
fate of a MAGE (Fate:stay night)

a man from a world at war is reborn in a world of magic, what happens when a man hardened by a war between supernatural is involved in the magecraft of another world

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23 Chs

the identity

Kurono was very happy with the reaction he was getting,

he could see that Shirou, Illya, and Sakura were able to deal with the bloodlust and killing intent much better than Rin, Kuzuki was completely unfazed with the killing intent, as if he was incapable of showing emotions,Kotomine, on the other hand, showed a delighted expression at the suffering of others, this immediately set off warning bells in Kurono,

he then looked towards the Red faction which showed a much more composed expression than the others,

the servants, on the other hand, had very unique expressions, their faces were the mix of shock, caution, and fear,

the reason was the barrier he had set up some time ago, it was continental class magic-Absolute Ruler, it allowed him to control the area inside the barrier as he wanted, he had made it so that, while inside the barrier, no one was able to use magecraft or noble phantasm,

suddenly, he was hit in his head by Ruler who had a disapproving look on her face and said,

"enough scaring them master, they might actually start fighting any moment now," she said to which he shrugged and took off his helmet to reveal his face, immediately, his sibling and sakura along with their servants relaxed,

then suddenly, Kurono thought of an amusing idea and manipulated the barrier in such a way that any question or order he makes would become absolute,

he then sat down and said,

" now that everyone is here, all servants, reveal you're true identities!!" he said to which everyone showed a stupefied expression, but suddenly, the servants involuntarily began speaking, much to their terror,

"I am Seigfried, Saber of Red"

"I am Karna, Lancer of Red"

"I am Atlanta, Archer of Red"

"I am Ishkindar, Rider of Red"

"I am Semaris, Caster of Red"

"I am Hassan-i-Sabbah, Assasin of Red"

"I....AM...FRANKENSTEIN...MONSTER...BERSERKER" berserker said in a broken voice,

after the hold on them was released, the servants glared at the blue servants to which many of them smirked in glee, but it did not stay for long as the spell caught hold of the Blue servents,

"I am Artoria Pendragon, Saber of Blue"

"I am Cú Chulainn, Lancer of Blue"

"I am EMIYA, Archer of Blue"

to this most of the people showed a dumbfounded look, even Kurono himself was stunned at the reveal, yes, he had thought that Archer looked eerily similar to Shirou, but now, his doubts were confirmed,

"I am Medusa, Rider of Blue"

"I am Medea, Caster of Blue," she said as she looked with hatred towards Atlanta who looked down in sadness,

"I am Sasaki Koujirou, Assasin of Blue"

"This is Heracles, the greatest Greek hero, he is my berserker!!!" Illya said cheerfully in place of the unmoving berserker, to this many people showed a surprised expression,

there were four servants with a Greek origin, this was definitely rare,

The ruler then came forward and said,

"I am Artoria Pendragon, King of Storms and i serve as the Ruler for this War, now that everyone had been introduced thanks to my master" as she glared towards her master who showed an amused smile, " We should get to the first order of business, i have received information from the grail that until an anomaly has been dealt with, the war cannot begin" she said to which Ishkindar said,

"the archer of the previous Grail war is still alive, unless we locate him and slay him, we cannot begin the war" rider said to which everyone showed a dumbfounded expression, two servants in particular, however, had horrified expressions, Waver himself had a terrified look on his face,

"GILGAMESH IS STILL ALIVE????" Saber shouted, remembering the monster of a servant form the previous was to which the Ruler nodded,

Ishkindar shuddered when he remembered the servant who had slain him in the previous war and destroyed his reality marble,

Kurono, however, was staring at Kotomine who had an uncomfortable look on his face, something was fishy here, he could sense it,

he got up from his position and went towards Kotomine and secretly used his Mind walker spell to learn his memories,

soon an amused worked its way onto his face,

"aren't you a piece of work? Kotomine" he said as killing intent exploded from his body,