
fate of a MAGE (Fate:stay night)

a man from a world at war is reborn in a world of magic, what happens when a man hardened by a war between supernatural is involved in the magecraft of another world

ren2345 · Others
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23 Chs


3 years later,

after Kurono had recovered from his exhaustion, he was approached by Zelretch who had wanted to take him away to a different sector of the Multiverse, but Kurono refused to leave before he destroyed Gaia and Alya of this world,

At first, Zelretch refused to help because he knew that even though they were sometimes irrational, the existence of the two deities was important to the survival of mankind, but Kurono managed to convince him to help him destroy the deities in only this world alone,

for the next two years, Zelretch drove Kurono and ruler into the ground with his training, but it bore fruit as Kurono now had full control over his True ether,

but it was also during this time that the adverse effects were starting to show, his origin of power and destruction began to make him very destructive in his attacks and he was slowly becoming power-hungry, fortunately, Shirou had managed to inform Ruler and Sakura, who had already decided to share Kurono about what Kiritsugu had told him when they were little, the only way to control Kurono's origin was with love and will, will is something he had in spades, but it was love that he was laking,

For the next few months, the girls had successfully managed to make Kurono open up and had become a family,

After that, Kurono managed to control his origins and became even more powerful, he had also ended up creating new World-class magic, but this magic came at a price,

soon after that,

the war between Kurono and the two deities began,

it was Alaya who had made the first move, it was because Kurono had used his True ether to sever the contract between Alaya and the alternate version of Shirou, EMIYA, this had enraged the Deitie for losing one of her best dogs,

the following fight was something that even Zelretch had called Legendary,

every time Alaya summoned her counter guardians, Kurono would sever their contract from her, the now free guardians would fight against the deity, the process kept on repeating until Alaya had run out of her guardians, but then, she connected with herself from different dimensions to draw on their power, but Kurono nullified that using his Continental-class magic-Dimension Lock,

Alaya was then forced to take on a physical avatar to fight the MAGE, the following fight stretched on for a few days until Kurono used his sword, Frostmourne's Anti-magic properties to cut apart the deity and absorb all her power into the sword, he then used the Soul Eater magic to consume her consciousness, effectively ending her on this world,

As soon as Alaya had died, Gaia took the opportunity to release all the magical creatures from the Reverse side of the world in an effort to wipe out humanity, but it backfired on her as Ruler, who was now much more powerful than when she was alive, used her noble phantasm to permanently seal the connection between the reverse side and the normal world,

as most of her fighting power was sealed away, just like Alaya, Gaia was forced to take a physical avatar to fight Kurono, the result was the same as Alaya as she too was destroyed, but her death had a much more powerful impact on the world,

As the personification of the planet had died, the world itself began to deteriorate, but fortunately, Kurono used his True Ether to reshape the world into one that did not need a deity to be alive to function, he also modified all the living creatures so that they do not need the existence of magic to live, this was the new magic that he had developed, World-class magic-terraformation,

for the next year, Kurono lived a peaceful life with his family, Shirou was now together with Saber and Rin, and surprisingly Medusa, Kurono had also lifted the Madness enchantment from Heracles, but even then he did not speak very often and just stayed by Illya's side, Kurono himself was now together with Ruler and Sakura, who had managed to find the courage to confess to him,

all the other masters and servants were traveling the world to observe the changes it had gone through after their death,

however, soon Zelretch returned with bad news, he had found out that the very universe was rejecting Kurono because of his actions of destroying the native deities, so he had to leave this universe for good, if not, not only him, but even his loved ones would be affected by the rejection,

and so, it was decided that Zelretch would take them to a different universe,

Shirou along with Rin and Saber had volunteered to join him in his journey, Illya had stuck to him saying that he was not getting rid of her that easy,

And so, the Emiya family departed their universe for a world where the Age of Gods never ended,

so that is the end of volume 1, the next volume will begin in two days, meanwhile, i would like to request you guys to read another one of my stories called 'Highschool DXD: Alternate humanity ' please leave your comments ad review for the story, see ya

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