
fate of a MAGE (Fate:stay night)

a man from a world at war is reborn in a world of magic, what happens when a man hardened by a war between supernatural is involved in the magecraft of another world

ren2345 · Others
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23 Chs

Demon's Light

When Kurono looked into his mind, it felt as if something was shielding it, something demonic, but what he did manage to gain infuriated him to no end,

he saw how he was a broken man without the ability to live like a normal man, how he had used the orphans from the fire as living batteries for the Archer class servant of the previous war,

how he was responsible for the death of the Tohsakas, Rin's and Sakura's parents,

how he had purposely lost all the Tohsaka fortune so that Rin would suffer from lack of resources,

how he was, even now, spying on all the masters and servants for Gilgamesh,

but most of all, it infuriated him to no end that he was responsible for the death of his father's wife and Illya's mother,

"aren't you a piece of work? Kotomine" he said as killing intent exploded from his body,

he had not felt this angry since the invasion of the Demon realm, also known as hell, from a newly created dimensional gateway that a foolish researcher had recreated based on the Stargate found on mars.


everyone in the room, including Ruler herself, felt extreme suffocation, if the killing intent from before was a flood, then this time, it was Tsunami, there was nothing they could do to fight the fear and terror rising in their hearts,even Saber seriously doubted if Excalibre, the crystallization of hope, would be able to negate this fear and instill hope in their hearts.

they watched as Kurono slowly raised his hand and pointed towards Kotomine and said two words that would haunt them forever,

"Demon's Light"

immediately, Kotomine was covered in blue flames, he did not even have the time to scream before he evaporated into nothing, not even ash was left after that,

all the masters started to shake with fear, but it was even more terrifying for the Servants,

because of their connection with the Grail, and in turn, to the Lay lines, they sensed what had actually happened,

the flames had completely destroyed Kotomine, not just his body, but his soul as well, but it did not stop there, the flames had actually managed to destroy the very concept of Kotomine Kirei in this world,

if such a flame were to hit a Servant, not only would the soul be destroyed, even the Heroic Spirit in the Throne of Heroes would lose the aspect which had been summoned,

for example, if the flame were to hit the current version of Saber, then the Heroic Spirit would lose herself which was once known as the King of knights, she would only be left with her princess Lilly form and her King of Storm form, along with her Alter persona,

this had terrified the servants very much as they wearily looked at Kurono,


unlike what the Servants were thinking, Kurono could not spam the spell that he used just now,

what he used was his one and only World-class spell-Demon Light,

it was a spell that he had created during the Demon Wars, he created this spell so that he could destroy the Demon hoards effectively,

the Demons from his world were very peculiar, once a demon was slain, it's soul would travel back to Hell where, after a few days, it would develop a new body and come back to fight, these tactics applied by the forces of hell proved to be very problematic, to deal with this problem, Kurono became an apprentice to the only two known World-class magic users, Nicolas Flamel and Shaw Fujikawa,

soon, he learns how the World-class magic works and managed to create his one and only World-class spell, he named it Demons light, because it would bring the judgment of light to the darkness of the Demons,


"now that the Traitor has been dealt with, let's go find Gilgamesh," Kurono said as he put on his helmet and started to walk towards the door,

"wait!!, do you even know where he is?" Saber shouted to which he turned towards them and said,

"As a matter of fact, I do," he said and flew off into the air under the Dumbfounded masters and Servants who were still trying to process just what had happened,