called here, a Dead Apostle ancestor,

the reason why it was so troublesome to deal with a Vampire Lord is because of their absolute control over their chosen element, Even a Continental-class MAGE would not be able to rival a Vampire Lord's control over their element, fortunately, their over-specialization was also their downfall, because a MAGE was nothing if not versatile,

Kurono was about to call out his Sword, Frostmourne, the blade which the researchers back home had created as a joke based on the sword from a game, but ended up becoming the most powerful weapon in existence,

unlike its counterpart, it was not made to contain a Demon's soul, but was created to be a weapon suitable for a top-class MAGE,

when Nicholas heard that his student was getting an exclusive weapon similar to the other two World-class MAGEs, he volunteered to help, he used his philosopher's stone to transmute Titanium, Mithril, Tungsten, and an unknown metal from Mars to create a metal that was completely indestructible, however, the metal never received a name from the Watchers because of how small the quantity was, and Nicholas could not recreate the metal,just to make the small amount of it, he had ended up using three philosopher's stones using his world-class magic because of how fast the stones burned out under the strain,another reason was that the unknown metal from mars was already exhausted and there was no way for them to find any more of it,

once the base of the blade was forged, Shaw Fujikawa, the other World-class magic-user, used his mastery over runes to reinforce the blade, he inscribed the rune of Acceleration, weight amplification, mana channeling, reinforcement, mana absorption from the atmosphere, holy-shadow attributes, elemental resistance, Anti-magic properties, and owner recognition, on it, most of the attributes were contradictory and potentially fatal, but Shaw made it work with his peerless mastery over runes, he then disguised all the runes by creating cosmetic runes which resembled the etchings on the blade from the game,

once the blade was complete, Kurono was instructed to give a drop of blood to the sword, when he did that, the blade immediately used the owner recognition function to bind the sword to his DNA, no one aside from him could use the blade anymore,

his sword had accompanied him through every war and battles he fought and was just as much a part of him as his armor,

just as he was about to call out his sword from his pocket space, the world around him and Ruler twisted as kaleidoscope colors started to move around,

as soon as they were out of the portal, Kurono immediately drew his blade which gave off a bluish aura, and started to power up by absorbing the mana in the surroundings,

"wait, wait, no need to fight, kid, i just wanted to talk to you in private" the old man said to which Kurono became even more tense, given the way they had travelled, Kurono guessed that this must be Zelretch, the wielder of the second true magic, of course, the true magic was nothing more than an over-glorified continental-class magic- Dimension Jump, but much more efficient than his version from back home,

"what do you want Zelretch?" he said to which the Vampire grinned and said,

"You sure did grow up eh kid? back then you would always jump headfirst without thinking anything, but it seems you've grown up it? Zelretch mumbled which kurono picked up thanks to his superhuman senses,

"what the hell are you talking about? we never met before!!" Kurono shouted, something was not right and it was making him tense and temperamental,

"what do you know about your parents' kid?" zelretched asked, seriously,

"Why should i tell you-" "just humor me" the vampire interrupted to which Kurono doubtfully said,

"They died in a Vampire attack when i was very small," he said to which Zelretch said seriously,

"Is that what the Watchers told you?" Zelretch said in amusement to which Kurono was stupefied and then got on guard as Frostmourne started to hum with power,

" how do you know about the Watchers?" Kurono asked to which Zelretch smiled,

"one of their founding members was a friend of mine, admittedly, he was leagues above me in power but still, he was a very dear friend," he said as a fond smile came onto his lips as he remembered a Tempermental young man who went on to become the shield of humanity from the forces of darkness that they had no idea about.

he then shook his head and said,

"did you ever find it strange that you and Shirou share the same Blood? that you two are siblings while you are from a completely different world?" Zelretch said to which Kurono slowly nodded, ever since he came to this world, this was the one question that he was never able to find an answer to,

"It is because you are not from a Different world," Zelretch said to the dumbfounded Kurono,