
fate of a MAGE (Fate:stay night)

a man from a world at war is reborn in a world of magic, what happens when a man hardened by a war between supernatural is involved in the magecraft of another world

ren2345 · Others
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23 Chs

red vs blue

in the Emiya household,

ruler had called everyone in the house to inform them of important news,

"so, you are telling us that every master and servent in fuyuki is now designated as the blue faction while those outsides of it are designated as the red team? and your freedom to chose a side is also restricted?" shouted rin as ruler nodded,

ruler had informed them about the information she received from the grail about the reserve system,

rin then looked towards Kurono who shrugged his shoulders at the information,

"Why are you so calm about this Emiya-san? don't you realize that you cannot have your wish granted anymore?" Rin once again shouted

she knew very well that any other magus who had his chance at winning the grail taken from him would freak out,

Shirou was feeling sad for his brother while Sakura and Illya were feeling the same, however, it was only the servants who noticed the smirk on Kurono's face

"who said i can't have my wish granted? my wish has long since been fulfilled" he said and walked towards his room, this surprised all the masters and servants and made them wonder what his wish was, Ruler then asked,

"where are you going master?"

"Judging from what you said, the masters from the Red faction should be arriving here at any moment to meet the Ruler of this war, and as the master of Ruler, i cannot appear in front of our 'esteemed' guests without a proper dress, can i?" he said and disappeared into his room,

leaving behind stupefied masters and amused servants


in his room,

Kurono was in a dilemma,

he was staring at a futuristic-looking armor which was black in color with red highlights, it's helmed was also completely black save for a red visor (author notes: SPARTAN armor but completely black with red lines running around)

the reason for his dilemma was the bloodlust coming off of it, this was the MAGE armor that had accompanied him through many wars and battles, it was his partner as no one aside from him is capable of using it,

it had bathed in the blood the supernatural so much that it had begun generating killing intent and bloodlust so strong, that even the vampires of his old world, the creatures are known for their bloodlust, would tremble in fear in front of the armor, hence, it was named, Incursio, the demon armor

"Might as well see how much the kids can endure" Kurono mumbled and started to put on the armor


in the Emiya household

there was a tense silence as the newly arrived red faction stared at the blue faction

Ruler sat calmly, waiting for her master,

Rin and Luvia were at each other's throats while Shirou tried to calm them down in a futile effort, Luvia's Archer was looking at Caster from the blue faction with sadness while Caster herself sneered with hatred towards the said Archer,

Waver watched with a small smile as his lord started to annoy the saber of the blue faction, both the servants remembered each other very well, saber was not truly dead so she retained all her memories from the wars while Rider had Waver recorded in his reality marble as one of his subordinates, hence he had access to all the memories from when they had fought together,

both the Assasins stared at each other, trying to find the weakness of the other,

the Berserker from the red faction curiously waved her hand in front of the other Berserker who stood like a statue without any movement

lancer of blue was trying to provoke the lancer of red into a fight while the said lancer completely ignored the Hound of Ireland

Archer of blue was staring at the Saber of red as he traced his blade into his reality marble,

Rider of blue, who sat beside her master, Sakura was looking at the Caster of red, for some reason, she gave off a very dangerous feeling to the Gorgon, in a very sneaky manner, she moved closer to sakura so that if something were to happen, she would immediately use her Noble phantasm to escape the place with her master,

just as the tension was about to escalate, everyone in the room felt a crushing bloodlust coming from upstairs, immediately, the servants went on alert as they brought out their weapons to deal with the threat, even the Lancer of blue, whose weapon was the embodiment of bloodlust was shaking in fear in the presence of the blood lust,

footsteps echoed in the house as a figure clad in a futuristic-looking armor came down,

Ruler immediately recognized the armor from her dreams and stood up,

"looks like everyone is here" the thick voice came from the man in armor