
fate of a MAGE (Fate:stay night)

a man from a world at war is reborn in a world of magic, what happens when a man hardened by a war between supernatural is involved in the magecraft of another world

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side story: the thoughts of a Vampire

in the Clock Tower, London,

an old man dressed in a suit, with white hair and red eyes was sitting behind his desk while in deep thought,

the reason for his contemplation can be seen through a small portal floating in front of him

it showed the image of Kurono and the other factions heading towards the church to deal with Gilgamesh,

this was none other than, Kischur Zelretch Schweinorg, the Wizard Marshal, and the old man of the jewels,

"i must find a way to get him off this world as soon as possible" he muttered as he looked towards Kurono who was flying in the air,

unknown to anyone, Zelretch had been keeping an eye on Kurono ever since he had arrived in this world, after all, no space-time anomaly can escape the notice of the Second true magic,

the reason for his worries, however, was the hidden element of Kurono that Kiritsugu had long since discovered but chose not to inform Kuronon,

True Ether,

the element that made up the planet, gods and phantasmal creatures,

"We have delayed this matter long enough, we have to get him off this sector of the multiverse as soon as possible, we cannot allow the reenactment of the Age of Gods at any cost," said a voice belonging to a figure hidden in the shadows,

"You really are afraid of the boy eh? Gaia" zelretch said to which he suddenly felt a crushing pressure on him,

"You may be a child of the moon but do not forget that right now, you are living on the earth," said the Avatar of Gaia as she disappeared into nothing,

"Kurono Emiya, I am sorry, but it seems that i cannot save you any more kid, it is about time you know the truth" he mumbled as he watched the image of Kurono breaking into the Fuyuki church,

i know it is short, the next chapter will be up soon, also, we are nearing the end of volume 1

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