
fate of a MAGE (Fate:stay night)

a man from a world at war is reborn in a world of magic, what happens when a man hardened by a war between supernatural is involved in the magecraft of another world

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the great war

all across the world, the effects of the great war was being felt,

in London, a certain girl in the Edelfelt family received the command seals and decided to summon an archer class servant,

in the clock tower, Gordes Musik, a magus with the rank of Pride, received the command seals and decided to summon a saber class servant,

in the same place, a pair of siblings from the Forvedge family received their command seals which they decided to use and summon berserker and lancer respectively,

Lord El-Melloi II or Waver Velvet, received the command seals, he immediately decided to call forth his lord in the Rider class once again,

two unknown magus from a magus family received the command seals for the war and summoned caster and Assasin respectively, however, both of the servants killed their masters, assassin then formed a contract with caster,

all the masters and servants started to travel towards the war zone of fuyuki, a place which would be the burial grounds for most of them


Emiya household,

it had been some time since Rin had arrived and chewed out Shirou for keeping secrets from her, she especially did not like the fact that Shirou had met her rival a few years ago,

a few years ago, when rin had gone to the clock tower for a year of study, she had met Luvia Edelfelt and immediately, both the girls declared each other as rivals, it was also during this time that Luvia had arrived in Fuyuki for a few days on business and was thoroughly infatuated with Shirou,

as the two masters continued their arguing, Kurono focused his gaze on Rin's servant, for some reason, he looked very familiar to him, but every time he tried to use his senses, it was as if the world itself was stopping him from knowing his identity,

after some time, he gave up and decided to head to bed, his servant doing the same as she headed to her own room,


during the night,

ruler or Artoria was having a nightmare, but after waking up she would realize that it was her master's memories,

(in the dream)

Artoria watched as an army of creatures that she recognized as demons from the bible, were moving towards a group of 3 men standing in front of them, all of the men had futuristic-looking armor on them, but she recognized the runes that were inscribed on them to be similar to the ones her master used,

she watched as the army consisting of millions of demons attacked the men, however, contrary to common sense, it was the three men who were pushing back the army of demons,

one of them, wielding a strange-looking gun, shot down demons left and right, another one used a war hammer to creatively reshape the terrain with his mighty blows,

the last one, however, was using a bastard sword to cleave through the army,

soon, the land was filled with bodies and the oceans filled with black blood, and amidst this battlefield, the three men stood victorious,

Ruler was shocked speechless at the spectacle, even though she was never there, the aura from these creatures alone told her that each one of them was on par with the true dragon she had slain in her life,

under her stupefied face, the three warriors removed their helmets to reveal their faces, one of them had deep black hair and hollow eyes as if he had no purpose, another one looked to be a middle-aged man with a bald head and brown eyes, however, it was the last one that drew her attention,

it was none other than her master, Kurono, but he looked much more mature than he was now, he looked to be at least 25 years old,

however, suddenly, the three men put their helmets back on as the earth began to shake, sometime later, a gigantic humanoid entirely made of fire with two horns and a gigantic sword came out of the ground,

ruler shouted in fear and horror as she saw the giant swing his sword towards her master,

(end dream)

ruler sat up on her bet, covered in cold sweat as she frantically looked around the room, after realizing that it was the dream cycle, she began to calm down,

at first, she was terrified at the power displayed by her master, but then, her admiration for him grew even more and could not help but feel prideful for having such a strong master, she truly admired his courage for taking on an entire army of demons with nothing but his sword and his two comrades,

unknown to her, in the room beside her, her master also felt his admiration for her grow as he watched her memories and her hardship for the sake of her people,